
March to the Capital

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  • 45 Kaps
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  • NO.200+

What is March to the Capital

Lesen Sie den Roman March to the Capital des Autors Elijah_Talbot_3693, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.They deserve what happens to them.Ever since they enslaved us, ever since they shackle us underground to bring them their ore or chain above ground to harvest their grain. We suffered, while they fatt...


They deserve what happens to them. Ever since they enslaved us, ever since they shackle us underground to bring them their ore or chain above ground to harvest their grain. We suffered, while they fattened their bellies. No more, now we deserve justice. We will ravage through their countryside, we shall burn their homes, and slaughter their young. For now, our rebellion has begun. The time of my people’s slavery ends with me for I will lead my people to greatness. The Cinari will do anything to stop me, with their ancient war machines and pathetic armies. But I will push them back and claim what is rightfully mine. We built their Empire with our blood and tears. It is time we take it back. When I was a slave, they called me M-24:6. But as a free man, they know me as Marak. Content warning: This story mentions and features mature content. Which includes sexual assault, torture, gore, genocide, slavery, racism, and more. (Book 1 of 2 of the Capital series) (New chapters every Thursday)

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Aku Hilya, gadis sawo matang dengan tampang biasa-biasa aja yang masih jomblo di usiaku yang udah nginjek 28 tahun. Yang ngerti banget apa artinya jatuh cinta, tapi ga pernah bener-bener ngerasain apa itu pacaran. Bukannya kolot, tapi siapa sih yang mau pacaran sama gadis kayak aku yang termasuk dalam golongan fatty girl? Dengan tinggi badan 155cm dan berat badan 75kg aku terlihat seperti panda imut. "Udah ahh gw capek, emang ga ada yang mau Sya sama gw. Inget jodoh itu ga akan lari kemana." "Elaah mba, jodoh emang ga akan kemana tapi lu mesti usaha juga kali, jangan nyerah gtu donk!" Yah, aku emang percaya banget sama ungkapan kalo jodoh itu ga akan kemana-kemana, maka dari itu aku lebih milih untuk enjoy jalanin hidup kayak biasa. Sampe akhirnya aku ketemu lagi sama dia, dia yang sewaktu kecil jadi temen mainku, dia yang sewaktu kecil selalu ngelindungin aku dan dia yang bahkan kamarnya bisa ku lihat dari balkon kamarku. Apa aku ga nyadar kalo sebenernya selama ini aku jatuh cinta sama dia? Tapi gimana sama dia? Apa dia bakal sama kayak cowok-cowok jahat lainnya yang cuma liat cewek dari fisik luarnya aja? "Cowok jaman sekarang klo liat cewek selain cantik pengennya juga tinggi, putih, langsing! Itu mau pacaran sm cewek apa sama bihun?" "Yaa, lu daripada ngegalau mulu ga karuan mending lu keluar sana cari pacar!" "Bu, ibu nyuruh iyaa cari pacar apa cari beras sih, enteng bener ngomongnya." (Sebagian diambil dari kisah nyata)

Othye23 · Teenager
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