
Marriage Of THE Concubine's Daughter

In the bustling county of Chennai, there existed a widespread belief that the alliance between the wealthy Wang family's heir, Di son, and the daughter of the esteemed Bai marquis house, Di daughter, was akin to sacrificing one's own flesh and blood. This sentiment stemmed from the cruel treatment endured by Bai Lang, who found herself at the receiving end of her mother-in-law's harshness and her husband's infidelity with his childhood sweetheart. Bai Lang's spirit crumbled after experiencing the heartbreak of four consecutive miscarriages, leaving her with no other option but to withdraw from the marriage. As time mercilessly ticked away, her life ultimately met a tragic end. However, fate granted Bai Lang a second chance, reincarnating her at a younger age in a distant kingdom. Armed with the knowledge of her past, she resolved to seek power through an unconventional path, navigating the treacherous waters of the imperial family.

Tashany · Geschichte
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40 Chs



"Stop her!" cried Master Fung Chi urgently. The two Taiji rushed over swiftly to restrain the screaming Lou Meng.

Master Fung Chi had led a peaceful life in the temple, thanks to the generous donations from wealthy madams. There was no way he would allow a young miss's reputation to be destroyed by the actions of a crazy young servant, and risk falling out with these influential women.

"Sister?" Bai Nuo said, gripping onto Bai Liu. She remained silent throughout the entire exchange. Bai Nuo appeared as though she might faint from fear. Bai Lang glanced around at the small group of twelve people present, hoping that news of this incident wouldn't spread, lest her own reputation be tarnished. She looked at Lou Meng with a gaze filled with murderous intent.

With trembling steps, Bai Lang stepped forward and approached an Old madam furen who sat on a stool, holding onto her walking stick. Bai Lang dropped to her knees before her.

"Third girl," Old Furen exclaimed, but bai lang interrupted her abruptly.

"This young girl's servant has been disobedient, causing trouble for her grandmother. I beg for forgiveness for not training her properly, asking grandmother to pardon her for her wrongdoings."

"Girl, there is nothing to forgive. Stand up now, the floor is cold for a young girl."

Bai Lang wiped her tears with her sleeves, rose to her feet, and stood beside her grandmother.

"Respected Grand Master, this humble old woman beseeches you to intervene and protect the reputation of our esteemed Bai Fu," she pleaded with folded hands.

"May the blessings of Amitabha be upon us," the Grand Master responded, his voice filled with wisdom. "This old woman has already witnessed the purity and unwavering faith of her granddaughter. Fear not, for I shall resolve this matter."

With gratitude in her heart, the old woman thanked the Grand Master. His words were like a soothing balm, alleviating her worries. In that moment, the Grand Master's words not only restored the Bai Lang's reputation but also reinforced Lou Meng's faith.

Bai Lang had spent nearly three months in this world, but she had never encountered someone as malicious as Lou Meng. The once youthful servant now appeared worn and haggard, as if burdened by the weight of a hundred years. Her skin was dry and cracked, her bloodshot eyes resembling those of an ancient witch.

Old Bai Furen turned her icy gaze towards Lou Meng, who instantly knew she was in grave danger. In a fit of rage, Lou Meng forcefully pushed the man, causing him to stumble and hit the altar pavement. Blood flowed from his head like a lazy river, his eyes wide with terror. Bai Liu and Bai Nou let out a piercing scream, while Bai Lang felt her heart leap into her throat.

In a desperate attempt to kill her Young Miss, Lou Meng brandished a knife, holding it high above her head.

"I shall free my Young Miss from your demonic clutches." she declared, her voice filled with determination.

Bai Lang stood motionless, her eyes transfixed on Lou Meng as she approached. Just as the knife was about to strike, Bai Lang witnessed a sudden freeze in Lou Meng's movement. Blood gushed from her chest, staining her dress, as she collapsed lifelessly to the floor.

Bai Lang's gaze shifted to the other taji, who held a bloodied long sword in his hand, a crazed and murderous expression contorting his face.

Unable to bear the sight of Lou Meng's grotesque body, with disheveled hair and bloody drool oozing from her slack jaw, Bai Lang turned away. The revulsion overwhelmed her, causing nausea to claw at her throat.

She desperately tried to suppress the bile rising in her stomach, but it proved futile. Partially digested food forcefully expelled from her mouth, while her trembling body sank to her knees. Her face turned pale, dripping with a mixture of bile, sweat, and tears.

"I am still breathing." Bai Lang struggles to justify her decision to witness someone's murder, but deep down she knows it was either Lou Meng or herself.

"Xiao Lang!" Qu rou li runs over, unsure of what to expect at the scene everything happened so fast. Was Bai Lang ok? Perhaps. But she never expected to find Bai Lang bent over, vomiting, with a lifeless body next to her.

"Mother?" Bai Lang gasps, wiping her mouth with her sleeve and getting back on her feet. She manages to take a few steps before collapsing to the ground, overcome with tears.

Qu Rou Li's heart jumped. She dident care about the blood, the body, or the mess on the ground. "Mother?" The entire group gasps in shock. Bai Liu rushes over to her mother, who is holding Bai Lang.

"Is she...?" Bai Nuo attempts to ask if Lou Meng is alive or dead.

Qu Rou Li shakes her head. The Grandmaster assesses the situation, taking in the corpse and the blood-stained sword and taiji nearby.

For once, Su Rou Xue refrains from causing trouble. Old Madam Furen and the fu guards shield Bai Liu and Bai Nuo from the gruesome scene.

Bai Lang knows that Lou Meng could not have acted alone, and she narrowly escaped death once again in this life. When she discovers who else was involved in this, she vows to seek justice. Their heads will roll.