
Married On Contract (MOC)

I never thought a day like this would come A day i'd be thinking about marrying Alexander Algero my worst enemy. Like working for this man is not bad enough i have to marry him too *Sigh* "I am doing this for you Lisa" I said softly

Jennifer_Morgan_7593 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

You should go back home


So this is how i go to prison? I just ruined 28 years of my life keeping a good reputation. Oh God. "What are you doing?" I looked up from under the window and found Eli staring at me like i just grew two heads. "I ah...Wasss... Sss....itting" I stammered trying to say the right words but sitting? really? "You are sitting?" He asked like he wasn't convince, I mean no one would be. Imagine seeing someone sitting under the window folding and squeezing the life out of their body, What would you think? that they was just 'Sitting?' "Yea....Uhm i....The wind! I sat here for the wind" He was quiet staring at me for a while, Trying not to look like he is thinking what i know he is thinking. "DRA are you alright?" He asked. I know he was thinking i was losing my mind but i can't get up now because Mr green lake owner will see me. "Yes fine, I am fine....Eli" I said sounding weird "Are you smoking DRA?" He asked again "What? No" I doubt he was convince because he kept on staring "I am not smoking Eli, I am shocked at what your first thought was" I said trying to convince him i don't smoke, And i really don't smoke but right now i prefer he suspects i smoke than him knowing i let some one follow me to the house. I got up to speak to him face to face but first i quickly closed the window "You know smoking is the last thing i will ever associate myself with" I said looking at him with baby eyes trying to make him leave 'why is he asking so much questions anyways? just go already. "Then why was you under the window? Why didn't you just go out if you needed fresh air?" He said moving towards the window, Shit, i have to stop him "It's not necessary" I said so quickly i doubt he understood a word i said "What?" He asked "I mean.....Som....Something....Stinks, Yea. Something stinks so leave the window closed for a while" I said giving him my best fake smile "What are you hiding"? He just dropped the question on me "Hiding?" i tightened my lips and opened my eyes wide and leaned closer to him like i didn't hear what he said and i wanted him to repeat.

He didn't even respond to me he just went on and opened the window wide. I shot my eyes tightly waiting for him to scold me and drop many questions on me. When it was taking too long i shouted "I can explain" Even before i opened my eyes "Explain what?" Eli asked then i opened my eyes. Mr green lake owner was not there anymore "Where did he go?" I asked quietly while eye searching the area "where did who go?" Eli asked and i looked at him like he just said rubbish "mmm"? i asked "Where did who go DRA"? oh shit he heard that, what do i say? "DRA?" He asked again and i shouted almost immediately "The goat"! "Goat?" Eli asked "Yes...Uhm i found a goat....By the Uhm....Lake today....And he mmm followed me home" I said to him "A goat, followed you home"? He wasn't buying this "Yes?" I said and it came out as more like a question "Whose goat? No. You know what DRA? i don't know what you are up to just be careful" He said and started walking upstairs "Sure thing" I replied loud so he can hear me. But where did Mr green lake owner go?.


I was getting really scared. After a while i stopped screaming because no one was hearing me anyway, and the ones who did couldn't care less. We drove into a really big building that looked like a lab (Laboratory). We parked in side after going through the really humongous gate and from no where someone ran and hit on the glass where I'm sited "Ahh" I screamed and moved back a bit out of the shock "Run, You have to run! You hear? Run" I couldn't hear what he was saying but i could at least make out those words. Men in black khakis came in and grabbed the man by the arm and took him back into the building, He was muttering something while leaving but i did not get it, Then he looked back at me again and yelled "Runnnn" before him and the men in khakis disappeared into the building. Where is this place and why is that man being treated that way?. "Out" One man opened the car door for me then ordered. I came out then he grabbed me by my arm and pulled me with him. I was busy taking in my environment, where was this place? and why does it look like a lab and prison at the same time too. There were really high walls and the gate could electrocute anyone that touches it. We got in and i saw some people with mental issues, Is this a mental hospital? but i am not mad, why am i here?....The man holding me was still talking to the person behind the desk who i think is in charge of the mental cases collection but a while later a lady with a lot of tattoos ran by me with some men chasing after her, For a moment there we had eye contact, -Me and this lady. She looked determined and tired at the same time She passed me and ran out side moments after i heard a gun shot, then another and another, I was terrified. The men that passed me chasing the tattoo lady walked in dragging her by the hair as her body was bleeding staining the whole floor, She wasn't moving, then it hit me,,,,, This lady is dead! Oh God where is this place?!.


I reached the house which i think is Alexandra's home. I was going to walk in and see if really she was the one i saw.

*Vibration* My phone rang "Hello?" I greeted "Hi Alex" It was a lady speaking "Speaking. Who is this?" I asked "That doesn't matter, You should go back home" She said. Who is this lady? And why was she asking me to go home? Which home any way? My house? or grand fathers "Home?... why? who are you?" I asked the lady again even though i know very well she will not answer as she completely ignored all my questions to say "Go back to the office, Marie needs you" She said then hung up. Marie needs me? Is this some sick joke? A prank call? What is happening? I dialed Marie's number anyway 'The number you are trying to reach is unavailable' Her number is always available, what is this? I dialled again 'The number you are trying to reach is unavailable' Damn it! I looked at the house in front of me for a while "I will be back Alexandra" I said and turned to walk away. I picked my phone and dialed Marie's number again 'The number you are trying to reach is unavai..' I hung up and called the office, No one picked, I called three more times still no one picked. On Sundays Marie don't go to work but i called anyways. I brought out the customer care line and tried it, after a few rings he picked "Hello Elite customer service how may i help you?" Its a lady? i thought it was a guy? i don't even know my own workers "This is Alexander Algero Is Marie in the office?" I asked her " Ya right, and i am Beyonce" she said laughing, i could hear her whisper to a colleague that i am one of them, But one of who though? I didn't have the Strength to even ask, She thinks i am lying and she is really rude too. I made a mental note that i would fire her as soon as i got back. I just could not explain myself so i just hung up. What the fuck is happening?.

Alexander has been called. what next?

I Feel so bad for Daniella. I can only imagine how scared she must be.



See you later.

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