
Maniac Mops the Multiverse

Lucas is killed by the world's most dangerous serial killer. He enters the afterlife and meets a goddess. She provides him with a way and a system.  The way is to travel the multiverse and the system is a tool used for convenience by him.  Roaming the multiverse, giving green hats to all the stupid protagonists, and creating a harem, these are the one of the many things he does. Journey along Lucas, the Maniac, and watch as he traverses the multiverse to become the universe's strongest and creates a world for himself later to live in peacefully with his harem, friends, and family. ___________ Read my Original novel: Vampire's Slice Of Life on app or the web through the following link: https://webnovel.com/book/vampire's-slice-of-life_22401553205013705 ___________ [Warning: This fanfic contains incest. Reader discretion is advised.] Expect a lot of smut, lots and lots of it. But don't worry, there will just be as much plot in it apart from the usual 'Plot' to keep you hooked. Read this and join the dark side. We've got cookies, milfs and their milk ;) This novel will contain many genres of hanime except for R*pe, Netorare, Netorase, and other extremely dark genres like scat, and other stuff. No Yaoi.  No Yuri. Netori may be there. A novel made for the men of culture, for culture, with culture. ___________ Read 20 chapters ahead on Patreon: Patreon.com/SocialHippo PayPal: PayPal.me/authorhippo (@authorhippo)  Join the Discord to talk to me and for character pictures, memes, and other stuff. https://discord.gg/RBhAbVAvnN  [Temporary link: discord.gg/socialhippo] [The cover art is not mine. Feel free to ask me to take it down, if it belongs to you.]

SocialHippo · Anime und Comics
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38 Chs


Hearing Lucas's questions, the goddess smiled and answered, "it's because your memories are wiped off the moment you die and you start fresh in your new life. This time was an exception and you remember things for some reason."

Lucas nodded. 'This seems like some third-rate protagonist level shit from anime. Have I perhaps gotten some cheat and really become the protagonist?'

He then looked at the goddess and asked, "by the way, are you really God?"

The goddess nodded.

Lucas then asked, "So do you know where my family is? My mom and my big sis."

The goddess nodded and then said, "I do. They are currently in a queue, waiting to get reincarnated."

Hearing this, Lucas's eyes lit up. "Seriously!? So you're telling me I have a chance, or more like, we have a chance to become family again?"

The goddess nodded her head.

"Wow! Amazing! Simply too amazing!" Lucas said enthusiastically.

The goddess cleared her throat and asked Lucas, "so about your own reincarnation. Since you were an exception this time, meaning, you had your memories intact, I'll let you choose the place where you want to reincarnate with your family. Let me know which one it is."

Lucas thought about it for a bit and after thinking for a few minutes, he came up with an answer. He smiled and said to her,

"How about you reincarnate me into an anime world. Can you do that? Do these worlds exist?"

The goddess nodded and said, "as long as there's even a slight possibility of something existing, it will exist. Which anime-verse do you want to reincarnate in?"

Lucas said with a happy smile, "the Tensura universe!"

"Okay." The goddess said.

"Oh also, another thing. Do you perhaps have a way or some tool for me, through which I'll be able to travel to other anime universes? A tool that can help me take my mom and big sis too." Lucas asked shamelessly.

The goddess raised her eyebrow in surprise. His shamelessness wasn't gone at all no matter if his memories were sealed or not.

She smiled and said to him, "I do but there should be an equivalent exchange. What can you give to me in return?"

Lucas smirked and joked, "how about you take my virginity? I haven't had sex with anyone all my life because I was too busy working and doing other stuff."

The goddess rolled her eyes as she heard this. Yup, the seal on his memory may be temporary, but the shamelessness of her son was eternal. No matter the circumstances or the place, his this nature really won't change.

"Forget it. Just take it and leave. There are other things I have to do." The goddess said in an annoyed tone and snapped her fingers, making Lucas vanish from his spot.

Lucas felt his vision darken and he was back to having the same feeling he had when he got hit by the damn truck.


Mystic Cloud Palace, Elysium.

A dazzling silver-haired, blue-eyed lady wearing majestic blue robes was sitting behind a desk, rummaging through a pile of parchments, and working.

Space fluctuated a few meters away from the beauty and out of thin air appeared another top-class beauty with the same hair color but purple eyes. The two looked very similar to each other.

"Hello, mom." The silver-haired, blue-eyed lady said to the lady with the same hair color but purple eyes.

Had the blue-eyed lady not called her mother, nobody would've thought that they had such a relationship and would've only thought of them being sisters.

"Hi, dear. Still busy with work it seems." Leya said to her daughter, Lucy.

She walked towards the desk and sat on the chair present opposite to Lucy.

"Yes, mom. But it's no problem now, the work is much less than before." Lucy said with a smile.

"I see. So how long will it take for you to finish and do you have other stuff to do?" Leya asked the important question.

Lucy put down her quill and stared at her mother. "Why? Is something the matter, mom?"

Leya nodded and said, "I just met your brother, he–"

"What!?" Lucy slammed her hands on the table and asked. "You met him and didn't even inform me!? Mom, why!?"

Leya sighed and shook her head with a helpless smile. Her daughter was the same as her when the talk was about Lucas. They both apparently loved him a bit too much and were crazy for him.

She walked towards Lucy and reached behind her. She placed her hands on her shoulders and made her sit down on her chair. She massaged her shoulder and said gently to her,

"Calm down, dear. Do you think mama won't inform you about it? There were some reasons I wasn't able to. I'll tell you everything later.

For now, just know that things happened, he died in his 34th life, met me, things happened again, and now he is about to begin his 35th life. We both have to play our roles again and this time, there's good news for you and me.

We don't have to play the tragic scenes again and won't die like in the previous 34 times. We'll be with your brother all throughout his life."

Lucy turned her face up and looked at her mother. "Really!? That's such good news! Mom, I love you!"

Leya smiled and bent down to kiss Lucy's forehead. "I love you too, dear. But tell me when you're free and we can begin his 35th reincarnation."

"Just a few days, mom. I'll wind everything up in a few days." Lucy said happily.

Leya nodded and said, "I'll be either in the Seven Divine Rainbow Palace, or in the White Jada Pavilion. You can find me in any of these two places when you're free and we can then leave."

Lucy nodded and Leya left after saying goodbye to her.


Lucas was drifting through a dark environment. He had no idea about the time, place, or date. He was just drifting and drifting and there were no signs of the darkness ever fading away.

He was in a half awake state and having nothing to do, he started counting. He was currently at the number 187,732.

Sometimes he would stop counting and have a small monologue with himself. He would talk about his miserable life, his family, and how the goddess was. He would then get back to counting again.

'So boring… When will this darkness ever fade away? Ahh… So boring… Maybe I should just sleep a bit. Hmm…'

Lucas thought and tried to sleep.

A few moments passed.

Lucas who was trying to sleep suddenly felt fully awake for some reason and there was no tiredness and he also wasn't in his previous half awake state.

'What's happening? Why do I suddenly feel so awake?'

As he thought this, he felt an intense sense of vertigo and felt as if everything around him was spiralling. He didn't even have the chance to scream or react as in the next moment, all his senses were shut down and this feeling was gone.

"...wa…ke… up… wake… up…"

Lucas felt as if he was hearing some noises.

"Wake… up… wake… up…"

The noise started getting louder and louder.

"Little brother, wake up!" He soon heard a loud noise and was jolted awake.

He abruptly opened his eyes and everything felt too blinding to him so he closed it back again. He opened it again slowly and soon found a dazzling beauty to be standing in front of her.

The beauty was silver-haired and blue-eyed and was wearing a long black skirt and white top. She had her hair tied in a bun and she was currently bending down and looking at him. Her face was very close to his face.

"Little brother, are you finally awake?" She asked.

Lucas rubbed his temples and looked around, trying to process things. He soon came up with a few guesses and thoughts.

He smiled looking at the girl in front of him and said with a smirk,

"Why is your face so close to mine, big sis? Do you perhaps want to kiss your brother?"