
magical souls met and their destiny

swisskisnu · Urban
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33 Chs

15.love can face any problem

Jeeva and Roja were watching their series on Netflix while watching the series Roja slept in the sofa lying on Jeeva shoulder Jeeva thought to hold her in his arms and slept .next day Jeeva and Roja were sleeping .Jeeva grand pa mass entry of their house without disturbing them he just entered and watching both of them are sleeping posture silently and he had a thought of they are living together or just friends!!!

when Jeeva was rubbing his eyes and he open his eyes he was shock and gave a scary sound.he just make Roja to sleep for a while in sofa by holding her in his arms and make her comfortable to sleep in sofa.and he just take his grandfather to his room and make him to sit on the sofa and greetings him and asking about his early morning presence to his flat!!

swiss was signed the agreement of new project and she was excited and she has a request from mr.john for 3 condition if she wants to join this!!!

no kiss, no sex, no close scene together with any co actor ..

her condition is also accepted and she was started doing her job and photos with mr.lin is also looking great. day were going her busy schedule and she is more talkable person in the city because at short period she has reached top leading place .Arjun is also busy with his business and he launches new product which help to cure the medical problems which are in uncurable diseases.

days and months were passed swiss and Viki came together to shooting spot for a series show which make which handle in Vvvbbb entertainment,Korea. but series was completely talking his half of the series because 1st half is Russia and 2ns half in Korea.

swiss and Viki went to show and giving Viki a toy to play and she makes her to visible on her sight. she started to act and makes the shoot to ok in 1st shot because Viki is staying alone . one fine day ,swiss was inviting his co actors and working unit people's and producer for a function which held in her house. everyone were happy and she bought a south indian food for every one in the unit by eating in a traditional method and she serves everyone personally and caring for every one.

swiss and Arjun were getting ready for the mahasivarathri poja (worshipping lord Shiva for he drank a poison to save the world).

she was preparing a food and personally check by herself and sending gifts to everyone person who are invited .she was waiting and most of the invited people came with their countries religious dress to worship a good in this poja.poja was started by pandit(Archagar=who knows mantra to worship God). poja started with Oman(pit of fire to worship a god).and everyone were worship the poja and Arjun and swiss went to take Arati( worshipping god with the help candle). Arjun was introduced my most the actor by swiss and they were really close together and it's time for dinner announcement came and everyone were makes themselves as comfortable for eating.

swiss and Viki were wearing same kind of silk traditional saree look stunning, bit of jewellery and his homely face with Bindi on her forehead (showing a married woman). she was serving a food on banana leaf and not providing spoon for everyone and said them use their hands for eating purpose and make them to sit in floor for eating the food (floor for eating is to thank earth for giving the food is kind of tradition which follows in India).dinner function is over and swiss is giving a small bag for everyone who visited her house for the puja and make the function great and wonderful memories for all of them.

whole night swiss Arjun were not having their dinners and worship a god without sleeping ( reason for not sleeping in maha sivarathri is lord Shiva has drank a snake poison in India who drank or got a bit by snake could not allowed to sleep for whole day, because of making not to sleep Various poja and dancing function which handle).this is the reason for mahasivarathri.

grandpa and Jeeva were talking in his room and before talking to grandpa.he went to living area to carry Roja and make her sleep comfortable in her bed and gave her a morning kiss and he came back to his room with a cup of water and juice for his grandfather and his assistant uncle sanmugam.his grandpa was keeping silence for few hours and he suddenly ask Roja and her characters.j was excited and saying about her like stars are falling from sky....he was crazy and while saying he used to smile for every minute of using her name and giving her Nick name in each topic he was talking about her and he express his crush on her while talking to grand pa.

grandpa got understood and he just directly ask him ???do you like Roja or just a passing clouds??

don't make any fun of Roja because she is your sister in law's sister better behave and be careful Jeeva and it's time me say that I have chosen a girl for your marriage ..if you are interested you can go and talk to her in bouquet cafe shop,Chennai,India.

Jeeva got shocked !!!!!!!

grandpa please ! am not interested in marriage right now and may I want who is that women wants me to marry her??

he said that's none other than Anu....

she just came to my house for a meeting and she just personally spoken to me that she like you very much and she just want to express her love to you and she has a request also that you have to sent Roja to her college dorm and you don't need to take care of her because she is a women and she needs to take care of her!!!! better keep stay away from her!!!!!

don't forget to meet Anu in the cafe at 6pm.

Jeeva got irritated and his grandfather behaviour changes while he was talking about Roja and it seems that he doesn't like her and he don't want Roja to be her daughter in law.

Jeeva was sitting in the edge of corner in terrace and watching the roads and the vehicle which says everyone were searching for their welfare and expensive life style but no one is enjoying their current life and the situation.

he went to see Roja!!!she was sleeping like a small kid hugging her Ben10doll. he went close to her to have look of her face and he said don't worry I won't let u leave me!!! because you are my women and I can't share you with any one and also I can't live without you!!!!he just kissed her and move his arms to hold her and he slept with her on same bed.

while sleeping Roja has dream netters which make Roja to scare and makes her to cry loudly in sleeping.she had a dream that she was well prepared for her marriage and she is waiting for the groom and groom is none other than Jeeva .he was looking so scary whole body was soaked with blood some evil sounds which occurs and he was scary and she shouted and can't marry you please go away I can't..please...he wakes up and hold her and says don't worry you are just having bad dreams I won't come true sleep and he just made her to sleep and her college attence was noted as absence because she slept for hole morning and she was saying that she needs to sleep for more.

next day came !!! everything was going as regular as they thought sudden appearance of Anu with her luggages and saying that she gonna stay with them .Roja and Jeeva got shocked and he just took her some space away from Roja and he shout at her and she replied in one word to Jeeva is Grandpa said please behave my niece.. she said this word and she went inside to her room .Roja went to her college and whole day become very slow because she needs to see Anu at every turn in that house and she feels like she is stranger.roja went her college office for her hostel admission procedure, but her application form is in waiting list and she has only one choice is to choose a deluxe suit for her staying purpose and it's expensive too. she decided to join there and finishing her procedure and she came to house for packing her stuff and makes gift for Jeeva and Anu .

she bought a favourite gift of Jeeva that his request he ask to Roja !!!!in her home town Result is 'No'. she was sad and cryed And her gave the words that am sorry and I can't stand in your life as a partner. is they gonna end their relationship just like that not definetely..