
Trick 51: Meeting Hermione's Parents!

Ace was sitting in Lupin's office, writing down in his notebook as Lupin explained Werewolves in greater detail. Ace replied "I don't think you should resign. Really sucks." Lupin smiled gently, replying "I'm used to it anyway, doesn't matter."

Ace looked up at him, saying "That's not fair for you, sorry about that. I don't really understand why people don't like werewolves… I think they're pretty cool! I mean look at this!" he touched his notebook and read, "Increased Strength, Endurance, Speed, Magic Resistant skin… What's there not to like!"

Lupin rolled his eyes, remarking "Mindless beast." Ace paused and scratched his chin, replying "Yeah, that… But there should be research done to fix the madness! It shouldn't be impossible! If you could keep your senses, you could be, like, a superhero!"

Lupin rolled his eyes again and looked at Ace, teasing "Like you?" Ace cleared his throat retorting "What does THAT mean? I'll have you know, I have a name!" Lupin waved his hands, laughing "Black Coak! Yes, how imaginative."

Ace smiled and chuckled, continuing to write in his notebook, joking "Incredibly rude, got it…" Lupin chuckled and continued packing his things, when Harry walked in saying in shock "You got sacked?!"

Ace coughed violently, laughing as Lupin looked at Harry speechlessly, correcting, "No. I resigned." Harry scratched his cheek as he asked "What? Why??" Lupin replied "Someone let loose the nature of my condition. By this time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving and parents will not want…"

He paused for a moment before continuing "Well… someone like me, teaching their children." Harry looked confused and retorted "But Dumbledore…" Lupin looked at Harry and said firmly "Dumbledore has already risked enough on my behalf. Besides, people like me are used to it already."

Ace looked at him and Harry turned to Ace, asking "Well?" Ace looked at him in confusion, replying "Well what? I happen to like Werewolves." he rubbed his shoulder and grinned "Almost became one last night."

Lupin's mouth twitched and Harry said "No, I meant, you can't help?" Ace looked at him strangely, asking "What do you want me to do, Harry? This is Remus' choice. I like him just as much as you, he's my friend, but I can't control what he thinks."

Lupin held out his hand at Ace, saying to Harry, "Harry, everything will be alright. Trust me, I came to this conclusion myself. Not to mention, Ace has already talked to Dumbledore about this."

Harry looked at Ace, who waved his hand, adding "Nothing happened. That old man gets more and more mysterious as time passes." Harry turned to Lupin, who asked him "Why do you look so miserable?"

Harry nibbled on his lips before saying "None of it made any difference! Pettigrew still escaped." Lupin leaned on the table and repeated "Didn't make any difference? Harry, it made all the difference in the world. You helped uncover the truth! You saved an innocent man from a terrible fate! It made a great deal of difference."

Ace smiled at Harry and nodded in agreement from his seat.

Lupin picked up his briefcase, walking around his desk, continuing "If I am proud of anything, it is how much you've learned this year. Now, since I am no longer your teacher, I feel no guilt giving this back to you." Ace held out the Marauder's Map as he wrote in his notebook, not looking at Harry.

Lupin turned to Harry, saying "So now I'll say goodbye, Harry. I am quite sure we will meet again someday soon. Until then…" he grabbed the Map from Ace's hand and tapped it, adding "Mischief Managed." before smiling at Harry and turning around to leave.

Harry held the map, watching Lupin leave in silence. He turned back, opening his mouth, but the words didn't come out as Ace was gone! He looked at the chair and there was a note 'Come see me with Hermione later.'

Harry kept the note and sighed to himself in the empty office.

Meanwhile, Ace was seeing Lupin off, giving him a hug as he said "See ya." Lupin smiled, "See you." Ace patted his shoulder, saying "I was serious about what I said before, I know someone who might have a way to fix it. Don't forget to call when you're ready."

Lupin held a piece of paper in between his fingers, smiling "I got it." Ace smiled and stepped back, watching Lupin leave, waving goodbye. After Lupin left, Ace returned to the Castle and went to the library to study as usual.

Harry and Hermione came to him a while later, Harry was holding a new broom and Ace found out it was the Firebolt. Ace rubbed his chin and remembered the name before telling the duo to keep what they saw in the woods a secret, it was a secret identity for a reason.

They agreed and Ace kept Hermione for her lessons as Harry went out to play with his new broom.

A few months passed and the school year ended

Luckily for Ace, the Dementors stuck around since Sirius Black had still not been 'captured'. Resulting in a few of them getting eradicated and harvested for their cloth! Ace happily stuffed the cloth in his bag, hoping to get some more, but the Dementors left before he could set up another trap.

At any rate, despite frequent trips to the Ministry, Ace didn't miss any time! Mainly because he received the Time Turner again, making it possible for him to be at the Ministry and Hogwarts at the same time!

The year ended uneventfully, as the only real problem was the disappearance of Peter Pettigrew, to which Dumbledore told him that he would be found by the Aurors. Ace could only reluctantly agree.

However! Ace had more plans!


He got off the train with Hermione, walking out of the train station. Ace looked around and asked "Where are they, Hermione?" Hermione looked around before pointing at a couple, smiling "There they are." as she pushed her luggage cart over to them.

Ace followed her as the woman hugged Hermione, asking "How was school, my dear?" the man looked at Ace, who shook his hand, smiling "Hello! Pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Ace, I'm… Hermione's teacher."

The man smiled and introduced himself "Dr. Wendell Granger. Is there something wrong?" Ace let go and explained "Well, I was wondering if it would be possible for your daughter to perhaps spend this summer at a… Magic university of sorts." he patted Hermione's head, continuing "She is a very bright girl, I wanted her to familiarize herself with more advanced magic early on, in case she wanted to continue her education."

Wendell was surprised and asked "Magic University?" the woman smiled and shook Ace's hand, introducing herself "Monica Wilkins, perhaps I could invite you to our home for more information?" Ace smiled gently and nodded, "That would be lovely, sorry for the intrusion." Monica and Wendell smiled, "Not an issue. Please." Ace looked around and said to Hermione, "See you there." as he opened his palm and disappeared instantly.

Wendell and Monica were startled and Hermione rolled her eyes, smiling "Let's go home." they asked "What about your teacher…" Hermione confirmed "He should be there already." as she loaded the car, stunning her parents.

A while later