
Marvel's Black Steel

Nothing special, it's just that your average nigga end's up dying while following his heart as he protects a woman from rape; you know, the usual BS. Dude ends up dying, only to reincarnate in a world full of people that can destroy universes on a whim, and all that other crazy stuff, lucky for our MC, he happens to meet a chill yet powerful being that reincarnates him with the potential of the strongest version of Superman; Superman Prime One-Million. _______ Would like to point out, MC won't be an edgy villain or anything of the sort; he's got a good heart, and will be raised by kindhearted parents, though as it is the marvel universe and the not the goody two shoes DC universe, he will kill people, though, only when absolutely required to. Also, this novel is a slightly slow, so you've been warned. Ps. I've set this novel up for both a Harem and Non-Harem route, so really it depends what ya'll want, so you gotta let me know; though like I said, the novel is a little slow on the uptake, so don't expect that much romance in the beginning. I also haven't read any of the marvel comics, so all of my knowledge is coming from the movies and wiki-fandom, so don't expect me to get super in depth on comic lore. Although I know this kind of novel has been done several times before, I've only read like two that I really fucked with, so I wanted to make my own, hopefully ya'll enjoy and if you do, might as well leave a review

Ozonelayer · Filme
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206 Chs

Chapter 35: Ignorance Shines Again

Shaking my head at what that fool Magneto said, I walked towards Professor X, who was currently in the air moving at a snail's pace, and estimated where he'd land before walking there and allowing time to return to normal. Once it did, Professor X flew right towards me; outstretching my hand, I grabbed his wheelchair by the wheel, trying my best to keep the damage to a minimum before gently setting him on the ground.

"Yo, you good?" Asked Pharaoh as he set Professor X on the ground while looking at his body, checking for any internal damages.

"Well, I'm better than I would've been without your assistance, young Pharaoh; thank you." Replied Professor X with an uncomfortable expression as he patted his chest, only for him to wince slightly in pain.

"Professor!" Yelled Storm, Colossus, and Bobby as they, along with Wolverine and Beast, quickly ran towards Professor X in worry.

Glancing at the X-Men running over here like a stampede of elephants, I moved out of the way and walked to Jean, and while doing so, I glanced at Magneto, who was calmly floating in the air; however, the brotherhood of agents didn't seem as calm as him, they looked ready to fight. Approaching Jean, who was still angrily glaring at Magneto, I rested my hand on her shoulder, prompting her to look at me, which helped slightly calm her down, though not by much; what Magneto had said truly pissed her off.

"Pharaoh, did you hear what he said!?" Exclaimed Jean angrily while clenching her fists as she looked at Pharaoh, who nodded.

"Yes, I heard what he said, nor do I like what he said, but calm yourself, Jean; your outburst not only flung Magneto away but Professor X." Replied Pharaoh softly as he moved out of the way and gestured to Professor X several meters in the distance, who was being tended to by Beast.

It seems to realize what she'd done in her little outburst caused her to lower her head in shame.

"I-I didn't mean to hurt the Professor." Muttered Jean quietly in slight fear of herself as she looked down at her hands, only to look up at Pharaoh, who tightened his grip on her shoulder.

"I know you didn't mean to, and I'm confident Professor X knows as well; hell, he probably isn't even mad; I'm sure he's dealt with many young mutants, and some probably far more aggressive and violent than you." Said Pharaoh lightly with a slight smirk as he glanced at Jean before looking at Professor X, who was slowly approaching them, though Magneto had beat him to it.

"Young Jean, you misinterpreted what I said; there is no need to lash out in anger." Said Magneto softly as he floated in the air before Jean, though he no longer stood as close.

"I don't know; you sounded pretty serious when you said it." Commented Pharaoh skeptically, earning him a side glance from Magneto before looking back at Jean, who was still very much angry with him.

"Misinterpreted!? You just called my friends and family inferior and useless creatures!" Yelled Jean angrily as she subconsciously manifested her psychic energy again, though thanks to Pharaoh's presence, it dissipated after a few moments.

"But it's partially true, Jean; you must understand, now that you're a mutant and an Omega mutant at that, normal humans are beneath you. You shouldn't be wasting time with Charles to try and save them; now that you're a superior species, you should be lording over them and protecting your own kind, Jean. There is nothing personal about it; it's merely how life works; humans are superior to every other species, and that's why they are at the top of the food chain, though now that us Mutants exist, we shall take their spot." Declared Magneto in an almost righteous kind of way as he looked at Jean and Pharaoh, who were both visibly annoyed at his words.

"Erik, that is enough; young Jean here clearly doesn't think the same as you do regarding mutants and humans. Stop trying to force your ideals onto her; she is merely a child." Said Professor X with a frown as he approached Jean and positioned his wheelchair before her while facing Magneto.

"I'm not trying to force my ideals onto her, Charles; I'm merely telling her the truth, but I understand the truth is not always easily accepted; sometimes, a little persuasion is needed." Remarked Magneto with a slight frown as he looked at Professor X before glancing at Jean, who was behind him.

Feeling as if a fight was going to break out if this continued, I patted Jean's shoulder and stepped in front of Professor X and the other X-Men who had arrived before approaching Magneto, who merely frowned at my presence, though I couldn't care less; I was trying to prevent a fight if possible.

"Alright, I think Y'all should leave; you guys have clearly overstayed your welcome. Jean has already been through enough today, and she doesn't need to watch a bunch of mutants fight; besides, it's like 11:56, nearly midnight, way past her bedtime." Stated Pharaoh calmly as he looked at his watch while standing between the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants, who clearly didn't like his attitude.

"And why should we listen to you?" Asked Magneto with an almost amused tone as he looked down at Pharaoh, who got into a fighting position.

"Because this is my neighborhood, Jeans' my friend, and I'm trying to prevent a stupid fight from breaking out; now, can you leave? A nigga don't got all day." Replied Pharaoh as he fearlessly looked at Magneto, though all his words earned him was a wave of fire from Pyro.

"Hahah, burn, you stupid kid!" Said Pyro with a smirk as he manipulated the fire from his lighter to envelop Pharaoh.

Seeing the fire about to touch me, I was about to move out of the way as while I was confident I could take the heat; I doubted my clothes could; however, before I did, I suddenly thought of something. Exhaling all of the air, I tried sucking in all of the fire, which was surprisingly working; I continued to suck the fire that Pryo manipulated until he eventually stopped.

"Eh, Tut can eat fire? How does that even work?" Questioned Jean in confusion as she watched Pharaoh eating Pyro's flames like it was a snack.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that." Muttered Bobby awkwardly as he lowered his hands, which were covered in ice.

"Are we certain he's not a mutant?" Asked Colossus curiously as he looked at Professor X, who seemed just as curious as him.

"I'm as clueless as you, Colossus." Replied Professor X with a slight nod, his interest in Pharaoh growing by the second.

"Alright, maybe the kid's claim of protecting Jean wasn't all bullshit." Remarked Wolverine with a raised eyebrow.

"Could my storms really only annoy him?" Muttered Storm skeptically with a frown as she saw Pharaoh devour Pyro's flames.

"Heh, next time, watch your mouth, k-" Said Pryo with a grin as he lowered his hand, only to freeze in shock when he noticed Pharaoh wasn't harmed in the slightest.

"I'm pretty sure that held no nutritional value; either way, it didn't taste as bad as I thought." Remarked Pharaoh quietly as he burped and patted his stomach, causing the Brotherhood of Mutants to be slightly surprised at what he did.

Dusting off my shirt, I took it off and tossed it to Storm while giving her a wink before lowering my stance and getting into a boxing stance; I was trying to prevent a fight, but I'm damn sure not scared of one.

'Besides, this is also a good chance to actually test my strength a little.' Thought Pharaoh with a light smirk as he glared at the six people before him.

"Now, I was trying to be nice, but since y'all want to start something, fuck all that; let's go bitch ass niggas!" Yelled Pharaoh aggressively as he slowly approached the six, waiting for one of them to make a move, which just so happened to be Sabertooth.

"A-Aren't you guys going to help him?" Asked Jean in concern as she glanced at Professor X before looking at Sabertooth sprinting toward Pharaoh.

"I have a feeling we won't need to, young Jean; besides, aren't you a little curious about your friend's abilities?" Replied Professor X with a slight smile as he looked at Jean, who stayed silent, not knowing how to respond.

"B-But promise me, if he gets hurt, you'll jump in and help him." Said Jean seriously as she looked at Professor X, who softly chuckled, but nonetheless, he nodded, reliving her worries a tiny bit, prompting her to look at Pharaoh only to widen her eyes a little.

Eyeing Sabertooth running on all fours after me, I waited for him to get close, and just as I imagined, like a wild beast, he pounced on me; reaching forward, I grabbed his hands before slamming him onto the ground, finishing with a violent punch to his face, cracking his skull and leaving him unconscious.

"What I say, let's go bitch ass niggas; you're going to need more than that weak ass nigga to fight me!" Yelled Pharaoh as he stepped over Sabertooth and approached the remaining five, who were surprised by how quickly Sabertooth was defeated; they couldn't even fully see it.

"Oh, don't tell me y'all scared now? Y'all were sounding confident when you were trying to punk the X-Men; I ain't the X-Men, so how about you punk me bitch ass niggas." Added Pharaoh aggressively, his words easily provoking the ire of Juggernaut and Pyro, while White Queen, Mystique, and Magneto were smarter.



Uh oh, it's coming out, the ignorance y'all know what that means; people are getting dropped.

If any of y'all are curious about Pharaoh's ignorance level, it's currently 23/100. since he's in the suburbs, it takes a very long to level up, but given his past life, he's got a natural boost, so he gains ignorance twice as fast, and don't even get me started on ignorance-boosting gear, like the all-black air force ones, tank-tops, or a durag.