
Magic Man

From Orphan to Performing Magician, Ace thought his entire world was just that. However, a run in with an organization bent on keeping the world safe by any means necessary sent him running into a world he could've only dreamed of!

Monkey_Godking · Filme
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189 Chs

Trick 40: Punching the King of Asgard!

Coulson ran out and shouted "What the hell is going on?!" a man sitting at the desk panicked and replied "I don't know, sir! Lightning just suddenly fell from the sky!" Coulson frowned and spoke into a radio, saying "Barton, talk to me."

A voice came back out the radio, saying "You're not gonna believe this but… the Hammer floated up by itself and lightning struck it." Coulson was speechless before speaking into the radio, confirming "Are you sure?"

Barton replied "Sir, I would like to believe what I just saw too."

Coulson put down the radio and looked at the crater as the lightning dispersed.

In the center of the crater, a black cat was standing on its hind legs, holding Thor's Hammer by its side with Asgardian armor, and a winged helmet.

Ace's eyes were shining with blue lightning as he spoke "Tis Mjolnir! By the grace of the Gods, I'm worthy!" before pausing and getting spooked inwardly. First of all, he was still a cat and now he could talk, secondly, he spoke in a heavy Norse accent as though he was from Asgard!

Thirdly! Mjolnir filled him in on Asgard things! A rush of basic knowledge about Asgard filled Ace's mind as well as the charm that was placed on Mjolnir, letting anyone who was worthy, gain the power of Thor!

Ace was panicking as he was around 99% sure he fucked something up. He looked around and Coulson looked at him before speaking into a Radio, "Barton… Eyes on the cat… This is the Magician Director Fury wanted us to find."

Another bald man looked at Ace and turned around, pulling out his phone, making a call secretly.

Barton was in a metal basket high in the air hanging from a crane as he trained an arrow on Ace, responding "I got him. Careful, sir."

Coulson put down his radio and approached Ace slowly, saying "Mr. Magician, if I can call you that. How about you put down the Hammer so we can talk. I'm Agent Coulson…"

Ace looked around at all the guns trained on him and spoke to Coulson, "I know of you, Son of Coul. By Odin's will, we are destined to meet again, it seems." Coulson approached Ace and curled his fingers as he said "Sure. We're gonna have to ask you some questions…"

Ace waved Mjolnir, electrical arcs shooting out, making a line in front of Coulson as he spoke "We need not speak, Son of Coul! Mortals need not know the world of Gods. Should a crisis appear, you shall have allies. This realm and all its inhabitants are of this God's highest priority." he inwardly cringed at his own dialogue, but that's what came out when he was speaking, he couldn't help it.

Coulson looked at the Cat and asked "Well, how can I believe you?" Ace was stunned and spun Mjolnir with his cat paw, retorting "You dare distrust this God's word?" Coulson replied "It's my job." Ace said "Ye shall see. The future shall be carved with this God's word! In the name of Odin, this God shall not break his vows!"

Coulson opened his mouth but Ace continued "Now farewell, Son of Coul!" as he slammed Mjolnir back into the crater before disappearing in the cloud of dust. Barton fired an arrow instantly, only for Ace to dive into the shadows and dodge it.

Ace appeared in another part of the facility, now invisible, still in his cat form. His top priority at the moment was not revealing his identity. Of course, finding the Prince of Asgard was also at the top but as long as he stayed invisible, Shield couldn't find him.

Therefore, staying at the facility for the time being was the smartest decision.

Ace sighed to himself as he recalled what just happened to him. It was a very strange feeling. He felt full of Power and divinity, but something just felt off. Like he was borrowing power instead of having it himself.

He assumed that's what 'Wielding the Power of Thor' means. At any rate, Ace didn't need the power of Thor. He was happy with his own magic, therefore he wasn't too sad about giving up Mjolnir.

The one thing he was shocked by was that he was deemed worthy to wield Mjolnir itself! Ace had no idea what the qualifications were but they had to be very strenuous, right? Well, at any rate, Ace realized how dumb he was…

Mjolnir also gave him the knowledge of who Thor was and what he looked like.

It was that 'Clarence' guy!

Ace sighed to himself and ran out, searching for Thor around the facility. However, he didn't find him even after searching everywhere!

Ace was extremely confused. It couldn't be that Thor had just disappeared, right? He stopped and rubbed his chin with his paw, wondering where he could've gone. It shouldn't be that Coulson hid him, right?

Ace turned around to go find Coulson but paused and looked up to see a man in a suit staring at him. Ace was startled but walked around him, seeing as he was invisible, he obviously shouldn't be seen by anyone.

However, the man suddenly spoke, asking "How can a Mortal like you know of magic?" Ace paused and turned his head, looking at the man with narrowed eyes. The man turned around and looked at Ace with a bored gaze, "Who are you, Mortal?"

Ace looked at the man and his claws came out on one paw as he wrote in the air, "Not someone you should know about, who are you?" The man frowned and pointed at Ace, saying "I recall asking you a question, Mortal. You shall give me the answer I seek!"

A green light glowed on his hands and Ace frowned, jumping onto a machine as the man blasted a hole where Ace just was. Ace looked at him with an unfriendly gaze, the man waved his hand and a dagger suddenly appeared in it as he threatened "Your presence threatens Midgard, Mage."

Ace paused and held up his paws, the man stopped and Ace wrote out "You're from Asgard?" The man frowned and Ace continued writing "You're Loki?" Loki raised his brows and confirmed "Yes, current King of Asgard."

Ace paused and transformed into his human form, still cloaked. Loki looked at Ace and frowned as he couldn't see Ace's true face even with his eyesight spell. Ace transformed his voice, saying "I am from Kamar-Taj. Could you explain the circumstances of your Ascension? I was under the assumption that Odin was King?"

Loki put away his dagger and held his hands behind his back, frowning "Kamar-Taj? I know not of such place in Midgard." Ace frowned under his cloak, looking at Loki warily. His eyes darted around Loki's face and eyes, glancing briefly at his body language, however…

Loki was telling him the truth!

He really didn't know about Kamar-Taj?

How was that even possible?

Ace prodded, "How could that be? My Master told me that Asgard and Kamar-Taj have had dealings for centuries." Loki looked at Ace with disgust, replying "A God having dealings with Mortals? Truly a delusional notion. How could my late father converse with a mere Mortal? Don't be ridiculous!"

Ace frowned, he was a bit angry now… He looked at Loki and said "Don't bad mouth my Master, please. I have reason to believe that you are ill-informed." Loki sneered and chuckled, "Oh? Are you angry, mortal? You should be rejoicing that I am even willing to utter words to you! As for your quack maste-"

Ace moved instantly and punched Loki in the face, sending him flying through a wall! He froze and removed the Strength card, running over to Loki.

Loki was on the ground and rubbed his cheek, glaring at Ace, before he could say anything, Ace came over and said "I'm sorry! I lost control of my emotions." he picked a card out of thin air and tossed it onto Loki.

It was the Lovers card!

The bruise disappeared instantly and Loki felt much better immediately. He calmed down and looked at Ace's card as Ace took it back, making it disappear. Ace helped him up and continued "Again, my apologies!"

Loki ignored his apology and asked instead "What was that magic you just used?" Ace blinked and replied "It's my artifact. A deck of cards that have multiple different purposes and uses." as he showed Loki the deck.

Loki looked at the Tarot cards and nodded, "Very well, I shall forgive your transgression with this artifact as compensation." as he reached for the cards. Ace took the cards away and frowned "Excuse you?"

Loki frowned and looked at him, saying "Excuse me? I am magnanimously forgiving you, count your blessings that this King will even entertain your folly!" Ace stepped back and replied "I don't think so."

Loki grabbed the air and a spear appeared as he knocked on the ground with the spear, changing into his Asgardian armor, "I think you should reconsider, mortal." Ace opened his hands, the cards twirling in front of him as he retorted "I think you should learn some fucking manners."

Loki sneered and pointed the spear at Ace, who narrowed his eyes, grabbing a card. Before anything could happen, a pillar of Rainbow light enveloped Loki as he shouted "Heimdall!? What is this treasonous act?!"

Ace stopped and looked at the rainbow light as Loki turned to him, saying venomously "Remember me, mortal. I shall have your head for your disrespect!" Ace just looked at him and clapped his hands together, making the cards disappear.

Loki snorted and disappeared into the sky along with the Rainbow pillar.

Ace looked at the sky as Agents started rushing to the scene, only to find most of everything destroyed. Coulson looked at the pattern on the ground, before shouting "Someone call Linguistics here to check this out." an agent nodded and walked off, making a call.

Ace turned into a cat again and left the facility, since Thor wasn't there, there was nothing left for him to do here.

And if he was being quite honest, he didn't have the greatest impression on Asgard anymore. His encounter with Loki was anything but pleasant.

He returned to the car and hotwired it again, driving back to town.

He decided to stay for another day, perhaps Thor returned to town. Ace didn't know, but he was sure Thor wouldn't leave without his Hammer.

Staying in the town was his best bet to find him again.

A while later