
Make Of: The Crystal Mage

Pa_St · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Chapter 16: The Grimmoire

A week after returning from the waterfall trials, Amara remained depressed about his combat deficiencies. But he had a critical project to focus on - creating a grimoire for Professor Lilith.

Grimoires were spellbooks with magic circles that activated spells when charged with mana. Complex and expensive, they were status symbols amongst mages.

Amara had been studying magic circles, combining them to form new spells for his grimoire. It was meticulous, draining work, but he poured all his time into it. He had to succeed after his recent failures.

One day, an announcement summoned all students to the hall. An imperial messenger declared a tournament being held for youths, with the winner joining the newly formed Junior Royal Order.

Students buzzed with excitement. Amara felt no joy. Even if he won, what use would he be to the Order with his feeble magic? He returned to his work, resigned to a life of research rather than adventure.

Later, Lilith visited to check his progress. "You're doing too much," she chided gently. "This isn't due for a month. Pace yourself."

"I want to make something worthy of you," Amara said glumly. "This is all I'm good for."

Lilith studied him with concern. "Will you enter the tournament?" she asked. Amara scoffed - the battlefield was no place for a mediocre mage like himself.

"I see," Lilith said slowly. "Then tell me, why did I assign you this grimoire project?" She left Amara puzzled by her cryptic question.

He stared at the glowing magic circles scrawled across countless pages. Why indeed? What was Lilith trying to teach him through this endeavor? The answers lurked just outside Amara's grasp.

There was a purpose to all this - he just had to clear his mind and realize it. Once he did, Amara sensed his destiny would finally unfold before him. The path had been laid out, he need only take the first steps...

this one was a bit too short but it all I have right now.

Pa_Stcreators' thoughts