
Marriage Of THE Concubine's Daughter

In the bustling county of Chennai, there existed a widespread belief that the alliance between the wealthy Wang family's heir, Di son, and the daughter of the esteemed Bai marquis house, Di daughter, was akin to sacrificing one's own flesh and blood. This sentiment stemmed from the cruel treatment endured by Bai Lang, who found herself at the receiving end of her mother-in-law's harshness and her husband's infidelity with his childhood sweetheart. Bai Lang's spirit crumbled after experiencing the heartbreak of four consecutive miscarriages, leaving her with no other option but to withdraw from the marriage. As time mercilessly ticked away, her life ultimately met a tragic end. However, fate granted Bai Lang a second chance, reincarnating her at a younger age in a distant kingdom. Armed with the knowledge of her past, she resolved to seek power through an unconventional path, navigating the treacherous waters of the imperial family.

Tashany · Geschichte
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40 Chs


There has never been a time like this when Bai Lang longed for rain to fall.

The words of Sou Tan Mei's mouth raced at a hundred miles per hour.

As soon as they left the side hall, the girl bombarded Bai Lang with questions." Where are the gardens? How many dresses does she have?" Sou Tan Mei's mouth went on and on.

Bai Lang's grandfather was not poor, but there was still a noticeable difference between the Bai marquise and a scholarly family.

Having grown up in the countryside, Bai Lang could understand the Tan mei curiosity, but it was too much. She clearly had a hidden agenda.

Bai Lang followed the circular path of the garden, hoping that Tan Mei's mouth would eventually run out of things to say.

"Biaomei, who is that?" Tan Mei asked, pointing to the person seated on the chair in the middle of the garden. Her eyes were captivated by him.

"Who's there?" the person asked, looking in their direction.

"Young Master Liang?"

Bai Lang left Tan Mei's side and walked over to Liang Yu.

"Are you waiting for Jiejie?"

Liang Yu glanced down at the mischievous Bai Lang, whose eyes were filled with delight. It was clear that she was trying to make him blush.

"I'm waiting for your second brother," he said.

Bai Lang playfully frowned at him. "It must pain my sister to see that her fiancé would rather spend time with second brother than with her."

"You little troublemaker!"

Liang Yu reached out for Bai Lang, but she quickly jumped away. He was only teasing her, but if he really wanted to catch her, she wouldn't stand a chance.


Bai Lang's expression immediately turned serious. She had completely forgotten about Sou Tan mei.

Even before Bai Lang could respond, Bai Sheng entered the garden from another path.

"Xiao Lang, what are you doing here?" he asked her.

Bai Lang faced her second brother. "I'm just showing a guest around." She grabbed Sou Tan mei's hand and led them back to the side hall.

"Biaomei, who was that person back there?"

"My Jiejie's fiancé."

After Bai Lang and Sou Tan mei left the side hall, Sou Madam immediately got down to business with Su Rou Xue.

"Mei mei, father-in-law is getting old. He has spent his whole life as a fourth rank scholar and has never risen any higher. I heard that your husband has many connections. Please speak to him on behalf of your brother and try to get us transferred to the capital."

Su Rou Xue's pleasant mood instantly froze. She couldn't believe the audacity of her sister-in-law.

"Loa ye does not discuss state affairs with me. I'm afraid he wouldn't take it kindly if I asked him such things."

"State affairs?" Sou Madam's face darkened. "We're not discussing state affairs, we're only suggesting."

Madam Sou continued to interrogate Su Rou Xue, urging her to use her feminine charms. "If only you had given birth to a son, perhaps you would be more than just a decorative object."

Su Rou Xue was taken aback. Her sister-in-law had never been so heartless towards her before.

" Jiejie perhaps Before you say such things, think about who can actually benefit the Sou family." Su Rou Xue retorted with icy eyes fixed on Lo-shi.

Madam Sou's expression stiffened, but she maintained a smile towards Su Rou Xue.

"You have misunderstood my good intentions, Mei mei. I am only concerned because there is still a shadow hanging over your head."

After the two had throw blows at each other the air between them became more Awkward and it was time for Lo-shi to depart, she hinted, implying that she would bring her mother-in-law along during her next visit.

This insinuation left Su Rou Xue with no choice but to accept their presence when they returned.

Once Lo-shi concluded her business and lost interest in her sister-in-law, she stood up as Bai Lang and Sou Tan Mei entered, bidding farewell to Su Rou Xue.

"Remember what I told you, Mei Mei." Lo-shi reminded Sou rou Xue before leaving with Sou Tan Mei.

As they sat inside their carriage heading home, Lo-shi sighed and turned to her daughter, asking, "Tan-er, did you meet any of the Marquis sons?"

Sou Tan Mei shook her head, indicating that she hadn't had a chance to be introduced to Bai Sheng.

"Does it really matter, Muqin?"

"Of course it matters!" Lo-shi snapped. "The Bai marquise family holds power in the capital, and Bai Sheng is their heir. You should get to know him better."

Sou Tan Mei frowned and protested, "But I don't want to marry Bai Sheng. I want to marry the Second Prince."

Madam Lo-shi slapped Sou Tan Mei's face. "Don't speak nonsense! What prince? You will marry Bai Sheng, and that is final!"

Sou Tan mei bites her lips trying hard not to cry. This is the first time her mother has ever spoken to her harshly or ever put her hand on her.

"Bai Sheng Isn't even engaged to me. How will I even marry him?"

Lo-shi smiles. "Don't worry about that. I have already thought of a way."


After bidding farewell to her guest, Bai Lang returned to her room and carelessly flopped onto her bed, paying no attention to proper etiquette. It was already dinner time, and Bai Lang had made it a habit to have her evening meal on time.

Lying on her stomach, Bai Lang gazed out of the open window. The darkness had already descended outside, and the evening breeze provided a much-needed relief from the humidity.

"I don't think my mother will visit again." Bai Lang remarked.

She got up from the bed and proceeded to wash her hands in a basin on the table.

" Third Miss, Rou Xue niang has retired for the night." her training mama informed as she placed the dishes brought from the kitchen in front of Bai Lang.

Bai Lang had anticipated Sou Rou Xue barging in to complain about her behavior earlier, but to her surprise, the woman remained silent.

Bai Lang savored every bite of her meal while contemplating what lay ahead. It had been nearly a year since her Reincarnation, and she had seamlessly assimilated into the life of Bai Lang, making it her own.

At twelve years old, her maturity awaited her in the coming three years. Lost in her musings, Bai Lang was interrupted by her de personal servant girl.

"Third young miss, the bath is prepared."