
Marriage Of THE Concubine's Daughter

In the bustling county of Chennai, there existed a widespread belief that the alliance between the wealthy Wang family's heir, Di son, and the daughter of the esteemed Bai marquis house, Di daughter, was akin to sacrificing one's own flesh and blood. This sentiment stemmed from the cruel treatment endured by Bai Lang, who found herself at the receiving end of her mother-in-law's harshness and her husband's infidelity with his childhood sweetheart. Bai Lang's spirit crumbled after experiencing the heartbreak of four consecutive miscarriages, leaving her with no other option but to withdraw from the marriage. As time mercilessly ticked away, her life ultimately met a tragic end. However, fate granted Bai Lang a second chance, reincarnating her at a younger age in a distant kingdom. Armed with the knowledge of her past, she resolved to seek power through an unconventional path, navigating the treacherous waters of the imperial family.

Tashany · Geschichte
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40 Chs


Qu Rou Li's radiant smile illuminated the room as she engaged in light-hearted conversation, before leting go of her daughter's presence.

"Tell me, Cai mama,I would like to hear your opinion, What are your thoughts on Sou Qing? She seems to be the quieter one compared to Sou Rou Xue. However, as the saying goes, still waters run deep." she inquired, turning to her trusted wet nurse once the room was empty save for the two of them.

Having cared for Qu Rou Li since infancy, the elder woman regarded her as her own flesh and blood. As she assisted in the delicate task of changing attire, she attentively listened to Qu Rou Li's question, aware of the fiery temper that lay hidden within her, a secret known only her and concubine Yi-shi.

Yun Yi and Qu Rou Li had been inseparable since childhood,when Qu Rou Li entered into marriage with Bai Lang, Yun Yi followed, taking the role of a concubine.

Qu Rou Li desired the support of someone familiar to keep the other concubines in check. That's why she allowed her low-status friend to marry into her husband's household.

As a concubine, she knew she could manipulate Yun Yi and use her to suppress Sou Rou Xue.

Mama Cai assisted Qu Rou Li in removing the hairpins from her head before answering .

"Furen, I highly doubt that the young miss admiration for the imperial prince is unfounded." she said cautiously. Cai Mama picked up the hairbrush and asked, "Furen, what about Xiao Lang?"

Qu Rou Li sighed dramatically and responded. "I treat both girls equally, without any distinction. I have always made an effort to treat these concubine children with fairness and equality. However, it can be quite exhausting at times. Nevertheless, as a responsible and Legal wife, it is my duty to do so."

Qu Rou Li expressed her frustrations while allowing Cai Mama to brush her hair.

"I must confess, I feel a sense of relief knowing that Sou Rou Xue does not possess the qualities of a good mother. Xiao Lang, being a timid girl, I am cautious not to incur the displeasure of Lao Ye, as he might have plans to exploit these girls to enhance the reputation of the Bai Fu family."

"I must maintain a friendly relationship with them on the surface, and Sou Rou Xue's actions make this much easier, although Bai Lang's temperament has changed."

"You are wise, Furen. But what about concubine Sou, should we..?" Mama Cai inquired after brushing Qu Rou Li's hair in fifteen strokes.

As Qu Rou Li removed the bangles from her wrist, she paused before responding.

"Seems like Bai Nuo is turning out to be just like Su Rou Xue. Her personality has changed in the last three months. She's become more arrogant and self-centered."

Qu Rou Li was never one to mince her words, especially when speaking privately.

"Cai mama, you need to keep an eye on that mother-daughter duo," Qu Rou Li said, referring to Su Qing and Bai Nuo.

"Su Qing may know her place, but that doesn't mean she can't step out of line."

Cai mama nodded. "Rest assured, Furen, this servant will report everything back."


Bai Lang found herself facing Su Rou Xue in the peaceful courtyard of the side hall. Across from Sou rou Xue sat two individuals whom Bai Lang hadn't anticipated encountering after her class . It was a surprise to be accosted by these people in this manner.

She watch as her niang sat together, sipping tea with the Sou mother and daughter pair, Bai Lang couldn't help but notice the insincerity in Su Rou Xue's attempts to please Sou Madam.

Despite their past disagreements, she understood that Su Rou Xue had to maintain a facade of cordiality towards her sister-in-law, as she still hailed from the same maternal home.

But Bai Lang had no intention of giving these shameless individuals any respect. How thick-skinned must they be to pretend they weren't seeking favors?

And here her mother was pretending to be strong in front of these people, which could ultimately lead to her downfall if Fuqin found out that her maternal family visited without the Furen knowledge, she was certain Sou Rou Xue hadn't consulted her before inviting them.

Sighing, Bai Lang politely greeted these people before taking her place next to Sou Rou Xue.

And she listened as Lo-shi flattered Sou Rou Xue.

"How amazing that your husband treats you so well!" Su Madam exclaimed, her eyes fixed on the luxurious decorations in the room.

"Hmm," Sou Rou Xue casually replied, sipping her tea and watching Lo-shi closely.

Bai Lang raised her teacup to hide the sneer that formed on her lips.

"Is muqin planning to move back to the capital?"

The smile on Sou Madam's face froze. "Only if your father-in-law gets reassigned. This current trip is so short. I will miss the capital, and so will Sou tan mei."

Madam Sou continued to express her dissatisfaction about not being in the capital, dropping subtle hints about the job opportunities her husband, was offered.

Bai Lang's grandfather was a highly respected scholar and served as the headmaster of Zhu Cai Academy, despite it not being located in the capital. It was still a comfortable position.

Su Rou Xue grew up as a delicate young lady. Her father's accomplishments were no less significant than those of other third-rank officials, except he did not serve in the imperial court.

However, her brother aspired to enter the complex world of officialdom. He didn't want to pursue scholarly pursuits but instead focused on making connections.

Bai Lang was about to excuse herself when Madam Sou addressed her.

"Speaking of Tan Mei, Xiao Lang, you should take your cousin and show her around. She must be bored listening to us. Introduce her to your Ge and Jeijei."

Bai Lang glanced at the mentioned girl, whose head had been constantly turning since she arrived. Bai Lang remained silent, but her eyes clearly showed her reluctance.

When Bai Lang didn't make a move or respond, Madam Sou's displeased gaze shifted to Su Rou Xue.

Su Rou Xue remained indifferent but understood that she had to acknowledge her brother's wife. After all, a woman can only rely on her maiden family for help if needed.

So, Su Rou Xue lightly tapped Bai Lang under the table to comply.

"The weather has been quite gloomy lately. I fear it might rain. The only place I can take her is the gardens."

The sun shone brightly behind Bai Lang's head, its glare blinding to those looking at her in that moment.

"Biaojie, please follow me."