
Marriage Of THE Concubine's Daughter

In the bustling county of Chennai, there existed a widespread belief that the alliance between the wealthy Wang family's heir, Di son, and the daughter of the esteemed Bai marquis house, Di daughter, was akin to sacrificing one's own flesh and blood. This sentiment stemmed from the cruel treatment endured by Bai Lang, who found herself at the receiving end of her mother-in-law's harshness and her husband's infidelity with his childhood sweetheart. Bai Lang's spirit crumbled after experiencing the heartbreak of four consecutive miscarriages, leaving her with no other option but to withdraw from the marriage. As time mercilessly ticked away, her life ultimately met a tragic end. However, fate granted Bai Lang a second chance, reincarnating her at a younger age in a distant kingdom. Armed with the knowledge of her past, she resolved to seek power through an unconventional path, navigating the treacherous waters of the imperial family.

Tashany · Geschichte
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40 Chs


She reluctantly settled onto the rigid, wooden bench, feeling the discomfort seep into her bones. Every now and then, pesky mosquitoes would buzz around her, their tiny bites leaving her delicate skin itching and irritated.

"Congratulations on your wedding," a deep, gravelly voice sent a shiver down her spine.

If only she could stand up and catch a glimpse of the person behind that voice. It frustrated her to be confined to the limitations of childhood. With a voice like that, the owner must be quite a remarkable individual.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Prime Minister Bai responded.

If Bai Lang could see, she would be sorely disappointed. The only visible features of the man were his jet-black hair and his stormy gray eyes. At times, those eyes seemed to shine like silver, while at other times they resembled dark, brooding clouds.

"Minister Bai, are your sons dedicated to their duties?" the man inquired.

"Yes, they are," Bai Kang answered. "My oldest son will be taking the Royal examinations this year, and the youngest has already enlisted in the army."

Bai Lang frowned, remembering how Bai Wen had bid farewell months ago, apologizing for missing Bai Liu's wedding. Sou Qing and Bai Nuo had shed tears as he left. Bai Wen had sent gifts to make up for his absence.

Bai Sheng had also been scarce, immersed in his studies with his master in preparation for the imperial exam.

He couldn't spare more than an hour with the family, as duty called him here and tomorrow he would be by his Master's side.

"That's good. The plans are still on track. In four years, we can officially begin," the man stated. "Are your daughters also aware?" he asked.

"Daughters?" Bai Lang wondered. "Could that be Bai Nuo and me?"

"Neither of my daughters are aware," Bai Kang replied. "They know that their marriages will be arranged by their elders, but they are not engaged to anyone."

"What about their education?"

"The Imperial tutor has agreed to teach my youngest daughter, but my second eldest will be instructed by someone else."

"Oh?" The mysterious figure exclaimed. "I had assumed the Imperial tutor would reject both. Your youngest must be quite special," he remarked.

Bai Kang chuckled nervously. Honestly, he never wanted Bai Lang to be involved in all of this.

Bai Lang shifted on the bench, causing a bush to rustle.

The two individuals present froze, and the unknown man blended into the darkness. Bai Kang cautiously approached Bai Lang's side.

Bai Lang closed her eyes and regulated her breathing, pretending to be asleep.

"Xiao Lang?" Bai Kang whispered. He gently placed his finger under her nose to check for signs of breathing. She was just sleeping.

Bai Kang carefully gathered Bai Lang into his arms and spoke softly, "I will take my leave. My youngest daughter happened to fall asleep here. I wouldn't want her to catch a cold."

As the person had already vanished, Bai Kang didn't bother acknowledging their presence or absence. He simply focused on taking care of his daughter.

Bai Lang didn't attempt to act awake. She kept her eyes closed, allowing the warmth and comfort of her father's embrace to lull her into a peaceful sleep.


The day had arrived for the Bride, Bai Liu, to return to her maternal home.

Three days had passed since the wedding, and early in the morning, Bai Liu returned home with her husband, Liang Yu. Bai Lang observed as Liang Yu held Bai Liu's hand and helped her sit down.

Bai Liu radiated with a post-wedding glow, signifying her transition from a girl to a woman. Although she still possessed some of her childish charm, it wouldn't be long before she embraced her womanly charm fully.

Liang Yu treated Bai Liu with utmost care and tenderness, as if she were a fragile porcelain doll. Bai Lang knew that Liang Yu had enjoyed some intimate moments with Bai Liu that morning, evident from his affectionate behavior.

Bai Liu appeared slightly uncomfortable, her cheeks blushing with a pink hue. On the other hand, Liang Yu seemed full of energy and enthusiasm, as if he had just jumped out of bed, ready to take on the day.

"Yep, he definitely enjoyed some 'tofu' in the carriage too," Bai Lang whispered to herself, teasingly.

Qu Rou Li, Bai Liu's mother, paid close attention to her daughter's complexion. Seeing that Bai Liu looked well and healthy, it eased the worries in her heart.

Qu Rou Li had confidence in Liang Yu's care for her daughter and believed that he would never mistreat her because of her family's status as the Marquise of Bai.

However, despite the genuine affection between Bai Liu and Liang Yu, Qu Rou Li was aware that their marriage was primarily a political arrangement.

Even though Bai Kang refused to acknowledge it, Qu Rou Li had a strong intuition that the Duke and her husband were orchestrating behind the scenes, manipulating various factors to their advantage.

Due to Duke Liang's higher position, Bai Liu and Liang Yu were exempt from performing the customary bows towards the elders in the Bai household.

While this exemption brought some discomfort, it was a reflection of the power dynamics at play.

Bai Liu respectfully greeted her father, mother, and grandfather, using the formal titles "Fuqin" (father), "Muqin" (mother), and "Zufu" (grandfather).

Her omission of the concubines' names was not intentional but rather a matter of proper etiquette.

Qu Rou Li stood up and pulled Bai Liu towards her. "You men can have your conversation alone," she said to Bai Kang and Liang Yu. "Us women will talk outside."

Bai Lang followed the Bai women to the central garden, where Bai Liu was bombarded with a flurry of questions.

Yun Yi, Sou Qing, Bai Nuo, and Bai Lang stood at a distance, observing as Qu Rou Li questioned her daughter. Qu Rou Li was concerned for Bai Liu's well-being, but Bai Liu believed that her mother's worries were unnecessary.

"I'm not a little girl anymore, muqin," Bai Liu reassured her mother. "Liang-ge treats me well, and Father and Mother-in-law are also very considerate. You have nothing to worry about."

Qu Rou Li couldn't help but smile, albeit with a tinge of concern. "I can't help but worry, you're my daughter."

"Muqin!" Bai Liu was deeply moved, and a few tears escaped her eyes.

While the other ladies glanced over at the touching scene without much thought, one person in particular displayed her displeasure with the mother and daughter duo on her face.

Bai Liu embraced her mother. "Place your worries on Nuo-er and Xiao Lang. They have yet to marry."

The atmosphere suddenly turned tense, as Bai Liu's words unintentionally struck a nerve with Qu Rou Li, souring her mood.