
Mark Larkinson (DROPPED)

I have written a fanfiction based on the novel 'The Mech Touch'. The protagonist, Mark, has been reincarnated as the twin brother of Ves Larkinson. He soon discovers that not only has he been reborn, but he is also living in the world of the novel he had previously read. Luckily, he has a system that will assist him on his journey in his second life. It's important to note that I am a beginner writer, so there may be mistakes in my novel. I have only read up to chapter 1600 out of over 5000, so I am still working on understanding certain aspects of the story. I promise that Mark will not follow the same path as Ves and that there will be new planets, characters, and plots to keep things interesting. However, I do have a full-time job as a salesperson, so updates may not be regular. I will do my best to provide at least one chapter per week. Please give my fanfiction a read. I do not own the novel THE MECH TOUCH or the charater's inside the novel. The cover photo is also not mine it is an AI generated picture.

Admiral_Leo · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 8 : The Expedition (1)

The next day morning at the spaceport of the planet there is a large spaceship with black and silver color. This is the ship Mark prepared for his expedition.

This ship was bought by Mark with some favors from his personal customers it did cost him a lot of Bright credits.

The ship had a total of 25 crew members, with an accommodation capacity of 50 members. The ship's defense and shield system was upgraded by Mark himself and he also equipped the spaceship with Artificial intelligence that only answered to him.

The mech and weapons were loaded to the ship and strapped in by the crew.

They were all waiting for Mark's arrival.

<Jaime Team Zero Captain>

It has been 2 years since I joined the combat team Mr.Larkinson established, unlike the other teams we do not come under the authority of Omega. We are Mr.Mark Larkinson's personal bodyguards. I used to be a mech pilot, working in an underground fighting arena it used to pay well but my life was always in the line. Then one day boss came and gave me an offer that frankly no one in my situation would ever turn down.

"Captain when will the boss get here we have loaded the cargo and other materials?" Erik asked.

"Soon" I replied.

After waiting for a little while I saw a Black SUV pull over to the port with four more accompanying it. I don't know why but the boss always travels in that Car when he is in Taxore, I never asked why rich persons have many things they like to do maybe this one is boss's favorite.

As I opened his cars door I gave him the status of the ship and we all boarded the ship.

<General Pov>

As the spaceship took off from the planet Mark called a meeting for his combat team.

Mark then distributed every one of them a grey box. "This box contains a new version of the combat suit which all of you will wear from now onwards. You are not supposed to go outside of the ship without wearing them. Am I clear" Mark questioned the team members.

"Sir Yes Sir" All of them answered in union.

"OK everyone should focus from now. This mission is really important for me and there would be many situations where we would face ambushes and sneak attacks, so you are allowed to kill, DO NOT SHOW ANY MERCY only capture a person if he or she could be a squad leader or a person with higher status".

After giving more pointers and things to do when they are in the field Mark sent the rest of the team off and asked Jaime to wait in the conference room.

"So who all are interested in the resources of the planet" Mark asked.

"There are a lot of Bigshots interested in the information but they have only sent some teams from their organizations but with some time more will be attracted to the resources" Jaime replied.

"Be sure to take down as many of these people and don't reveal your identity use the suit all the time and secure their ships and mech I will be needing them for some experiments" Mark gave the order and sent Jaime away.

Mark planned to collect points by killing his opponents and disposing of their useless ships and mech by selling them to the system for points. By his calculation, he could collect around 300K points in this trip.


Name : Mark Larkinson

Profession : Apprentice Mech Designer

Strength : 10

Dexterity : 6.2

Endurance : 6.5

Intelligence : 9.4

Spirit : 4.6

Stat points : 6

Available Points : 58,000 Points

'I really have to give all this time'.

'Open inventory'

Smart Optical Mask x 1

Lightsaber x 1

NN-14 Blaster Pistol x 1

Crysis Nanosuit (Deathstroke Edition) x 3

NT7A Armored Truck x 2

Military Ration Package x 120

Purified water (Bottle) x 500

AHT Rail Gun x 5

PN-91 Sniper Rifle x 1

Ammunition Cart x 100

'I think this will be enough for myself in this mission' Mark thought to himself.

'I wonder how the Larkinsons are doing these days'.

"Jim what are the Larkinsons doing these days give me a report," Mark asked his personal AI assisting the spaceship.

"The Larkinsons have heavily invested in the LMC due to its success in its released mechs, Benjamin Larkinson had contacted Omega two days prior to your departure offering a partnership contract, Sir" The AI Jim answered.

"Yes I saw the contract, It was a decent one but I have decided not to let them have any power in my company".

"Yes sir, they had also offered to provide some mech pilots for the combat team Mr.Alex has accepted some and placed them in Team 5, Would you like to provide any orders concerning them" The AI informed Mark.

"hmm I should warn Alex. Contact Alex for me". Mark commanded.

In Taxore inside Omega HQ

Alex a partner of the Omega Cooperation. Alex and his two friends started this company and it's been three years and business is booming. Mark's mech is sold in the market like some treasure and many wealthy families contact us for customized variants of his mech. This is also a major income to their company.

As Alex was thinking about their future market he got a call from Mark.

"Hello Mark how's the ride is it comfortable?"

"Yes, its fine I called you to ask about the Larkinsons you recruited".

"Yeah, I recruited three of them as combat members for team 5 and they were qualified for the job too, Why is there any problem I know you have some issues with the Larkinsons but this is just for our business" Alex replied.

"No, I have no issues with you hiring them just be careful and don't prompt anyone of them to captain or commander this is important. Alright" Mark said.

"Yeah Yeah I know, I won't do anything that could affect our business" Alex answered.

"I know that that's the reason why you are the CEO. Did you hear from the Larkinsons after that ?" Mark asked.

"Yeah they asked me to assign the three to Team Zero I declined it. They were really vocal about it too, especially the female pilot." Alex informed him.

"They are really trying their best to get in contact with me hmm. Did Grandpa contact you after that?" Mark enquired.

"Yes a couple of time, you should answer the calls once in a while I'm really tired of saying no to everything he offers, still the old guy still contact me. They are offering some good deals you know it won't be bad if we accept some of them". Alex said as he waited for Mark's reply.

"I have said it before I don't want my family to interfere in our business take the LMC as an example that idiot Ves took money from the family and now they have forty percent of the share in that company, and Ves is letting him be kicked around as a football. Don't let that happen to our company. I called you to say this I'm ending the call" Marked then ended the call.

"Well he really have some issues with his family"

Alex then left the office to attend a meeting with the company's quality control division.


I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter.

The expedition will start in the next chapter.

recommend this fanfiction to your friends if you enjoyed reading it.

Admiral Leo.

(What's your opinion on Gloriana should I kill her off ?)

(Do our MC need a heroine ?){Not Gloriana}