
Maniac Eldest miss is an Overlord

"yao yin you're getting married to Shi zeyi in a year time, you should be more filial when next you see his parents okay?" "really? who said I'm getting married?" killed on the night before her wedding, Lu yao yin was giving the chance to go back a year before that day, to her engagement night. Now she knows who her real friends are and just how to deal with her scheming enemies plus she's no longer the timid selfless Lu yao yin but the 21st Century most feared Mafia Lu yao yin. To stop her fate from repeating she do all she can to avert it. what marriage? what title? she doesn't need any of their pitiful offering that would only bring her closer to her death

unique2bliss · Fantasie
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98 Chs

A smile from Hell!

The moon didn't stand in the sky for long before it ran back to it hiding place like it couldn't wait to see the suspense the rising sun would bring. The night left and the morning came.

just as Lui shenhui had planned, once it was first light she and her father set out for the Zi residence, they didn't want to seem desperate so they took their time picking out items they thought would be appropriate as gifts for the Zi couple and when it was almost midday they finally headed for the house.

They had informed the Zi couple of their visit so the Housekeeper was at the door to receive them when they arrived.

"please this way, Master and madam are at the living waiting for you" the elderly man said as he ushered them into the house.

"goodday Uncle Zi, Aunty Zi" Lui shenhui greeted in a polite voice as she got to where the couples were.

Zi chunming was the first to respond "Lui girl it's nice to see you, you look so beautiful than the last time I saw you"

Lui shenhui smiled blissfully when she heard his compliment. why won't she look beautiful when she had spent the early hours of the morning painting her face with a bunch of makeup and cosmetic products. at least her effort weren't in vain.

"shenhui quick come and sit down" Jia Lin smiled and patted the spot next to her, gesturing for Lui shenhui to come and sit down.

after they were all seated, they began discussing about one thing or the other. The men joked and teased eachother over a game of chess while Lui shenhui watched Mrs Zi earnestly as she knitted, once in a while she asked questions and listened fervently to Jia Lin explanation like a daughter learning from her mother. of course her enthusiasm was feigned but she did well portraying a responsible daughter-in-law.

After a while the men stop playing games and decided to listen to the news, the Television was turned on and as if it was planned, they were right on time to hear the news about Lu yao yin escapades.

On the News the reporters was reporting on how a number of angry netizens and citizens had stormed their way to the front of DxD company building asking for an explanation from them. At first when the whole issue started no one had been bold enough to crowd in front of the company but after the recent video was 'leaked', everyone was fed up and decided to ask DxD why they hadn't taken any actions against Lu yao yin.

"I not going to blame DxD Corp but all I ask for is that they give the community a tangible explanation for all this." said one of the protesters who was being interviewed.

"I work for DxD and I can clearly tell everybody that the higher up have no idea what is wrong with the CEO, no one has even seen her since the whole fiasco started. I'm sure the higher up are also as fed up as all of us" the young man continued to say after which he proud declared that he was going to quit working in DxD if the company didn't come to a decision.

This worker's comments made everyone think that the inside of the company was in Chaos and disorder but in actual fact they were wrong cause apart from the Lower leveled and insignificant workers every other person had been informed of the truth behind the issue and they had been warned to keep calm and behave like nothing has happened. This was why nothing had been heard from the company, and of a truth Lu yao yin had not been to company since all this while but she had attended to all her work effective and even held meetings through video calls, some of which Zi yichen sat through with her.

Everything the worker had said were all out of his assumption, he most probably was part of the few worker trying to make a name through this incidence.

The new changed headlines after a few more comments from other protesters.

"sigh! it heartbreaking to see a promising young lady lose her morals" Lui mingrui was the first to comment.

"I had that lady in high esteem but who knew...I never expected she would engage in such conducts" He said again

"sometimes people are not what they seem at times, plus you never can tell what the truth is" Zi chunming replied, he wasn't talking about Lu yao yin but just giving a perfunctory answer to Lui mingrui words. He was the type of person that believe something easily neither did he doubt them, He was the perfect example of an onlooker.

"aish I guess your right"

"dad I'm sure it's all a scandal, I don't believe someone would do such things just to succeed" Lui shenhui said cutting into their conversation.

She sounded like she was defending Lu yao yin but she clearly wasn't.

Lui mingrui chuckled "shenhui'er, you're simply just naive, not everyone is as simple headed as you think. many youths your age would do anything to achieve a higher status, it really despicable what someone of them do especially ladies"

she furrowed her brows like she didn't agree with what he said "even still_"

Zi chunming cut her off "Lui girl you shouldn't bother yourself with such things, most youths are really not kind-hearted as you"

Lui mingrui agreed "it rare to see genuine good, clear-headed and moral youths nowadays. I'm glad I got such a blessing as a daughter"

Jia Lin listened to their conversation with furrowed brows. she had heard of the Lu yao yin incidences before now but she felt something was wrong with the procession of the whole thing. she might not know Lu yao yin that deeply but she could tell the young lady was not such a person, if she was why wasn't she rushing to be together with her son. She was felt very worried for the young lady, she might be elderly but she could still tell a trick when she saw one. someone was clearly trying to trick Lu yao yin.

soon enough Lunch was served and they began eating.

"It seems I'm late" A masculine voice boomed in their ears.

"Zi yichen" Madam Zi stood up eagerly and ushered him to sit down, as she lead him she looked around looking for Lu yao yin, she had invited the two of them but now only he had come, she wanted to ask about her but she held her self back.

Zi yichen eyes lit up when he saw Lui shenhui and then he smirked, He smiled because he was surprised by how accurate Lu yao yin guess was, she had refused to come along with him cause she guessed Lui shenhui would come to see his parents. She didn't want to disrupt Lui shenhui plan and happiness so she stayed behind.

He greeted his father and the guest at the table before he took his own seat.

Lui shenhui was surprised to see Zi yichen, her heart was thumping wildly in her chest like it was going to jump out. She was fully well aware that they weren't in talking terms but like a love stricken young lady she lifted up her head and smiled at him. never in her wild imaginations would she have expected to do anything in return but to her greatest surprise, Zi yichen looked at her for a while then flashed her a smile.

'did he just smile at her?'

She froze and averted her eyes Immediately, her cheeks glowed red and she gripped the edge of her skirt to calm her palpitating heart.

His smiling face was imprinted deeply into her mind refusing to go away, she didn't know whether she should dance or jump or cry out of joy, of all the years she had known Zi yichen this was the first time he had showed her any smile and now that smile was the most beautiful smile she had ever seen, so she thought, if only she had turned to see his face now she would have seen that the beautiful smile had morphed into a devilish smirk that could send tremors into ones soul.

That smile was no longer a beautiful smile but a smile from hell!