
Martial Universe: Sword Ancestral Symbol

[I have a sword that can separate mountains and seas.] [I have a sword that can decide life and death.] If there is no path I want to take in the world, then I will use the sword in my hand to open a path! This is a story about a sword practitioner walking in the heavens.

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 16: Tianyan Mountains

During this period of time, news about the Nirvana Realm Ancient Tomb spread at an extremely terrifying speed, which also caused Yancheng, a large city located near the Tianyan Mountains, to become more and more violent. Countless strong men swarmed towards this city like locusts. After a brief reorganization, they rushed to the Tianyan Mountains in groups without stopping.

The legendary tomb of a powerful Nirvana Realm master is enough to make anyone in the Great Yan Dynasty excited. If it weren't for the sudden appearance of the ancient tomb and the short time that resulted in the news not being fully spread, there would be countless powerful people in the third realm of creation rushing from other places throughout the Great Yan Dynasty.

Take Xiao Diao for example. He was a powerful warrior at the peak of the Death Profound Realm and the son of the patriarch of the Sky Demon Marten Clan. He had seen more than one powerful warrior at the Samsara Realm and countless warriors at the Wheel of Time. However, after hearing the news that the ancient tomb of a powerful warrior at the Nirvana Realm had been unearthed, he still tried his best to encourage Lin Dong to come.

The attraction of the ancient tomb of the powerful Nirvana realm masters can be seen from this!

The Tianyan Mountains are located at the junction of Yancheng and two nearby cities. This mountain range is extremely vast, spanning almost half of Tiandu County. It is truly the first mountain range in Tiandu County.

The Tianyan Mountains are vast, and there are countless fierce monsters in them. In normal times, except for some adventure teams that make a living by hunting monsters, few people would go deep into the Tianyan Mountains. The vast forests, the ubiquitous monsters, and the strange and terrifying poisonous miasma are all terrifying death warrants.

But these things that are daunting in normal times seem so insignificant in front of the tomb of a powerful Nirvana Realm master.

Yancheng is about a day's journey away from the Tianyan Mountains. Lin Yunhao and his party set out early in the morning, and when it got dark, they had already arrived at the edge of the Tianyan Mountains. They could vaguely see some bonfires in the mountains.

The forest at night is much more dangerous than during the day. If Lin Yunhao was alone, he would not care at all, as it was just one sword. But since he had agreed to this, Lin Yunhao naturally had to consider Lin Ke'er and the others.

"Rest for one night and then enter the Tianyan Mountains tomorrow."

After saying that, Lin Yunhao ignored them and went straight to a tall tree to sit cross-legged in meditation, protecting the safety of the little tiger cubs at the same time.

The next day, when the morning light once again passed through the leaves and sprinkled on the ground, Lin Yunhao and his group had almost packed up the tents. After a little tidying up, they headed towards the mountains.

Since they had a very detailed map of the Tianyan Mountains from the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, Lin Yunhao and his group saved themselves the trouble of unnecessary exploration. Instead, they advanced rapidly in a straight line into the depths of the mountains.

Perhaps it was because Lin Yunhao said he would not take action, so the team was extremely vigilant as they moved forward. After all, these forty younger generations of the Lin clan were either talented or had strong backgrounds.

"There is a team ahead, with quite a few people, and there is a smell of blood, but it is not from monsters."

At this time, an old man in a black robe suddenly reminded them. This old man was a Yuandan realm master who was arranged to come in. He was originally a member of a monster hunting team.

Wu Tao and another Yuandan realm master looked at Lin Yunhao, and seeing that the young clan leader had no reaction at all, they had no choice but to make the decision.

"Go straight!"

Wu Tao looked at the other two people and saw what they were thinking. In their group, apart from the forty young masters and young ladies, there were only a dozen people. They had three great perfections and a dozen small perfections. Although they were considered powerful, they did not have enough manpower and were easily distracted.

Therefore, when facing a group of desperate criminals, they must not be cowardly and must intimidate the other side.

At the same time, the two Yuandan realm masters who had reached the great perfection also reminded everyone to hold their weapons and be on full alert.

Lin Dong, who was riding Xiao Yan in the team, also narrowed his eyes and looked forward. Not far away, he also felt the presence of many auras. He even sensed a very powerful aura among them. The aura was almost the same as that of Wu Tao and the other two. It should be a powerful person who had reached the great perfection of Yuandan realm.

However, Lin Dong did not look too nervous. Not to mention Xiao Yan, who was about to break through the Formation Realm after a period of hard "cultivation". Even Lin Dong himself had already broken through to the Small Perfection of the Yuandan Realm. Coupled with the spiritual power cultivation of the Three Seal Talisman Master, Lin Dong believed that he was not afraid of the ordinary Yuandan Realm Great Perfection.

Under this kind of vigilance, it didn't take long for the team to pass through the bushes. The view ahead became clear and they saw dozens of figures appearing in the open space.

In addition to the powerful Yuandan realm master who had reached the great perfection, there were also two Yuandan realm masters who had reached the small perfection, and there were also more than a dozen Yuandan realm masters.

When Lin Yunhao and his group appeared in front of them, dozens of people who were resting in the open space immediately reached out and grabbed the swords beside them, staring at them greedily.

Obviously, all of them, without exception, noticed that more than half of the boys and girls in Lin Yunhao's group were young boys and girls, and they regarded them as soft persimmons and wanted to squeeze them.

Seeing the look in that group of people's eyes, the stronger ones such as Lin Ke'er, Lin Xue, Lin Chen, and Lin Hong subconsciously surrounded the other members of the tribe behind them, and then took out the spiritual treasures from their Qiankun bags and looked at the group of people warily.

That group of desperate criminals were obviously shocked by the wealth of Lin Ke'er and her group. After counting carefully, they found that there were eight spiritual treasures. At that moment, even their breathing became heavier, and the greed in their eyes was undisguised.

Just as they were about to surround Lin Yunhao and his group, the middle-aged man in front of them, with a sturdy build and gear-shaped arms, suddenly raised his hand to stop them.

Because just now, the middle-aged man suddenly felt three auras that were not weaker than his, locking him in. The middle-aged man believed that if the two sides fought, he would be the first to face the three Yuandan realm great perfections of the other side.

If it were just these three people, it would be fine. For the sake of the eight spiritual treasures, the middle-aged man was not afraid to fight. What really made the middle-aged man raise his hand to stop his men was Lin Yunhao, who was sitting cross-legged on the horse with his eyes closed.

A mysterious strong man whose background is unknown at all, three Yuandan realm great perfection strongmen, and more than ten Yuandan realm small perfection strongmen. Such a lineup makes the middle-aged man dare not act rashly.


Wu Tao looked at the middle-aged man deeply, then waved his hand and led the way.

Behind Wu Tao, the others followed closely, but the stronger ones relied on that group of people, while the two Yuandan realm masters who had reached the great perfection were one in the middle and one behind, both to prevent them from suddenly attacking and killing people.

As the two teams got closer, the atmosphere became increasingly tense.

Led by Wu Tao, the team passed by the man, and just when everyone thought everything was going well, something unexpected happened.

"Hey, what a pretty girl, would you like to come down and play with me?"

"Boy, can you give me your mount?"