
March to the Capital

They deserve what happens to them. Ever since they enslaved us, ever since they shackle us underground to bring them their ore or chain above ground to harvest their grain. We suffered, while they fattened their bellies. No more, now we deserve justice. We will ravage through their countryside, we shall burn their homes, and slaughter their young. For now, our rebellion has begun. The time of my people’s slavery ends with me for I will lead my people to greatness. The Cinari will do anything to stop me, with their ancient war machines and pathetic armies. But I will push them back and claim what is rightfully mine. We built their Empire with our blood and tears. It is time we take it back. When I was a slave, they called me M-24:6. But as a free man, they know me as Marak. Content warning: This story mentions and features mature content. Which includes sexual assault, torture, gore, genocide, slavery, racism, and more. (Book 1 of 2 of the Capital series) (New chapters every Thursday)

Elijah_Talbot_3693 · Krieg
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45 Chs

Chapter 42: Baptism by Blood (Volas)

My city burns outside my office, while the screams of my men echo in the streets every minute. I look over the map, seeing how we can force them out of the city. If it's even possible.

I know the Dogs breached from the west walls either by scaling the walls or knocking them down with their crude siege equipment. How deep they are into the city is a different question. From the fires, I suspect five wings have fallen to the Dogs, but there are even fires from the east and northern quarters of the city. Maybe they are deeper into my city than I thought.

There hasn't been any news from the tunnels. I can't imagine them falling to the Dogs this early.

There has to be a way to win this before Thorn arrives, I need to hold them for just a bit longer, long enough for help to arrive. Every plan needs to be tested and calculated. Play defensive here or aggressive there. Burn the buildings down to flush them out, or force them to fight in tight areas. I can't lose this city!

I need to hold on just a bit longer. Just until help arrives. But where is Thorn? He should've been here a few days ago. Why is he late? Has he abandoned us? Did the Dogs stop him from coming?

'Volas! We have to get out of here!'

Hannah runs into my office. Her body is covered in blood and dust, her sword showing signs of dents and usage. She was meant to be in the tunnels.

By the Gods! We are too late to defend the city.

'Volas snap out of it! We have to move!'

I put on the necklace in distress. 'We've lost,' I whisper to her.

Hannah grabs my hand as we ran to the courtyard, the fiery yellow sky welcoming me as we both head our way to the webgate. Our only hope of survival.

As we run through the streets of the burning city, a Dog comes out of a burning building and drives his spear towards my chest. But the necklace cause the spearhead to explode on impact.

The Dog and I stumble back in confusion. I didn't feel a thing. How is that even possible?

Before the Dog could react, Hannah drives her sword into the gaps of its armour, bringing the large beast down with a swift motion of her blade.

'Come on! We are nearly there.'

We get closer to the webgate, running past Dogs and other fleeing Cinari. They flee in random directions, out of panic or confusion. This place has not just fallen to the Dogs. It has fallen into chaos!

We reach the last line of defences, as split ballista's crew's work over time to load and fire their weapon at the endless hordes of Dogs.

I open the door to the webgate. Its white aura radiates out of the building it resides in.

'Everyone retreat into the gate! The city is lost!'

The Dogs close in on our position, running into our defences like a raging stampede.

My soldiers abandon their posts as they rush to the webgate. Huson barks orders for everyone to escape, to run for their lives to our last chance of salvation.

Arrows fly over and around me as I jump through the webgate.

I emerge from the other side, back in the cathedral that started my journey so long ago.

Huson jumps through with some of his men, but Hannah is nowhere to be seen.

'Get ready to tear the gate down!'

I point to a few men to grab onto ropes that are tied around the weakest point of the webgate's structure.

More and more men jump through, some with grave wounds. I order the men to ready their bows in case a Dog slips past.

I sweat furiously, waiting for Hannah. Oh Gods, please tell me she is all right.

My heart calms as Hannah enters the room. Without a care in the world, I run to her to embrace her.

She is alive! She is safe here at last.

The room goes silent. The world slows the closer we get to each other.

The whistle of an arrow flies across the room, right into Hannah's back.

'No,' I whisper under my breath as I catch her before she hits the ground. I frantically remove her chest plate to see how bad the damage is, to see if she will be okay. The arrow is poking out of her chest, her blood slowly soaking into her clothing.

Hannah coughs out blood, while being unable to move or say anything.

'It's going to be okay! It's going to be okay!' I say to her as I apply pressure around her wound.

As Huson shouts for the webgate to collapse, I hold on to Hannah, clutching her hand as I hold her close to me to try to stop the bleeding.

I do my best to hold back my tears. I can't let her see me like this. I need to give her hope that it'll be okay.

She struggles to smile as she whimpers in pain. 'Tis… tis okay to cry,' she croaks.

I can't hold myself together. I know she can't make it. I can't save her. I hold her close to me. To give her one last hug while I weep uncontrollably onto her shoulder.

Her breaths grow weaker and weaker until I couldn't hear anything from her.

Not a breath, or a heartbeat.

I hold her tighter, feeling the arrowhead digging into my chest.

The world around me goes dark, I can only see the person I care about the most in my arms. The person I failed, the person I should've treated better. My best friend. She's gone because of me.

I weep for what feels like an eternity, the pain of losing someone close getting worse and worse.

My heart aches while my soul cries in agony. I can't leave her, not after this!

Why her? Why not me? Why does it have to be like this? What has she done to deserve this?

All of these questions rush through my mind. I pray to the Gods for an answer. I beg them to bring her back.

But all I get, is silence.