
Make Don Quixote Great Again

In the Holy Land Mariejois, the World Summit was held as scheduled. When Don Quixote Doflamingo set foot on this piece of red soil, a large number of reporters surrounded him enthusiastically. "Master Doflamingo, how does it feel to set foot on Mariejois again?" Doflamingo smiled coolly: "Not bad." "I heard that you were kicked out of Mariejois by the Celestial Dragons. Is this true?" "Of course not." Doflamingo shook his head. "If not, why did you leave here?" "Because I realized that with these insects, how could I ever realize my ideals?" Doflamingo said disdainfully. "Then what is your ideal?" "Make Don Quixote great again!" ======== You can read up to 50 chapters ahead on my Patreon: pat reon.com/Mr_Deadalus Note: This is one of my favorite One Piece fanfictions of all time, you can find the complete machine translated version on mtlnation under the same name - Make Don Quixote Great Again. I wanted to make it more readable and do it justice, so here I am :). I will try to update as much as possible but I'm a college student and have work so please be patient.

Mr_Deadalus · Anime und Comics
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124 Chs

Chapter 16: The Eve Of The Battle Of Edd War

In the next few days, Marine's intelligence department was very busy.

Shiki is currently the leader of the most powerful pirate group in the New World. Coupled with his own strength and influence, his every move can be said to affect the situation of the world.

For an overlord like him, when the pirates under his command are all suddenly converging towards the Edd War sea area, there must be something wrong!

In the marshal's office, Sengoku and other Marine senior generals gathered.

Marshal Kong looked at the document in his hand, and after thinking for a while, he looked up at the people sitting below and said, "In other words, there is no change in the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"No, the latest sighting information of the Whitebeard pirates' Moby Dick shows that they appeared on the fish man island half a month ago. The fish men island is far away from the Edd War sea area, so it is unlikely that they will interfere. And, our intelligence department analyzes that Whitebeard himself and the main force are probably not even in the New World." A Rear Admiral of the intelligence department quickly replied.

The Whitebeard Pirates don't have a fixed site, Edward Newgate prefers to live on his flagship, the "Moby Dick", and Newgate is also a guy who can't be idle, he will not be in a certain place for a long time. He wanders around most of the time.

Maybe he was in New World last month, and next month he's crossing the Calm Belt to South Blue.

It can be said that he is a big pirate who can do whatever he wants.

Naval Headquarters also has a detailed analysis of the Whitebeard Pirates and independent intelligence filings. Over the years, the Marine Intelligence Department has agreed that the Whitebeard Pirates do not seem to have the ambition to become a maritime hegemon.

Of course, this is only one aspect. When the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates expands to a certain extent, when the strength of Whitebeard is so strong that no one can control it, even if they have no ambition to be such an overlord, they have already become the overlord unintentionally.

Therefore, Naval Headquarters is always monitoring the Whitebeard Pirates.

"So Shiki isn't fighting Whitebeard?" Marshal Kong stroked his beard and murmured softly.

At present, judging from the situation in New World, Shiki is first-class both in terms of personal strength and the forces under his command.

And Shiki is also ambitious, he wants to become the overlord of the pirates and take over the whole world!

In terms of reputation and strength, there are still some pirates who can rival him, such as Gold Roger, Whitebeard, Red Earl, etc., can be compared with Shiki.

But in terms of power, the only one who can really threaten Shiki is Whitebeard.

The Roger Pirates are a small group. Judging from their behavior, it doesn't seem like they want to fight for world hegemony. The threat to Shiki is not high.

And Red Earl Patrick Redfield was even more extreme, he was really alone!

Although strong, he might not even be as threatening as Roger.

Later, the facts also proved that if Shiki hadn't been so desperate and insisted on provoking Roger, the child of destiny, then there is a high probability that Shiki would still be pirate overlord in the New World, and Roger's pirate group would still be disbanded.

From a practical point of view, Roger is really no threat to Shiki.

It is also because of these reasons that when Shiki started to summon the fleet, Naval Headquarters immediately felt that Shiki finally couldn't bear Whitebeard, and was going to war with Whitebeard.

But after a few days of intelligence analysis, it seems that this is not the case.

"Could it be Roger? After all, Tsuru said it before, isn't Shiki looking for Roger?" Garp asked suddenly.

"It's very difficult to obtain information about the Roger Pirates. After all, they are too small. Moreover, Shiki has always been looking for Roger, this is nothing new." a Marine Vice Admiral said after thinking for a while.

Indeed, it wasn't once or twice that Shiki approached Roger, and it wasn't that they had never fought before, but this was the first time that the main fleet had been assembled like this.

"Is there any result of the intelligence tracking of the Roger Pirates?" Marshal Kong looked at the Vice Admiral of the intelligence department and asked.

The Vice Admiral quickly said: "At present, the chief staff is collecting information about Roger, tomorrow at the latest..."

The Whitebeard pirate group is large, so it is easier to find it. The Roger pirate group is small and the information is more complicated, so Chief Staff Tsuru is handling it herself.

Before the Vice Admiral could finish his sentence, the door of the marshal's office was suddenly opened, and then Chief Staff Officer Tsuru walked in with a serious face, and said, "The Roger Pirates appeared in the Velana Island, where they conducted a brief supply stop, and Velana Island is not very far from the Edd War Sea..."

"Major Admiral, with all due respect, even if this is the case, it's too far-fetched, right? We can't just think that Shiki is going for Roger just because Roger's pirates have appeared near here?" Another Marine Vice Admiral, after hesitating for a moment, retorted.

Tsuru nodded, and then said: "That's right, but we learned from a piece of secret information that the Roger Pirates seem to want to get something from the Big Mom Pirates, and they're going from Velana Island to Whole Cake Island. If so, crossing the Edd War Sea is the closest route!"

Then, without waiting for the others to speak, Tsuru said: "According to the current situation, the possibility that Shiki's target is the Roger Pirates this time is already the greatest, and no matter who his target is, in fact, it doesn't prevent us from focusing on the Edd War Sea area, does it? I think it's time for us to act!"

"Tsuru is right!" Sengoku immediately stood up and said in a deep voice, "No matter what Shiki's goal is, the situation in the Edd War Sea area has been determined. No matter what his goal is, we have to go just to have a look!"

The Chief Staff Officer and Admiral both said so, and the rest of the generals no longer have any objections.

After Marshal Kong thought for a while, he looked at the crowd.

This guy Garp seemed to be excited, he put down the crackers in his hand, and straightened his back pretentiously, as if saying 'If you don't choose me, who else could you choose? After all, I'm a professional against Roger!'

However, in the next second, Marshal Kong's gaze skipped over Garp, and finally landed on Sengoku and said: "Sengoku, you should go to this matter yourself."

"Understood." Sengoku immediately pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose, and agreed in a deep voice.

"What about me!?" Garp stood up suddenly and asked, very dissatisfied.

Marshal Kong ignored Garp at all, and continued: "Sengoku, you are responsible for dispatching enough combat power to deal with this incident, and the rest of you will put aside the unimportant things first, and give priority to deploying Edd War's forces. Alright, disband, go to your own business, Garp stays."

The rest of the people seemed to be no strangers to this situation, and they disbanded without saying a word.

When everyone was almost gone, Marshal Kong looked at Garp and said, "Garp, according to the system, our Marine has its own set of plans to deal with various crises and emergencies. You know that, right?"

"Clear." Garp nodded and said, but he didn't understand, why did he mention this all of a sudden?

"Then according to the plan, if there is a crisis caused by pirates with a threat level like Shiki, Naval Headquarters should immediately send Admiral to deal with the incident. Am I right?" Marshal Kong asked again.

Garp froze for a moment, seemed to understand what Marshal Kong was going to say, but he could only bite the bullet and say, "That's right."

"So I handed over this matter to Sengoku, is it reasonable?" Marshal Kong asked again.

"Yes." Garp replied helplessly.

"Then, if you want to enjoy this kind of treatment, take responsibility for me, and become the Admiral of our Naval Headquarters" Marshal Kong said again.

"Okay, okay, after talking so much, you're going back to this kind of thing again. If there's nothing else, I'll go first..." Garp turned around when he heard Marshal Kong talking about this again, and was about to pull the door to leave .

Seeing Garp's reckless appearance, Marshal Kong also said angrily, "Hey, Garp, can you show some respect to me, you bastard? I haven't even finished talking yet..."

Garp stepped out of the marshal's office, and said very coolly: "Although you haven't finished speaking, I have already listened..."

As soon as the voice fell, he slammed the door to death.

Kuzan, who was waiting outside, looked at this scene, approached with a smile and said, "Mr. Garp, you rejected the Admiral appointment from the Marshal again?"