
Marriage Contract With Billionaire

Anna is the key to help Henry step by step open the door of inheritance. Henry helps Anna while she is in financial difficulty. Two people come together only because of a mutually beneficial marriage transaction. However, when Anna and another man were intimate, Henry seemed to be mad. "You are my wife, you sold yourself to me, even if you pretend to be, you are still mine." Anna smiled bitterly. "I come to you for money, you don't love me, so why do other men give me more money than you, I can't be with them?"

Yan_Anna · Urban
Not enough ratings
142 Chs

Chapter 3 Anna is in danger.

After Anna had just left the room, Henry immediately picked up the phone and sent a message, the content of the message was only a few words.

"Investigate and track Anna."

He put down the phone and continued to shake his glass of wine and enjoy. Today seems to be a lucky day for him, if it wasn't for him wanting to change his mood so he came here, he wouldn't have met her.

"Anna, I hope you don't let me down."

Anna after receiving Henry's bank card, she quickly contacted the people holding Andy, then she directly ran to the address they gave her, just arrived outside the ruined house, she had She was a little scared, but she reassured herself that she had to be really calm, she had to save her brother, her out.

"When the beauty comes, come in."

Suddenly, a sound came from somewhere, causing Anna to glance around looking for where the voice was coming from, finally she saw a loudspeaker placed overhead, and of course she also saw a camera pointing in the right direction hers. She clenched her fists, plucked up the courage to push the door open and went inside. As soon as she entered, she saw Andy, beaten and bleeding profusely, kneeling in front of her. She was scared and rushed to help Andy.

"Andy, how are you? Don't scare me, you can't die."

"Sister, you're finally here." Andy weakly tried to open her eyes to see the person holding her.

"Why did you hit her? Didn't I say I would bring you the money?" Anna angrily shouted at the crowd standing opposite.

When the man in charge saw Anna, his eyes lit up, he didn't expect Andy's sister to be such a beautiful girl, moreover, she seemed to have a lot of personality. Just looking at her angry made the thing between his legs move in response. His eyes looking at her began to tingle with lust. He stood up and approached her step by step, his eyes lustful looking at her.

"Beauty, do you know how sexy you are when you're angry? Now I've changed my mind, I don't need the money anymore, you don't need to pay Andy's debt, you just need to be my woman, my debt will be forgiven."

Anna frowned at the man approaching her, she clenched her fist, of course she wasn't stupid enough to listen to him. If she became his woman to repay her brother's debt, she would rather exchange her life for her brother's life. She worked at a bar, how could she not see people like this man. She looked at the man with dark eyes, took out her bank card and threw it at him, then coldly spoke.

"I paid double what you said, so I can take Andy now."

"Double pay."

The man was suddenly stunned, he didn't believe what he just heard, so he immediately repeated the question and received a firm nod. Making him roll his eyes. All thoughts of wanting to sleep with her, wanting to have sex with her all stopped, because if really the money in the bank card is the same as what she said, then he still lacks women to serve. He quickly bent down to pick up the bank card, then threw it to his juniors to check.

"Andy, you have to work hard, I'll take you to the hospital, you absolutely must not die." Anna felt Andy's breath getting weaker and weaker, making her extremely worried and scared. She defied all her efforts to carry Andy on her back, just stood up and walked with difficult steps when suddenly the leader got angry. shouted angrily at her.

"Whore, you dare lie to me, where's the money?"

The leader threw the bank card at Anna's feet, if he didn't ask his juniors to carefully check the amount of money inside, he would have been tricked by her, there was not a single coin inside. Yet she dared to say double pay. The man was extremely angry, his eyes were cloudy as he looked at the girl carrying the young man on her back, walking with heavy steps.

The leader's scream also startled Anna, her trembling legs almost knocked Andy to the ground. But what made her even more disappointed and insecure was why there was no money in the card. Perhaps Henry had deceived her, but his attitude was clearly believable. Maybe her eyes were wrong this time. If there is really no money in the card, then how can you and your sister leave today? Especially now Andy needs to hurry to the hospital. She was confused as to what to do when the leader ordered his men to move towards her, push Andy away from her and tie her to the side.

"Please let me go, I beg you, let me take Andy to the hospital, or he will die."

Anna tried to fight back, while sobbing and begging the crowd to save her brother. She is not afraid of what will happen to them, she is only worried about Andy's life.

"You slut, you dare to deceive me, this is the price to pay." The leader not only unkindly took Andy to the hospital, but he also cruelly approached and used the chair he was sitting to hit Andy, who was lying motionless on the ground. His actions made Anna cry and beg.

"Don't, don't hit, I beg of you."

At the moment she just felt so hopeless, felt herself really worthless. Because she trusted one person too much, she put her brother in this situation. If Andy died today, she would blame herself and hate that man for the rest of her life. As long as she was alive, she would definitely make him pay.

"I won't hit her again, but let's see how a whore like you behaves." The leader threw the chair aside, he started to move closer to Anna.

"What do you want to do? Release me quickly, anyone? Help me. Ah..."

The leader reached out and directly tore Anna's shirt in two, causing her to tremble in fear and beg him to let her go. Just when she felt desperate because no one would be able to save her sisters from these people, suddenly outside, there was the sound of footsteps and the sound of gunfire.

"Big Brother, a group of strangers came outside, they attacked our brothers, some of them were shot and killed." A junior guarding outside rushed in to report.

The leader stopped his hand, he frowned and stared at Anna, then reached out and slapped her hard in the face.

"Whore, did you call the police? I'm going to shoot your skull in, you stinking bitch..."

"Pang."The sound of gunfire rang in her ears, making Anna close her eyes in fear, she thought it was the gunfire the leader had just shot her, but strangely why she didn't feel pain, and then a lot of gunshots rang out, around her. The juniors who were holding her suddenly let go of her hand, she immediately knew that the person who was hit by the bullet was not her. Until she could no longer hear the gunfire, she slowly opened her eyes, unexpectedly opening them, and meeting her eyes was the face of a man she had thought she would hate for the rest of her life.

"Why are you here?"