

WARNING!!: MATURE CONTENT NOT SUITABLE FOR YOUNGER READERS. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK ["You took her away from me in the past and you do so now! You don't deserve to live! I'm going to kill you!!] Sacrificing herself to save the kingdom. Helena got married to a man, rumoured to be a demon lord. Love, hate, anger, betrayal all in one story. Will the rumors turn out to be true? and Will she be able to love her husband? ....

Fatimah_Abdulwahab · Fantasie
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91 Chs

Let go

"Bruce?!" Alexander asked and he gazed at his men with a threatening look.

"Yes, isn't he your undercover soldier? He came here when you left." She explained and Alexander's face turned ten shades darker.

"Robert! I need you to get him here now!" He said and Robert creased his brows. 'It's not as if I can command him to come here though.' Robert complained in his head.

"Yes your highness, but he just left and it would be difficult to track where he is." Robert said and Alexander gave him a meaningful glare and Robert understood that his prince needed him to find him.

"I understand your highness." He said and glanced at Amadeus as if saying the words 'we're leaving together.'

Amadeus and Robert left the hall to carry out their prince's instruction even if it didn't deem necessary.

Elen noticed that Alexander's mood drastically changed when she mentioned Bruce and she couldn't help but knot her brows. 'What's wrong now? Don't they know each other? Why's he acting like he heard his enemy's name??'

"Alexander? Is everything o -" Before she could complete her sentence, he had already stood from his chair exiting the hall. He was not heading towards their chambers and she guessed that he was leaving again.

"No, I can't let him leave again. What happened exactly? Everything was fine a while ago." She mumbled.

She ran up to catch up with him but it was still not enough, his speed was inhumanly fast that she wondered if he was really human, and to think that he was only walking and not running made her feel useless. What more if he's running??

"Alexander wait up!" She yelled but he didn't stop.

"Alexander, please stop!"

"Alexan....ahhh!" She screamed as she stumbled on her feet. She hissed in pain as she found the cut she had on her leg earlier, opened again.

"Sh*t!" She cursed and Alexander froze when he heard her scream. He turned back to see her holding her leg in pain, cursing.

"F*ck!" He said and turned back to meet her. He ran as fast as he could and in no time he was squatting in front of her.

"Are you alright?" He asked and she screamed in pain again. She gazed into those black eyes, pain filled her eyes.

"Ahh!...please don't leave me. Please." She pleaded and Alexander placed her head on his chest and patted her back.

"I'm right here. I won't leave." He said and Elen cried even harder. She doesn't normally cry but the thought of him leaving made her heart ache continuously. She didn't care about her wounds, she just wanted him to stay by her side but how could she do that when he's always distant. This thought made her tears pour even more. Her mind reflected to this same scene of her crying three weeks ago, that time she cried to her father about marrying her off to the prince of Lucrain - him, her husband and now, here she was crying about him leaving. What an irony?!

"Alex....please don't leave me, don't leave." She said, not minding that she called him 'Alex.'

He caressed her hair and spoke. Shh...it's alright, I'm right here." He said and when he saw that she didn't stop crying, he let her cry on his chest and patted her head.

She cried with Alexander consoling her, when she was sure that she had cried enough, she sniffled and pulled away from him.

"Were you planning on leaving again?! I'm your wife Alexander! You can't just leave whenever and wherever you want! I understand that you can leave anytime you want, you're a prince. No one can stop you, but don't you care about my feelings? Don't you care that I'm always worrying for every passing day you leave? But you, you just leave without any care! I'm also human Alexander! I'm your wife and...." She said and for some unknown reason she paused. She realized she had said too much. She shouldn't have yelled at him that way, she knew he's also hurting, she needed to be patient but she's also human and have emotions too. She just can't bottle up all of her emotions all of the time!

She stood up to leave his arms but he held her tightly not willing to let go.

"Let go Alexander." She said but he didn't react.

"I said let go." She said but he still didn't react or move. She gritted her teeth and pushed him away with all the power she could muster but to no avail. She couldn't even push him away from her. She clenched her fists and closed her eyes.

"Alexander let go off me!" She said and he didn't waste a second and he let go, making her crease her brows. 'Huh? That easy? Well, that's good, it's what I wanted anyway.'

She stood up to leave and a sharp pain in her leg made her stop and sit back on the floor.

"Ouch!" She said and glared at him. 'So this was his plan all along. He knew I was injured, that's no wonder he let me go so easily.'

"So do you need my help now?" He said as he stretched his hands towards her but she shoved it away.

"No thanks, I can manage. It's not as if you care."

"Okay." He said as he lifted his hands back in retreat.

She tried standing up again but she ended up on the ground again. It seemed she sprained the ankle. She tried one more time but before she could stand, Alexander scooped her up in his hands, carrying her like the princess she was.

"Put me down!" She protested.

"No need to shout wife. My maids and guards would think I'm trying to capture you and force myself on you, and I would end up being tagged as a bad prince." He joked and Elen glared at him.

"Not that it matters." She mumbled but Alexander heard her and smirked.

"It doesn't matter? So I can capture you?" He said and Elen almost rolled her eyes.

"You carried me without my consent, isn't that kidnapping too?"

"It's not. It's called helping one's wife. Aren't I a sweet husband?" He said and Elen just glanced at him.

"Just put me do -" She noticed they were already in his quarters but he was heading towards his chambers not hers.

"Hey! Take me to my chambers." She said but he didn't reply.

"You're so mean." She said and pouted.

After their exchanged banters, Alexander finally reached his bedchambers with the maids staring dreamily at him. He didn't focus on them because it was a common thing among them. They had always swooned over him, forgetting the fact that he was a prince.

He had ordered two maids to get the royal physician and a new set of clothes for his wife. He closed the door and put her down on his bed.

They both sat in silence until few minutes later, a knock startled Elen. "Don't they know how to knock lightly?" She complained and Alexander glanced at her.

"I'll instruct them to knock lightly next time because my wife doesn't like noise." He said and Elen glared at him.

"Stop acting sweet. It doesn't suit you." She said but only her knew it was a lie. She really liked how sweet and nice he was acting but she knew it wouldn't last for eternity.

"Says the person who held on to me just a while ago." Alexander said and a light smirk appeared on his face.

He walked towards the door and as he instructed, the royal physician and the clothes were all outside. He led them in as he showed the maids were they'd place the dress. They two maids left and was left with the physician and her equipments.

"Can your highness tell me what the problem is?" The physician said.

"I think I sprained my ankle, and I had a cut beneath my foot." Elen explained.

"I'll apply some herbs on it, and I also need to wrap up your open wound, I must also remind your highness not to over exert your foot, as it may not heal and reopen the wound." The physician, Dianna Williams explained.

"Yes I understand. Can you start with the treatment?" Elen said and Dianna nodded.

Dianna was about to start with the treatment but Alexander held her hand from continuing the process.

"There's no need to do it." He said and Elen blinked in confusion. 'What is he up to now?!'