
magical souls met and their destiny

swisskisnu · Urban
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33 Chs

loveing loneliness souls.

Roja and Jeeva were separated because of Roja wants him to obey his grandfather and he doesn't want to fight with everyone and also Roja don't want to hurt swiss by loving her husband brother!!!

Roja went to Anu and personally gives a message for both of them and she said finally , am sorry for interrupting your life and congratulations for both of you .

Roja went to home where she lived for half of the year and she thought that's her own home and she forgot her hometown .Roja went to her room and pack her a luggage and she finally cooks for Jeeva and she kept a letter and gift for him in his room and she took one of his photo and she went out of the house and moved back to his college dorm and she hide herself in there and she want to cry and shout alouder and she want to herself to hide from him and she doesn't want to see because he belong other women .

when Jeeva came after his conference in Mumbai ,he bought a gift for Roja and he say a letter in his that was written by Roja to him .

in that letter ,am sorry Jeeva and please don't search me and I will be fine . finally ,she wrote that congratulations for your wedding and this is my gifts for you and anu.good bye!!!!!!

he read that letter and he can't control his anger on Anu he broke the caught the neck of Anu and he ask ,what happened and why she went??Anu said ,I don't know,she make found a bigshot and better than u..Jeeva shouts with anger expression anuuuuuuuu...

mind your language !!!!

he went out to search her and bring her back to the house whey they both lived.he searches everywhere and he suddenly got a idea to call her friends and ask one of her friend said that she joined in college dorm few days before...he said thanks and he went to the dorm and check if there any student is staying as an identity of Roja shanmugam in m.tech fashion designing. security said ,yes sir just now she went inside the dorm I will announce her to come down sir at room no432.

Roja rushed and came down she saw Jeeva was waiting for her and he was nervous and scared if anything happens to her what will he do...he saw her and he rushed to hold and hug her and said that please don't leave me ..she just walked away and said am sorry Jeeva and congratulations for your wedding Anu is your right choice ..please don't visit her again.she rushed to her room and crying like small kid and he was shocked and he went to bar to drink wild and he doesn't have any concious to understand anything ..jeeva secretary came to pick him up at bar and take him back to his home.he was repeated Roja name certainly..

Roja and jeeva accidentally seeing their picture show how love but they were separated what will happen to them in future!!! Roja was thinking like a crazy women and she wants to be a great designer as like Mr.Malhotra.she just gave a tight slap on her face and she went to sleep what jeeva said in office it doesn't matter to her and she went to cafe to see her future partner as like a date!!she saw jeeva is also there and he came near to her and said you came with taking my word and you may leave me what u did like past to me!! never trying of doing the trick to me ,I got sick of that trick. don't forget that what you gave to me in past 2 year's . it kills me day to day and I just want you to feel the same.i think your future partner came I will sit and watch what the fuck is happening ???.

he came and said am sorry for being late!on our first date and it's our meeting too.

jeeva was sitting silently and he ordering his secretary to go back to do his work and he said that to know a information about that guy who sitting near to my women !

jeeva was watching him he started to flirt Roja infront of him that the fucking moment he feel the jealousy of his women and he just got from his chair and he just went near to her table and kiss her infront of the guy.roja was shocked and she was seeing him like a child and gave a response to him.

he catches Roja hand and said that she is my women don't ever try to steal her away from me ,I will kill u belody fucker..he took her out of the cafe and he show his anger to her and says, can't understand what the fuck he is talking and his eyes are not seen hour eyes it's sees yous body and shape,size.he is server.she said ,yes he say my chest and everything below my neck what's your problem to say this me .before saying this you better look at your self and say that to u infront of the mirror first you started a move on me and u didn't do anything to me.

you are the one who took my first kiss and hug ,makes me to share bed with you.

you have seen me naked when we went for your friend party in that you never ever care about my feelings why should I need to about yours, that's nothing to me .she shouted at him and she went to her flat by booking a cab. he followed her cab and he say her that she reached her flat . after few minutes of waiting ,he returns back to house and he say him infront of mirror and am the once makes her love and she suddenly leave me like a trash and she is complaining me for not protect her and humiliating her in front of other!!!.

arjun was trying to solve the problem between his father's in law family and his grandpa.he was stressed for this argument and he came back to home at night Swiss and Viki were waiting to celebrate Swiss and arjun wedding anniversary 5year .Swiss bought arjun favourite gift is to make a robot by himself .she bought herself software and the machine by the help of Mr.Maek zunakberyag. he is an robotics engineer while Swiss was doing her work.

one fine day jeeva group of companies wants to be major shareholders in jewellery designing company tangue designer.

in tangue designer company need an freshers and talented designers from Tanishq . Tanishq designer company managers recommend Roja for there to work.she was happy and she went to make special team for design jewelry making and guidance for them.

one day,it's accident or fate roja got a chance to meet Jeeva in lift.while their meeting Jeeva say her identity card and some chart paper in her hand .she looks stunning and gorgeous after she went away from him.

Jeeva and Roja were travelling in the lift silence were keep flowing like air and the atmosphere is cold.roja enters into her cabin but heart aches again while seeing him but Jeeva is feel the same but he was interested to know that she have boy friend or any one close to her heart because it's been 2years they were separated to various path but their heart aches is same till now..

Jeeva was happy to see her and he need to know her position in this design company.he ask his secretary to gather information about her and he don't want to get the information leak to other it may damage their reputations..

swiss and Arjun were celebrating their anniversary and they made Viki to sleep and they both went to terrace to watch stars and he kissed her and said Thank you for being with me on my worse and happy moments.she replied that am the one who will be with u forever and ever...don't try to cheat me ...he said , I love you.....Roja and Jeeva were making a class to wish them for their wedding anniversary . Jeeva were making a call to swiss and Roja were making a call to arjun.they were talking and laughing .Viki talk to both of and Jeeva was forgotten to say that he met Roja again and he guessed that there is a parpadassi in newspapers that he is dating actress sohana..he wants to make it clear that he doesn't have any relationship with her .

Jeeva secretary came and said information about Roja and her reason for working her in your cooperation.

Jeeva had a idea that sudden meeting for jewelry design department in conference hall make them bring last year whole design and design buyer representative details .

everyone were assembled in conference halls and they bought the design and the details about buyers information.meeting was about economic of the products ratio is increased 8%in last stock value and it's improving guys .I would like Everyone to celebrate and have fun after the official work over in your cafe area.i have arranged a dinner for all of you all.congratularion !!! I would like to handle over new project to ms,.Roja as supervisor to this project and the project must be finish within this week for samples and the period of finalize the sample design commitee will decide the decision and rules and further details discuss by my secretary.

thank you for all !! attend the meeting!!!Roja feels the heart beating and she feel her leg become cold and this is feel of feel in your loved one after seeing him back ,.while she was thinking the past and making hurting herself ..