
Martial Universe: Sword Ancestral Symbol

[I have a sword that can separate mountains and seas.] [I have a sword that can decide life and death.] If there is no path I want to take in the world, then I will use the sword in my hand to open a path! This is a story about a sword practitioner walking in the heavens.

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 17: The Dignity of the Lin Clan

Just when everyone thought they were going to get through smoothly and were relaxing, a hand suddenly stretched out and pressed on the white horse ridden by Lin Ke'er, who was lagging behind the team, and teased Lin Ke'er. It was one of the Yuandan realm small perfect masters.

At the same time, another Yuandan realm less perfect master also stopped Lin Dong who was at the back. Judging from his eyes, he must be very jealous of Xiao Yan who was sitting under Lin Dong.

The reason why Lin Dong walked at the end was because Xiao Yan was too powerful. He had to walk behind all the horses. Facing a monster that was about to break through the Formation Realm, his pressure was not to be underestimated.

Faced with this man's teasing, Lin Ke'er's pretty face suddenly turned cold. Without the slightest hesitation, she raised her jade hand and wielded the Bingmeng Sword in her hand directly towards the madman's head.

Lin Dong, who was at the back, showed no sign of weakness as he took out the Red Heart Sword and attacked another Yuan Dan realm less perfect warrior.

"Ding!" "Ding!"

With just two crisp sounds, Lin Ke'er and Lin Dong both repelled their opponents at the same time.

When the middle-aged man with bare arms saw the ninth magic treasure in Lin Dong's hand, his pupils shrank first, and then he revealed a meaningful smile.

Of course, his movements were not slow at all. He moved and came in front of the two men. It was obvious that he was worried that they would be killed instantly by Wu Tao and others.

Wu Tao and the other two Yuan Dan realm masters were also furious after they realized what was happening, and they wanted to kill them first with the force of thunder. They didn't take action before because they didn't want to cause trouble, but that didn't mean they were really afraid.

However, just when the momentum of the three men reached its peak and they were ready to attack, their faces suddenly changed at the same time. It turned out that the brief fight just now attracted all the strong men nearby.

Glancing at the middle-aged man with gloomy eyes, Wu Tao suppressed the anger in his heart and said hatefully.

"let's go!"

However, just as Wu Tao finished speaking, an indifferent voice sounded, which made the gloom on Wu Tao and others' faces disappear.

"Lin Ke'er, Lin Dong, kill him. I want to see who dares to stop us!"

As soon as the word "stop" was uttered, the next moment, Lin Yunhao's oppressive aura like thunder from the sky swept across the entire place.

After feeling this powerful and majestic aura, Lin Xue and the others all had smiles on their faces, and their previous worries, vigilance, and tension all disappeared.

Because they believed that as long as that man was behind them, no one would dare to touch them. That man was the faith of the younger generation of their Lin clan!

The group of middle-aged men on the opposite side, and even the strong men who were rushing over after hearing the noise, all felt this powerful aura, and along with it, the feeling of falling into an ice cave, no, like falling into a sword cave!

Because in their perception, they seemed to have come to a world of swords, with sword blades everywhere around their bodies. It seemed that as long as they moved unusually, thousands of swords would be attacking them the next moment.

In the entire arena, there were only Lin Ke'er and Lin Dong, as well as their opponents. The two Yuan Dan realm masters who had reached the minor perfection stage did not feel anything. It was obvious that Lin Yunhao was intentionally avoiding them so that Lin Ke'er and Lin Dong could truly face this desperate criminal.

Lin Ke'er and Lin Dong, upon seeing the middle-aged man standing out, were on full alert. Even though they were both capable of fighting against a Yuan Dan realm master, they were still very cautious towards this kind of desperate criminal.

However, this caution was thrown out of the window by the two men after Lin Yunhao spoke. They absolutely did not believe that this man would dare to take action after receiving Lin Yunhao's warning, and they even more did not believe that this man could retain half of his strength in the face of Lin Yunhao's pressure.

However, a Yuandan realm master with less than half the strength of his prime period is no longer worthy of their cautious treatment.

"Bing Meng, Chasing the Moon!"

At that moment, Lin Ke'er let out a delicate cry, and the Bingmeng Sword in her hand, with an indestructible momentum, rushed straight towards the vulgar man in front of her.

Different from the fight with Lin Dong at the Lin family, this time, Lin Ke'er not only used the Bingmeng Sword, but also attacked in anger. The power was so strong that even the middle-aged man had to use all his strength to resist.

The person in front of him was only at the small perfection stage of the Yuandan realm. Seeing such a powerful sword, he knew that if he wanted to defeat Lin Ke'er, he had to use an unconventional move.

 "Heavenly Star Sword!"

"Senluo Sword!"

"Death Sword!"

Three powerful martial arts were performed at the same time, and the flying speed of the Bingmeng Sword was finally reduced, but it still did not stop.

Seeing the long sword getting closer and closer, the man made up his mind and instead of dodging, he ran towards the long sword.

Just when the long sword was about to pierce the man's heart, the man swung his sword with all his strength at the left side of the Bingmeng Sword. Under the huge force of the sword, the Bingmeng Sword flew to the right and passed through the man's right chest

owever, the man ignored the injury on his right chest and went straight to Lin Ke'er, obviously intending to kill Lin Ke'er, a talisman master, at the cost of being seriously injured.

Lin Ke'er obviously didn't expect that this man would fight like this. She was suddenly dazed for a moment, as if she hadn't reacted yet.

The man was getting closer and closer. Seeing that such a pretty beauty was about to die under his knife, an excited grin appeared on his face. However, the next moment, the expression on his face froze.

I saw a long sword that was emitting a chilling cold air and was somewhat similar to the Bingmeng Sword. It was now stuck behind the man's head.

The Ice-Breaking Sword, a low-grade spiritual treasure, was also the first spiritual treasure that Lin Ke'er owned. It took Lin Ke'er countless efforts to obtain it. However, not long after that, Lin Yunhao began to refine spiritual treasures, and the conditions for exchanging spiritual treasures were lowered again and again, which almost made Lin Ke'er so angry that she destroyed it.

Lin Keer's battle looked quite dangerous, while Lin Dong's battle on the other side was neat and clean.

Lin Dong first calmed down the restless Xiao Yan. Now was not the time to expose Xiao Yan.

When facing his opponent, Lin Dong's approach was much smarter than Lin Ke'er's.

Lin Dong first adopted the tactic of showing weakness to the enemy, attacking with all his strength with the Red Heart Sword, forcing his opponent to defend himself while at the same time not making him feel that Lin Dong posed a threat to his life.

Then he used the method of secretly attacking Chencang, on the one hand he increased the offensive of the Red Heart Sword, making the opponent more and more exhausted to deal with it, but feeling that he could still protect himself, and on the other hand he secretly formed the Four-fold Qimen Seal.

When the seal is completed, use the Quadruple Qimen Seal to attack with all your strength, posing a strong threat to the opponent. When the opponent resists with all his strength, use the Red Heart Sword to perform the "Chasing the Moon" move and take the opponent's life with one sword!

The dozen or so "nannies" from the Lin clan who were watching the battle on the sidelines all nodded in praise. It was obvious that Lin Dong's talent and fighting skills were recognized by them.

After the fight between the two ended, the sword force that enveloped the entire arena suddenly retracted. Just when everyone except Lin Yunhao and his group breathed a sigh of relief, a strong, overbearing and unreasonable remark made their faces change again and again.

"Remember, when you walk outside, you represent not only yourself, but also the dignity of our Lin clan. Anyone who dares to offend the dignity of our Lin clan will pay the price!"