
Marriage Of THE Concubine's Daughter

In the bustling county of Chennai, there existed a widespread belief that the alliance between the wealthy Wang family's heir, Di son, and the daughter of the esteemed Bai marquis house, Di daughter, was akin to sacrificing one's own flesh and blood. This sentiment stemmed from the cruel treatment endured by Bai Lang, who found herself at the receiving end of her mother-in-law's harshness and her husband's infidelity with his childhood sweetheart. Bai Lang's spirit crumbled after experiencing the heartbreak of four consecutive miscarriages, leaving her with no other option but to withdraw from the marriage. As time mercilessly ticked away, her life ultimately met a tragic end. However, fate granted Bai Lang a second chance, reincarnating her at a younger age in a distant kingdom. Armed with the knowledge of her past, she resolved to seek power through an unconventional path, navigating the treacherous waters of the imperial family.

Tashany · Geschichte
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40 Chs


When the commotion reached their ears, they exchanged glances, all aware that Bai Kang was rushing over with his servant in tow towards the inner courtyard.

The remaining members of the group understood that this was an issue that should not be brought out into the open, as it involved the inner courtyard. With that in mind, they quickly excused themselves out of respect for Bai Kang.

Curious about the situation, Bai Kang inquired as he entered the side room. Su Rou Xue swiftly led Sou Tan Mei to the screen area to protect her reputation. There was no need to further damage it.

Wu Mama emerged and spoke up, "The young miss was in the midst of changing when the second young master Bai barged into the room. He caught a glimpse of my young miss's body."

Qu Rou Li gasped and questioned, "He wouldn't do such a thing. Bai Sheng would never stoop so low. Are you certain it was Bai Sheng you saw?"

"He did," Lo-shi confirmed, pointing at Qu Rou Li. "The second young master must take responsibility for my daughter."

Confused by the situation, someone asked, "What is happening here?"

All eyes were fixed on the mysterious voice that echoed through the room. Bai Sheng stood there, holding Bai Lang's hand tightly.

"Second young master!" Sou Madam cried out. "You have ruined my daughter.

Marquise Bai, please give my daughter a way out of this." Her wails filled the air.

"What are you accusing me of?" Bai Sheng questioned. "I have never even met your daughter before."

"You...you..." Sou Madam stuttered, unable to find her words.

"What is jiumu trying to say?" Bai Lang interrupted the distressed woman. "Second Brother and I were together the entire time. It couldn't have been him."

Suddenly, everyone's attention shifted towards Sou Madam and Wu Mama.

"Is what you're saying true, Xiao Lang?" Bai Kang inquired.

Bai Lang nodded. "I gave Biaojie a dress to change into and then went to my room to meet Ge. He told me that someone had informed him that I had fainted and he should go to the west room."

"I went to Xiao Lang's room first. After that, I was heading to the west room," Bai Sheng explained.

"Was it this servant, Bai Sheng?" Old madam questioned her grandson point at the man laying half naked on the ground.

It was the same servant that Bai Lang had described earlier.

"Yes," Bai Sheng smirked inwardly.

His Xiao Lang is an exceptional performer. They had successfully located the servant, and with the assistance of their grandfather's hidden guard, they had administered a drug to the man.

Swiftly, they swung open the door of the west room where the guard held the man for a brief moment before discreetly disposing of him. He had served his purpose.

"It appears that the servant is intoxicated. It seems he intended to frame Bai Sheng. He was discovered behind the room, removing clothes similar to those of the Young Master."

Everyone's gaze pierced the Sou's like daggers.

"This appears to be the Sou's manservant," Bai Lang added.

"Leave my estate immediately!" Bai Kang shouted.

These individuals were attempting to frame his son. His honorable and outstanding son now bore the burden of their treachery.

"You still refuse to leave promptly?"

"Guards!" Bai Kang called. "Expel these shameless people. As long as I am alive, no Sou shall step foot inside this manor."

Sou Madam was stunned, how did this happen? Her plan was nearly flawless.

"The second young master must take responsibility. How can I be certain that he is not the one framing this servant?"

Once again, Sou Madam's attempts failed miserably. She was well aware that they were doomed, and her daughter's reputation had been irreparably tarnished, with nothing to show for it.

"Do you still insist on finding a husband for that girl?" sneered old madam, she signal the guard, and he threw the beaten servant at Sou Madam's feet. "Here's one for free."

Sou Tan Mei, now dressed, stormed out, screaming, "Absolutely not! I refuse to marry a servant."

Fool, Bai Lang thought to herself, observing as the guards forcefully escorted Sou Madam, Sou Tan Mei, and their servants out. Throughout the ordeal.

Sou Tan Mei continued to scream, and Sou Madam shouted, "Let me go! Release me!"

Bai Kang witnessed the departure of the Sou company before shifting his attention to his concubine, whose head was so deeply buried in her chest that it appeared as though it might cave in.

"Lao-ye?" Sou Rou Xue meekly uttered. She understood that despite his prior knowledge and her confession, he would still punish her.

"When did it become your turn to speak?" Old madam interrogated.

"I could divorce you or cast you out, but it might tarnish Xiao Lang's reputation. Don't be so pleased," Bai Kang informed her upon noticing the relief in her eyes.

"Do you think I'm unaware of how you mistreat Xiao Lang? Do you think I don't know? Your servants may keep quiet, but I have a firm grip.

From this day forward, Mother must approve everything related to Xiao Lang's education before you have a say."

"No! Bai Lang is my daughter."

"You're the one who poisoned Xiao Lang months ago, for the first time. Consider yourself lucky that I didn't lock you up," Bai Kang declared. "Mother, take care of her."

Bai Kang was repulsed by the sight of Su Rou Xue, yet he couldn't bring himself to be harsh either. He angrily brushed his sleeve before departing with the children, leaving Su Rou Xue to the care of old madam Bai and Qu Ru Li, along with the other concubines.

Su Rou Xue felt a deep emptiness inside her, as if a hungry rat was gnawing at her insides. Her body felt heavy and limp, as if each limb weighed twice as much as before.

Old Madam and Su Rou Xue locked eyes, one filled with horror and the other with a smile that lacked warmth.

"So, concubine Sou enjoys plotting against the Fu?" Old Madam swept her gaze over her.

"Don't you lead a luxurious life for a concubine? Don't you indulge in food, clothing, and extravagance like the main wife? How does a concubine like you dare to think you deserve to be the main wife?"

Su Rou Xue knelt down, disregarding the dirt around her, and begged for mercy. Everyone knew that Old Madam's decisions were final.

"You are fortunate that you will still survive. You are blessed to have a child like Bai Lang. Her intelligence surpasses yours, doesn't it?"

Su Rou Xue stopped pleading, knowing that her fate was sealed. Despair etched itself onto her face as her body slumped to the ground.

"Take her away."

Su Rou Xue was dragged away to a secluded part of the estate.
