
Marriage Of THE Concubine's Daughter

In the bustling county of Chennai, there existed a widespread belief that the alliance between the wealthy Wang family's heir, Di son, and the daughter of the esteemed Bai marquis house, Di daughter, was akin to sacrificing one's own flesh and blood. This sentiment stemmed from the cruel treatment endured by Bai Lang, who found herself at the receiving end of her mother-in-law's harshness and her husband's infidelity with his childhood sweetheart. Bai Lang's spirit crumbled after experiencing the heartbreak of four consecutive miscarriages, leaving her with no other option but to withdraw from the marriage. As time mercilessly ticked away, her life ultimately met a tragic end. However, fate granted Bai Lang a second chance, reincarnating her at a younger age in a distant kingdom. Armed with the knowledge of her past, she resolved to seek power through an unconventional path, navigating the treacherous waters of the imperial family.

Tashany · Geschichte
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40 Chs


"Enjoying yourself?" Yun Yi inquired once more. She had been closely observing Bai Lang's actions for the past few hours, unable to shake off their previous encounter from her thoughts.

A typically reserved and introverted girl, Bai Lang was now radiating with a vibrant energy that attracted everyone's affection.

Bai Lang was well aware from her past lives that if she wasn't the child of the principal wife or born as a concubine, she would most likely be married off and become a concubine herself.

Even if one came from a privileged background, unless they were of noble status, the pursuit of meaningful relationships with others remained essential.

In her previous life, she held the esteemed position of the main wife. She possessed all the qualities of a well-bred and well-mannered woman, adhering to the four virtues expected of her. Yet, a concubine was able to surpass her status and dominate over her.

Bai Lang maintained her graceful composure as she responded, "I did indeed enjoy myself." She continued, "It is not often that a concubine's daughter is granted such a privilege."

This world was far from beautiful, especially for those born as concubine's daughters. They were often regarded as inferior in the eyes of society.

Witnessing the events that unfolded at the Pavilion just moments ago reaffirmed this truth. Bai Nuo, enduring the contemptuous gazes, trying to make connections solely due to her seeking the best marriage prospect as a young miss from the Bai Fu Marquis.

Bai Lang refused to tolerate such insults. Despite her changed circumstances, she still held onto her pride as a di daughter.

"I see that Sou rou Xue has taught you well," Yun Yi remarked with a smug smile, mocking Bai Lang's behavior. The other women in Yun Yi's company concealed their amusement behind their handkerchiefs upon hearing Yun Yi's words.

"You're still so young." Yun Yi continued. "One should be mindful of their reputation." Her words, disguised as advice from an elder to a young girl, actually damaged Bai Lang's reputation more than anything Bai Lang had done herself.

Bai Lang casually glanced at the three women. If Yun Yi thought she could engage in word games, she needed to understand who Bai Lang truly was first.

"Bai Lang will heed Concubine Yi's counsel. Bai Lang remembers the teachings of her concubine mother and legal mother. Tonight is for Jiejie, and we sisters and brothers are here to welcome guests."

Bai Lang's smile was as sweet as honey as she posed her questions to Concubine Yun Yi. "Was mother's instruction lacking? Had Bai Lang made a mistake?" It seemed as though Bai Lang was humbly seeking Yun Yi's guidance and acknowledging her own errors.

But the women present were not oblivious to the intricacies of the conflicts and manipulations that occurred behind closed doors. These Madams possessed keen perception and could easily detect a cunning mind, even in someone as young as Bai Lang. One woman couldn't help but express her disapproval with a click of her tongue.

Bai Lang had just reminded Concubine Yun Yi that she had a mother and legal mother to teach her. Who was Yun Yi, a childless concubine, to correct her? And who was she to imply that the principal wife had failed to instill proper etiquette in the young miss?

In Bai Lang's eyes, Yun Yi's expression turned sour.

This annoying girl had the audacity to scold her and embarrass her in front of others.


Before Yun Yi could utter a word, Bai Lang quickly spoke."I apologize, but I must excuse myself," Bai Lang said, disregarding Yun Yi and the other woman. She had to go greet her paternal grandmother and cousins who had just arrived. With no time to spare, she couldn't waste any more words with Yun Yi.

Bai Lang quickly made her way towards the entrance of the main hall. Su Rou Xue was engaged in a conversation with a middle-aged couple and an elder woman. Standing to the left of the couple was a young man and a young girl, both around the same age as her.

Her maternal family had just arrived, and they were know as renowned scholar family among the crowd.

Although Bai Lang was unsure of the identities of the two young individuals, the memories she inherited from this body revealed that the elder woman was her grandmother. With determination, she made her way towards Sou rou Xue, standing by her side.

"Bai Lang greets Waizumu, Jiufu,Jiumu and Biaoge,Biaojie" she politely uttered.

As Bai Lang examined the face of the older man up close, the memories within the body confirmed that he was her Jiufu,maternal uncle. Sou rou Xue's elder brother, Sou Zhang Zhu, accompanied by his two children,her biaojie, Sou Tan Mei and biaoge, Sou Ren Zhao.

"Ah, Xiao Lang, come here and let your Zumu have a look at you." Old Madam Sou said with a warm smile. Bai Lang happily walked over and nestled into her grandmother's embrace.

"You look so much like your mother." Old Madam Sou said, gently caressing her face. "It's a shame she hasn't come to visit since we heard about your illness." she added, looking at Sou Rou Xue with a disapproving expression.

Sou Rou Xue couldn't help but feel frustrated with her mother's constant criticism.

" mother, this daughter of yours had dared to visit you without seeking the fu's permission, and furthermore, Xiao-Lang had only just recovered." the young woman muttered with a disgruntled expression.

Old Madam Sou gazed at her spoiled daughter and let out a heavy sigh. She blamed herself for not properly educating Rou Xue, as now all she seemed to do was create chaos wherever she went.

Xiao Lang's grandmother shook her head as she looked at the young girl. She was relieved to see that her granddaughter had improved since the last time she had seen her, a fact that the elderly woman was thankful for since she could not rely on her daughter to give Xiao Lang the upbringing she deserved.