
Martial god who regressed to level 2

Player_Undead · Fantasie
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120 Chs


Inside the Battle.net Alliance's private plane.

Lee Ha-yeon, who was sitting in Seong Ji-han's back seat, spoke to him with a puzzled look on her face.

"Now that I think about it, you said Se-Ah wasn't coming? "I said let's go together."

"This time, I gave him a somewhat expensive bow as a gift. "They said there would be no refunds, so they said they would repay the favor by leveling up."

"How expensive is the bow to get a refund?"

"20 billion GP."

"… … 20 billion? To GP?"

The person who unconsciously questioned Seong Ji-han's words was Lim Ga-young, who was sitting next to Lee Ha-yeon.

It's GP, not Won?

Considering that the current GP price is about $2.50 per GP.

One bow was worth 50 billion dollars.

"No, anyway, what kind of weapon is…" … "I don't think the Sword King's SSS-level dual swords, Ganjang Makya, will pay that price, right?"

"When you actually try to get it, it's worth the price. SSS class weapons. "You should buy it when you can afford it."

"That's true, but… … ."

Anyway, what is 50 billion dollars for one bow?

The amount became so large that Lee Ha-yeon and Lim Ga-young lost their sense of reality and just looked at each other's faces.

Seong Ji-han seemed to have suddenly remembered something and added something to her.

"ah. And since the Phoenix flag has been upgraded, an additional guild level +3 has been added. "We will also add 15 more people to the random draw."

"At the SSS level… … Did you go up again?"

"Yes, Artmu has skills. "It's SSS+."

No, was there a level called SSS+?

I'm really glad we're on the same side as this person.

"Oh, I'll give you a gift too, Hayeon."



Jihan Seong turned over all the Akashic pages that had previously been confiscated from Shizuru.

I gave one to Kristoff, so there are 9 remaining Akashic pages.

I kept it for now, wondering if I might use it later.

'If you need it later, go buy it then.'

After selling the invitation to the Palace of Delight at an auction house.

Seong Ji-han's spending had grown significantly.

There is no need to keep items that can be purchased with money.

"Oh, the Akashic Page…" … !"

"We can't give out 100 tickets like American First. Still, I collect it from time to time and give it to you. "Let's go to SSS level."

"Oh, I understand!"

Lee Ha-yeon jumped up from her seat and received the golden paper with trembling hands.

After entering the game, the value of the support gift 'Training' increases once again, and the Akashic Page is hitting its upper limit every day.

You just gave me 9 copies of this as a gift.

"Miss, can you please tear half that paper?"

"no. "I'm going to go to SSS level."

Lee Ha-yeon clutched the Akashic page tightly.

Then, the Akashic Page suddenly exploded with intense golden light.

Lee Ha-yeon's eyes lit up when she saw the same phenomenon as before when gift training was upgraded.

[In order to raise the gift level, you must develop more players.] [Grow one of your guild members to the top ranking within the race.]Looking at the system message that followed, I swallowed my disappointment.

"ah… … It doesn't go up to SSS level right away. "There are conditions."


"yes. "We want to develop more players and develop one guild member to the top of the ranking within the race."

"Hmm, I guess the latter conditions will be met soon. "Because I am there."

"That's right."

Seong Ji-han speaks as if he has naturally taken first place in the rankings.

If other players had done that, they would have said they didn't even know their subject.

When Seong Ji-han said that, there was no awkwardness at all.

"Then I will practice for a while."

Jihan Seong opened his inventory and took out a sunstone.

A brilliantly sparkling white stone.

Inside, the unique energy of light that Artmu possessed was overflowing.

'I'm not feeling inspired about this one.'

If you don't know until now, you can find a way by first absorbing it into the body and analyzing it.

When the light energy of the sunstone is absorbed into the body, its specificity disappears and it turns into ordinary light mana, making it impossible to find a source for it.

'There's a lot to do, so I'll have to watch this from time to time.'

Seong Ji-han put the sunstone back into his inventory and took out Eclipse, whose name had changed to Shadow of Life.

A black sword with a green emerald embedded in the center.

As he took out his sword, a voice rang out from within.

[…] … master. Can you please take this off? Since turning into a shadow of life, there has been confusion about identity.]"What a mess. It's an upgrade. "I think the Shadow Queen also wants to use this method as well?"

[Ugh… … That's true, but I'm having a hard time. ah. The Queen later asked if she could sponsor the Holy See once the Hide Out was released.]Sponsorship of the Shadow Queen's constellation.

To Seong Ji-han, it had its own use.

'If she becomes the constellation behind me, the gift level will increase.'

Seong Ji-han's current gift is SS-class 'Shadow of the Moon'.

This gift, which amplifies shadow power, did not have much importance to Seong Ji-han, who currently deals with martial spirit and void.

Still, if it was upgraded to SSS level, it seemed like it would have some use.

"I like supporting the Constellation. Why do it after Hideout?"

[The Queen is concerned that your information may be passed on to the World Tree Alliance.]Seong Ji-han asked back with a puzzled expression.

"Aren't the Shadow Elves and the World Tree Alliance natural enemies? But how does the information leak out?"

[…] … Internal crackdown is not perfect.]Is there something complicated about that as well?

He nodded.

"i get it. Then, I'll accept it when Hideout is over."

[under. It's true that the Constellation sponsors them and they even have to ask the player for a favor... … .]When Ariel was lamenting over the situation where the constellation and player had changed their relationship.

"Owner. It's now March 2nd in Korean time. Shall we proceed with the random drawing of guild members?"

"Has it happened already?"

Lee Ha-yeon, who woke up from a nap in the back, announced the change in date.

The root cause of this uproar is the random drawing of guild members.

"Shall we play Battle Tube?"

"yes. Let's do it right here."

The first guild member drawing for the waiting guild was held on an airplane.

[The standby guild's Battle Tube held on a charter plane breaks all guild-related viewership records!] [No. 1 ranked Oliver eliminated, transferred to Zhuge Heon! Will the Mages' rankings change in the future?] [What is the limit on accepting guild members for standby guilds? Half of the TOP 200 belong to standby guilds.] [Regarding this year's guild, standby guilds that recognized TO. 20 players from the People's Association receive the buff of the waiting guild.] [Cheonma Wangrin posted a message of excitement saying he had finally entered the waiting guild, but hastily deleted it.]Until the charter plane landed at New York Airport.

Seong Ji-han continued to break news from the sky.

And the world's attention.

"We've finally arrived."

Even after Seong Ji-han landed, instead of decreasing, the fire intensified.

* * *

The Hall of Glory located inside the Battle.net building in New York.

A selection ceremony was held here every time the guild of the year was selected.

Maybe it's because American First and People's Association have been divided every year so far.

Because few people came to see the selection ceremony, the spacious Hall of Glory was always deserted.

This year was different.

=This is the first time I've seen so many people gather at this year's guild selection ceremony.

=Wasn't there a crowd like this when selecting the world's Battle.net MVP player?

=It seems like it's worse than before. Look how not only the seats but also the stairs are full of people!

Among Battle.net players, if one were to pick the most famous player at the moment, it would definitely be Seong Ji-han.

Won the last set in the first game of the Space League.

The scene that completely turned the game upside down was watched by billions of people.

However, compared to its fame, there are no outside activities.

People wanted to see this amazing player in person even just once.

But he said he was participating in the guild selection ceremony this time.

The Hall of Glory, which was usually empty, suddenly filled up.

"It was a good thing I waited as soon as the news broke… … ."

"Nick. I apologize for saying something crazy. Look over there. "There are even stars squatting on the stairs!"

"uh. Well, there's our professor there too… … ."

"hey. hey. Don't look over there. "I might ask you to give up your seat."

Celebrities from all walks of life visited the Hall of Glory to see the world's best Battle.net player.

Nick and his friends couldn't even sit down and looked at the celebrities squatting on the stairs, but when they saw the professor in charge, they quickly looked away.

He was always complaining about his bad back and knees.

How did you get into this tumultuous hall of glory?

at that time.

From inside the Hall of Glory, a person began to walk out.

[Oh my god! What the heck is going on! Was today MVP selection day?]The host looks around the audience in the hall of glory and makes an exaggerated gesture of surprise.

But the appearance of the host.

When I looked closely, I saw that it was a face that appeared often on the news.

"hey… … "Isn't that the president of the federation?"

"uh? Is that really true? "It's not Chairman Jeff."

"What kind of federation president presides?"

[No. There are more people than on MVP selection day! Even when Oliver was selected as MVP, the stairs weren't this crowded! Oh, my friend Chairman Beasley is squatting over there too! Sorry, friend. Even the president couldn't hand over his seat in advance! It's first-come-first-served here!]Jeff, the Chairman of the Battle.net Alliance, jokes while pointing to a man squatting on the stairs.

Normally, I wouldn't have laughed at this either, but I didn't know.

The mood of the people right now was unusual.

"Ah, you talk a lot."

"Hurry and bring me to the castle."

"I didn't come to see you!"

Woooooo… … !

Let Nick and his group start booing.

A voice that quickly spreads throughout the audience.

The boos poured in so loudly that the hall of glory rang loudly.

[Ah, I understand. If you say one more word, you will be impeached! ruler. Then, let's meet today's protagonist!]Chairman Jeff pretended to wipe his sweat and turned his hand inward.

[The owner of the waiting guild, a sacred player!]Clap clap clap!

Then there was thunderous applause.

Everyone sitting on the stairs also jumped up and applauded.

And from inside, Seong Ji-han walks up.

"Oh oh… … ."

"Jin, it's really Seong Ji-han!"

"Take a picture!"

Flashes went off everywhere as everyone held their phones high and took pictures.

Photography was prohibited in advance, but the audience seemed to have already forgotten such rules.

"You can't come in!"

"Stop it!"

Kurrrrrr… … !

The front of the audience was already in a state of chaos with spectators trying to break in and bodyguards blocking them.

Even Chairman Jeff, who had been proceeding slyly until now, looked puzzled when he saw the confusion that appeared as soon as Seong Ji-han came out.

[This is so… … It feels like you're at a rock star performance, not a Guild of the Year selection ceremony! Everyone please remain calm! If you stay until the selection ceremony, we will ask the loyal players to hold an autograph session!]"A signing event?"

"that. I. If this continues, there may be a fatal accident... … "Can you please hold an autograph session for a little while?"

Chairman Jeff takes his mouth off the microphone and makes a request in a low voice.

I should have let a little bit in in the first place.

Due to the greed of the chairman, the Hall of Glory was filled with more people than could be accommodated, and the situation became even more chaotic.


Seong Ji-han quickly looked around.



Just as he was thinking, the public who had stopped rioting had suddenly become one in mind and was crying out for a sign.

Seong Ji-han smiled leisurely at the shouts that felt like madness, regardless of age or gender.

It's been a long time since the American First days of my last life when I heard a public outcry like this.

At that time, I had to sign each one one by one, which hurt my hands.

"Do you need to do it later? "Let's do it now."

[now… … yo. this?]There was no need for that anymore.



A shadow appears on Seong Ji-han's left arm.

"Please stay where you are for a moment."

No sooner had he finished speaking.

The shadow spread out in an instant, covering the entire Hall of Glory.

"uh… … ."

"Well, what is it? "I can't see!"

The audience is shaken by the situation as if there is a power outage.


It's crazy… … .

I felt a strange texture on their clothes and shoulders for a moment.


The light came back again.

"I finished signing. every."

Seong Ji-han said and tapped his left arm.

Then people's eyes also turned to their clothes.

"Uh… … ."

"Gee, it's a real autograph!"

"and. "Are you exactly like me?"

"and. How did you do this... … !"

Seong Ji-han's signature is engraved on everyone's clothes.

People looked at Seong Ji-han with mad faces.

Player Seong Ji-han.

Although I was enthusiastic after seeing the amazing performance on Battle.net.

After experiencing his power directly, I was so surprised that I got goosebumps.


"Hmm… … ."

Just one person.

On the left arm of an Asian woman sitting in the front row of seats in the Hall of Glory.

There was no sign of Seong Ji-han.

'this child. 'Is it useful?'

The look in her eyes as she stroked her left arm for a moment.

'Where is your future... … 'I'll try to prophesy.'

A strange light began to flash.