
Marriage Contract With Billionaire

Anna is the key to help Henry step by step open the door of inheritance. Henry helps Anna while she is in financial difficulty. Two people come together only because of a mutually beneficial marriage transaction. However, when Anna and another man were intimate, Henry seemed to be mad. "You are my wife, you sold yourself to me, even if you pretend to be, you are still mine." Anna smiled bitterly. "I come to you for money, you don't love me, so why do other men give me more money than you, I can't be with them?"

Yan_Anna · Urban
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142 Chs

Chapter 2 Successful Trading

Henry was drinking suddenly, and a girl pointed directly at him and asked to talk to him privately. He was a little surprised and looked up to see who that girl was. A girl whose beauty is not too outstanding, but looking at her facial expressions and personality, she seems to be a very personable person.

"Hey girl, what do you want to find Henry for? Aren't you going to apply to be his lover again?" A man asked Anna.

Since Henry told them about his plans and intentions, and inadvertently detailed that he wanted to find a girl to pretend to be his lover, was overheard by a girl who brought alcohol, immediately after. There are a few girls who want to apply for that position. However, they were all afraid that no one was as brave as the girl in front of them, pointing directly at Henry's face.

"I'll do whatever you ask, as long as you decide, as long as you give me fifteen thousand dollars now."

If these people already knew her intentions in coming here, she wouldn't have to open up to them. She was in dire need of money, she was afraid that if she was late, the others would kill her brother. So she decided to loudly voice her request. Of course, the people in this room were all rich, just now she could see that the clothes he was wearing were all limited edition brands, so she was even more sure he wasn't short on money. she requested. She knew that the chances of him agreeing were also very low, but even if there was only a slight chance, she would have to find a way to convince him.

Henry raised his eyebrows at the girl in front of him, then slightly smirked, he shook the wine glass in his hand, then slowly said:

"Why should I agree with you? What do you have to believe I will hire you and not another girl? Hmm?"

Anna clenched her fist, secretly thinking he was right, she wasn't the only girl to come to him, moreover, she wasn't necessarily more beautiful and attractive than the previous women. She quickly used all her intelligence, didn't know what to think, she suddenly smiled and then quickly ran to him like a gust of wind, kicking the wine glass in his hand away, of course she just kicked the wine glass without touching his hand.

Her actions shocked everyone, and the two other girls present in the room panicked and stared at her in disbelief. Even the other two men had pale faces. They were not afraid of her, but they were afraid that Henry would go mad, because no one had ever dared to do so in front of him before.

Henry, on the other hand, was very calm, he smirked and glanced at her face, silently assessing her. A girl who is not more beautiful than people, but with this personality and qualities, she is very good at being next to him to help him climb to that position. He had quietly accepted the deal with her, but he was in no hurry to show that he agreed, he wanted to try her again.

"You all get out for me."

Suddenly did not understand why Henry wanted to kick everyone out of the room, Anna also felt strange and confused, but she did not dare to ask anything. Just stood silently observing the situation, and then she saw that everyone in the room had gone one by one. She didn't know that they were thinking, Henry is angry so he wants to take it out on her, and he doesn't want anyone to see him hitting women, that's why he kicked everyone out. However, the reality is different from what they think.

After the group left the room, Henry ordered Anna to lock the door. She didn't know what he wanted to do but did as he said, because she had no choice anymore. If she wanted to quickly get the money to save Andy, she had to make a deal with him.

"Take off your clothes."


"No, you can go out now."

"You think I need money to be stupid, don't you? I took all of your clothes off, then you didn't agree to the terms of the deal, what can I do to you." Anna sneered, calmly speaking her mind.

She needs money urgently, but her mind is still very clear to analyze everything in her best interest. If he threw the money in front of her, then forced her to take it off, she could throw away all her dignity and self-respect to take off all her clothes and stand in front of him as he asked. But now he didn't give her anything for her to trust, she wasn't stupid enough to be tricked by him.

Henry smirked, silently praising the girl in front of her, it seemed that she was also very smart and sharp. Not to the point of needing money without thinking, despite everything. Maybe this is the girl he needs. He has money, so it's not too difficult to find a beautiful girl to pretend to be his lover, or to marry him. But in addition to being beautiful, he also needed that girl to be smart, to help him in many things later. He didn't want to look for a pretty but stupid girl. Henry took a bank card from his wallet and threw it in front of her.

"There's thirty thousand dollars in it, double what you need."

Anna glanced at the bright platinum gold bank card in front of her, she clenched her fist, he gave her twice as much money as she wanted, he certainly wanted her to do more outrageous things. But whatever it was, she no longer had a choice. She raised her hand and began to unbutton her shirt one by one.

"No need to take it off, take it. I'll give you three days to arrange everything. After three days, come here to find me."

Henry said as he took out a business card from his pocket and threw it at her as well. Then he took a glass of wine and continued drinking, he didn't even care how she reacted.

Anna clenched her fist, she tried to stay calm, she didn't expect this man to trust her, willing to give her such a large amount of money without her having to do anything to make him trust her. She hesitated for a moment, then opened her eyes herself. Maybe he doesn't take this money seriously, so it doesn't matter if he loses it. Or in fact, he had secretly let her followers, so there was no need for her to do anything for him to believe.

"I'll be there on time. Thank you."

Anna reached for her bank card and business card, bowed to Henry, then stepped back, turned, opened the door, and walked out of the room. She did not have much time, she was afraid that if she was late, she would not be able to save her brother's life. In this world she only has Andy as her relative, she can't let Andy face any danger.