
Married On Contract (MOC)

I never thought a day like this would come A day i'd be thinking about marrying Alexander Algero my worst enemy. Like working for this man is not bad enough i have to marry him too *Sigh* "I am doing this for you Lisa" I said softly

Jennifer_Morgan_7593 · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Someone killed him


They took mum away. Now i am alone, When will you wake up? its been a day now, i can't believe all that has happened under 24 hours,,,,,You need to wake up because i need a break, I haven't slept easy since Camuel's death. I need you sister please wake up. I was crying just thinking about it all, I raised my head to see the news about us. "The Damtons are still in hiding but not to worry. My myself and my men will make sure we find them" A detective Coley said on TV. Why is he saying it like we killed Camuel? Our front lawn camera must have been active, they should see the men that came in right?. Just then something stroke me. The police men that took mum must have seen the hospital roof footage right? This hospital must have a CCTV camera right? I got up kissed Marie on the forehead "I will be right back sis" I went ahead to look for the security in charge of the cameras "Young lady who are you"? I knew i wouldn't be allowed so i sneaked in "I need the footage for last night" I simply said. I really have no strength for explanation . "Young lady you shouldn't be here" The security looked well above 70, doesn't look like this job was for him "Please,,,,,,i beg you sir. My mum was taking away for a crime i know she did not commit,,,,,but i need proof for that,,,,,please, you have a daughter too right? so you understand my worry, My mum can never hurt a fly" Even if i told myself i wouldn't cry i just could not help it. I cried my heart out to the man and prayed inwardly that it at least moves him "Listen that footage was already removed from here child, Mr Sambre has it in his office" He finally said. "Mr Sambre?" I asked "Yes, He is the owner of the hospital, If he took that footage that means he doesn't want to share it" The old man said, stating the obvious "Where is he"? I asked ""Mr Sambre? oh he left already, He doesn't come around that much". "Do you think he took it from the hospital"? I asked yet again "No, he leaves them in his office" He said going back to his sit "Where is his office"? "Child you can not be around there" He said as though he knew something and was warning me "Where"? I repeated "The very top floor, there is only that office there and don't you tell anyone that i said a word, you hear me?" He said. "Thank you" Was all said. I was opening the door to leave "Oh and Kid!" he called and i stopped to hear him out "Be careful" He said it in such a caring way,, like you'd say to your child or like how Marie used to speak to me all the time "Please get better soon sister" I muttered . I nodded and left. I reached the top floor but i didn't go direct in order not to get suspected. I stopped at the fifteenth floor first then the twenty then the thirty and for the last four which is Sambre's office floor i used the stairs. I got to the office and it was locked, I looked up and saw a camera and waved at it -Knowing very well the old man was watching. I picked my hair pin on the lock until it eventually unlocked. I got in and search everywhere "I can not be here for long, Marie is still alone" i said to my self. I searched everywhere but made sure i did not scatter anything and then finally, i saw a safe but why did he not tell me about this? i tried the code once then twice but negative "I have to leave, i will just have to come back again to night" I said to myself. I have to go to Marie but first i will go to the old man. I reached his station and the door was a bit open. Why would he not close the door? i walked slowly until i found him on his chair, staring at the screen, I breathed out of relieve "You know for a moment there you scared me leaving the door open" I said smiling a little but he didn't reply then i walked to him and held his shoulder "Hey" I said pushing him a little then his head fell back and i saw why he did not reply. "ahh" that came out more like a breathe than a scream, As i used my hand to close my mouth. He was dead, Someone killed him, Some one slit his throat, because of me? All this was going through my mind as i backed up little by little. I stood out side the door for a while staring at the old man, thinking of how his family would feel, Who would do this to him? before noticing someone from the side of my eye coming from my left. I looked at him but he did not look like he worked in the hospital and he was reaching for something in his pocket so i ran. I ran as fast as my leg could take me


I woke up to a really bright light. And a really offensive smell. Is this a hospital? There was no one i can see "Lisa?" i called softly but no one replied. Why is mum and Lisa not here right now? where did there go? or where are they? Why am i in the hospital? what about dad? has he been discharged? "Ouch" i held my head because it really hurts. What is going on? I was still thinking when Lisa ran into the room and startled me , She locked the door then backed it and slide to the floor, she still hasn't noticed me. Why does Lisa look like that? And she is big too "Lisa"? I called then she quickly looked up "Oh damn, Marie" She rushed my way then hugged me. Did Lisa just curse? "Lisa where is mum and dad?" I decided to ask the most important thing first then we can talk about her language later but Lisa just looked at me like i just grew an extra head, She just.....Stared. I was still waiting for a reply when i heard a banging on the door "Shit" Lisa cursed again. What is happening?!

OK Marie is finally up?

But what is happening?.

Why is Marie asking of her dad?



See you later.

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