
Marriage at the Wrong Place

On the day of her wedding, Xi Lana entered the wrong church.

monoinstress · Allgemein
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4 Chs

Ch. 0 : Prelude

"Here comes the bride!!" The huge doors opened infront of her. This is it. The day she was waiting to come has finally arrived. Her very own wedding day.


Everything seemed different, especially the groom!

Her palms began sweating a river. Heart thumping like a drum so hard that she can hear. Ofcourse anyone would get nervous at their wedding day. However, Xi Lana was nervous not because of excitement, but because of horror!

Whispers echoed the church. The music stopped and everyone's jaw dropped.

"Everyone! Standing at the other end of the aisle is my wife!" A man's voice resonated. The confused Lana, very confused, looked at her back. It is definitely not me he's talking about, right?

The huge bells rang. The music continued as everyone rose up from their seats and welcome her with a huge applause.

'What? What are they clapping for!?' She panicked, unable to move her feet. 'This is not my wedding. This is not my groom. Where am I!?'