
Make Of: The Crystal Mage

Pa_St · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Chapter 17: Encouragement

The next day, Amara was still feeling down despite Lilith's cryptic words. He doubted he could achieve whatever grand vision she had for him.

That evening, Berly caught him returning to their room. "Hey, are you okay? You've been avoiding training and classes," Berly asked with concern.

"I'm just busy with a project," Amara mumbled.

"You need breaks!" Berly insisted. "You don't even eat with us anymore. Come to lunch tomorrow, just for an hour."

Reluctantly, Amara agreed. The next day he joined his friends, trying to savor their company one last time before inevitably drifting apart.

"So, have you signed up for the tournament?" Amelia asked.

Amara shook his head. "I shouldn't bother. My weak magic would just embarrass me."

"Don't say that!" Amelia protested. "You have amazing skills besides magic. You can find your own path to strength."

"She's right," Berly added. "Don't try to be like everyone else. Play to your strengths."

Amara sighed. "What strengths? I'll never be powerful like the rest of you."

Tanya gave him a piercing look. "The only thing limiting you is yourself. If you truly want to improve, stop making excuses and start working for it."

Amara looked down, abashed. Amelia touched his hand gently. "Don't ever give up hope. We believe in you even if you don't. You can do this, Amara. We'll be by your side no matter what."

Her words resonated deep within Amara's heart. She was right - he had to keep trying, for their sake if not his own.

"You've all overcome so much," Amara said quietly. "I won't fail you again. When the tournament starts, I'll be ready."

His friends cheered loudly, drawing stares from around the hall. For the first time in days, Amara smiled. The future felt bright again, as long as he had them.

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