
Married On Contract (MOC)

I never thought a day like this would come A day i'd be thinking about marrying Alexander Algero my worst enemy. Like working for this man is not bad enough i have to marry him too *Sigh* "I am doing this for you Lisa" I said softly

Jennifer_Morgan_7593 · Fantasie
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25 Chs

I will leave


"Its too much,,,Its just fish how can it be sold for so much" I queried "That is the prize madam, if you don't like you go" How can this boy speak to me like this "Hey, small boy, You better not raise your voice on me,,,, I can be your mother" "You can be but you are not,,, If you don't buy, you leave" The Indian boy said again "You are stupid, You ugly looking riffraff, idiot" I said and walked a way "You sell your fish, buy it, Eat it and shit it.... Everyone in this market is just disrespectful.....And Mad"! i shouted that part out loud that people looked at me as i walked and mumbled "All of you are gold diggers, Asking such money from an old lady like me, Thiefs" I took a toktok (Public cab) and got home.

"Mama!" four little children ran to me and hugged all together "Hey sweeties how is your day going?!" I asked them "fine!" They answered as they went on to play "Sometimes i wonder how so many kids are with me in this house, I don't even know them" I said as i walked to the table and dropped the flour and vegetables i bought from the market "They are your kids mama" Bianca said to me, Bianca is my third child "Maybe if you married and left this house they wont be so many" I complained. Bianca is 24, what the hell is she still doing here? i don't know. "Whatever.....Where are the fishes" She asked "The what?" I tried to play dumb, Ain't no way in hell was i going to buy water animals for 39dollars EACH! "Mama the fishes" She asked again "I do not know of any fishes B, I gotta go to my room and rest, I am an old lady after all" I said and got up to leave "Mama i gave you money for some fishes too" She called out "You better not hide my money mama" She said again "You've lived in this house rent free, I know you are not about to complain to me about money" I said still climbing up the stairs.

Bianca brought out everything and it was all vegetables and flour, she threw them back on the table *Groan* Placed her hand on her waist then starred outside.


*Sigh* I can't believe Camuel is dead, it is all my fault,,,,,I lost my way and could not protect my own children, I am sorry josh, I have failed you. A tear dropped down on my face. I have really failed you,I couldn't take care of our children, I looked at Lisa sleeping on my lap and thought i failed. I failed both of them and i know that i have really hurt Marie. She has been so....She has been going out of her way to care for the three of us and i just let it happen. I am not fit to be called a mother *Cry silently* I am not fit to be anything to anyone, I don't deserve this children. I will take them home and i will leave, I will leave because all i can give them is more pain . Just then the doctor came out and Lisa sprung up "How is my sister"? she said and i looked at the doctor too "She is fine, She didn't have oxygen for a while so that led to her organs shutting down, You did well bringing her early or else her heart would've stopped too" The doctor explained "Can we see her?" I asked "Not yet, Only one of you can enter now because we don't need the room to be stuffy for her" Doctor said before he walked away "You can go, i know how worried you've been" I said to Lisa "Okay mum,, I will be right out so you can have your turn and see her too OK?" She said to me then went in to Marie's room and i sat back down to wait.


I noticed mum crying a while ago, No matter how quiet she tried to be i heard it. I know why she was crying, I think she feels all this happening was her fault, I wanted to come see Marie first to see her state.....Before mum sees her so she doesn't self destruct. Marie has a lot of wires around her, They was oxygen being given too, She looked horrifically white,,,, Her paleness can be mistaken for someone dead.

*Sigh* "Marie how are you"? I asked as i drew a sit next to her bed "Be alright okay?,,,,, You need to see mum,, If anything happens to you she will die for sure" I said and laughed, It was a short laugh filled with sadness "She cried, For you.....Our mother is back.....But if you don't wake up you will miss it" I held her hand and kissed it. "Be okay for Mum.....OK Marie?Please.


I go by the name Sylvia west now, I live downtown with DRA -Alexandra- I could not just let Matt destroy her too so i had to take her away, I have been reading of Alexander, My boy looks so sad and alone, Media calls it charm but a mother sees beyond it. I know i will die soon so i need to tell Alexandra so she can decide for her self whether to stay away or go to her family and reconcile because for me, I will never forgive matt for what happened to Abby and for how Athuro turned out. I woke up in the hope of seeing DRA beside me which i did, I saw her sleeping at the other end, I heard a male voice and looked at the figure beside the window, I knew it was Eli, Eli is my son....I saw him by the trash when he was seven and i adopted him, since then he has been mine....But these past few weeks Eli acts weird, making strange calls and using inside voices on the phone, I know my dear boy has involved himself in something he should not "Handle what Eli?" I asked him again "Momma you are up,,,,how are you?" He said and walked towards me and sat on my bed and held my hand "My son, if you have done something you shouldn't have please tell me ..... We can face it together" I held his face looked at him in the eyes and told him "Mumma you are over thinking, Its just work okay? I slept off and missed some calls so now i have to report to the office" He explained "Son, whatever it is..." i was saying "Nothing mumma, you shouldn't worry, I am fine,,,,I promise if there is anything i will let you know immediately ....OK?" He didn't want to tell me and i really wanted to know what was bordering my son but i can not push it but i know deep inside me, for sure that something wasn't right.





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