
Marriage Of THE Concubine's Daughter

In the bustling county of Chennai, there existed a widespread belief that the alliance between the wealthy Wang family's heir, Di son, and the daughter of the esteemed Bai marquis house, Di daughter, was akin to sacrificing one's own flesh and blood. This sentiment stemmed from the cruel treatment endured by Bai Lang, who found herself at the receiving end of her mother-in-law's harshness and her husband's infidelity with his childhood sweetheart. Bai Lang's spirit crumbled after experiencing the heartbreak of four consecutive miscarriages, leaving her with no other option but to withdraw from the marriage. As time mercilessly ticked away, her life ultimately met a tragic end. However, fate granted Bai Lang a second chance, reincarnating her at a younger age in a distant kingdom. Armed with the knowledge of her past, she resolved to seek power through an unconventional path, navigating the treacherous waters of the imperial family.

Tashany · Geschichte
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40 Chs


"What brings you here?" Bai Sheng inquired. "What caused you to come here? A servant informed me that you fainted in the chamber."

Bai Lang's eyes widened in surprise as she recalled the servant who had passed by her just moments ago.

"Was the servant of average height and dressed in a green robe?" Bai Lang gestured.

"Yes," Bai Sheng confirmed. "What is happening, Xiao Lang?"

Bai Lang hesitated, unsure if she should disclose Sou Madam's plans to Bai Sheng.

"Xiao Lang!" he urged, noticing her reluctance to answer.

Finally, Bai Lang decided to reveal what she knew. She wasn't entirely certain of Sou Madam's intentions, but now that Bai Sheng was present, she could make an educated guess. "Please don't hold it against me."

Bai Sheng looked at his younger sister's pitiful face. He may resent their mother, but he could never hate Bai Lang.

Bai Sheng gently patted her head. "Don't worry, Xiao Lang. I could never hate you."

To be honest, he was touched that his sister cared so deeply for him that she would defy their own mother. Bai Sheng held her close, feeling a sense of sadness for what was about to unfold. Bai Lang might find herself caught in the middle of it all.

"Where is Sou tan mei now?" Bai Sheng inquired.

Bai Lang pointed towards the west room. "She's in there."

Bai Sheng stared intensely at the door, his piercing gaze resembling a frigid ocean draining the vitality from its surroundings. Despite his typically cheerful and youthful demeanor, his current attitude seemed to bring a chilling aura.

"Since she desires to become part of this marriage, I shall provide her with a motive. However, it shall not involve me."

Bai Lang had already abandoned Sou Tan mei for nearly fifteen minutes when Sou Madam's personal maid arrived. Bai Lang was taken aback to see the woman standing at the door.

"Wu mama, is there something wrong?"

Wu mama, with a forced smile, looked at Bai Lang. Despite Bai Lang's innocent appearance, Wu Mama felt like she was being hunted by a snake.

"Nothing is wrong, third Young miss. I was simply checking on the Young Miss when I got lost."

"Without any of the Bai fu servants accompanying you?" Bai Lang asked, then advised the servant. "Wu mama, you should not wander around the Bai Fu without an escort. Please ask a servant before you set out."

Wu mama understood that Bai Lang was warning her about walking around the Bai fu unattended, beacause she is not one of the Bai Fu people. Behind Bai Lang's back, Wu mama smirked contemptuously. 'Just you wait. You won't be so arrogant when Young Miss Sou gets married.'

Bai Lang gently pushed open the door, only to find Sou Tan Mei halfway dressed. The anticipation in the girl's eyes quickly turned into a frown upon seeing Bai Lang.

"Biaojie, I've brought one of my dresses for you. You can change into it."

Bai Lang paid no mind to Sou Tan's hostile expression. "I hope you'll like this dress."

Sou Tan Mei looked at the dress in Bai Lang's hand, and her heart instantly felt a surge of joy. This dress was more extravagant than anything she had ever worn before.

Bai Lang noticed the hint of greed in Sou Tan Mei's eyes and realized she had caught her. Sou Tan Mei was just like her jiumu; both greedy and cunning.

"I'll leave you to your own devices. I have to hurry back to niang. If you need any help, I'll leave one of my servants here for you."

As Bai Lang departed, Sou Tan Mei glanced at Wu Mama, silently conveying a message.

Xin Yi observed the interaction between the master and servant and couldn't help but think that they were no match for her young miss. Who did they think they were fooling?

Wu Mama turned to Xin Yi and said, "My young miss is feeling a bit shy, especially in the presence of an unfamiliar servant. Would it be alright if we could have a cup of tea to calm her nerves?"

Wu Mama was desperately searching for a reason to send Xin Yi away, otherwise their plan would be completely ruined. Xin Yi considered refusing, since they were not even official guests of the Bai household, but she knew her young miss would instruct her to go, Wu mama observe the departure of Xi Yin from the room.

Wu Mama watched as Xin Yi left the courtyard and then closed the door behind her. "Is everything prepared?" Sou Tan Mei asked as Wu Mama approached her.

"Is there any certainty that Bai Sheng will grace us with his presence in this chamber?" She inquired with concern.

"Fear not, Young Miss," reassured Wu Mama. "Madam has made all the necessary arrangements. We must ensure that no one detects any anomalies."

Sou Tan Mei concealed a smile within her heart. "Very well."

With the assistance of her maidservant, she swiftly undressed and stood poised, awaiting the arrival.

As they heard a rustling sound, the door swung wide open. Sou Tan Mei clutched her robe, ensuring it both concealed and revealed her figure. A piercing scream echoed throughout the room.

"Kyaa, what brings you here? Someone, come quickly!"

Neither Sou Tan Mei nor Wu Mama bothered to verify the identity of the intruder. The individual hastily retreated, yet the two continued their charade.

"Second Master Bai?" Wu Mama's voice echoed through the halls, drawing the attention of everyone in the Bai estate. "What are you doing here? How did you manage to sneak in? My Young Miss's innocence is now tarnished."

Her shrill cries reverberated through the air, ensuring that no one could escape hearing them. Wu Mama glanced towards the door, only to find the intruder gone. However, she remained unfazed, confident that no matter how fast they ran, they would eventually be caught.

Unbeknownst to Wu Mama, she failed to notice the confusion and chaos that ensued as another person appeared and swiftly apprehended the trespasser.

Sou Rou Xue and Su Madam hurriedly entered the room, their faces flushed with anger and concern.

"What is happening here?"

Sou Tan mei burst into tears, her sobs and hiccups punctuating her words. "My reputation... it's ruined!"

"Quickly, summon the master!" exclaimed Sou rou Xue. In response, a maid servant swiftly hurried to Bai Kang's study, where he was hosting members of the court.