From Orphan to Performing Magician, Ace thought his entire world was just that. However, a run in with an organization bent on keeping the world safe by any means necessary sent him running into a world he could've only dreamed of!
Steve turned to Tony, saying "And this tech, can it help?" Tony scoffed and asked "Excuse you! I am the leading Technology Wizard around here, I have the tools now, it's only a matter of time. Might take a bit because this is complicated stuff. But I recently found this out…"
A hologram of T'Challa came up, showing his various PHDs and Tony chuckled, "A quiet guy, almost had me fooled. So, I'm going to kidnap him on my science team." Steve nodded and said "Add him to the team, not just that one but this one too. We need all the help we can get… Tony, can you inform him of everything?"
Tony nodded, "No problem." before his hologram disappeared along with T'Challa's. Steve turned to the rest and said "I'm not going back to the Death Realm for a while, see you all in SHIELD HQ. I want reports of any suspicious activity recently, we'll move out as a unit."
The rest nodded and disappeared, leaving only Steve. He looked at Ace, saying "Ace, can you talk to the Ancient One about the Celestials, we need all the information we can. If they're gonna be a threat, I need to know everything before we formulate a plan." Ace saluted and said "No problem, Steve. I can probably even pull a few favors and resurrect you too."
Steve frowned and thought about it for a moment before saying "That would be best. I can still go back, right?" Ace grinned and replied "It's my realm, I do what I want." Steve rolled his eyes and joked, "I'm sure she would agree too, right?"
Ace's smile froze and Steve chuckled, "Just find out more and see if you can speed up the creation of Avengers Mountain, we'll need all that tech to the fight. Even if it doesn't come down to fighting, it's better to be prepared." before disappearing.
Sharon walked in and smiled "Look at you! Big Hero, telling Ancient Gods to fuck off." Ace scratched his neck and smiled happily "Are you impressed?" Sharon rolled her eyes and sat on the table in front of him, giggling, "Sure. Until you get erased from existence."
Ace coughed and said "Well, I would only return to my realm indefinitely…" Sharon pressed on his chest with her foot, replying "Right. So I would appreciate it if you didn't do that. I don't plan on dying at the moment so I would rather my husband be alive too. You got that, Hero? Don't go dying on me."
Ace looked at her, chuckling "Yeah, you better not die on me either. It's a tough business raising two kids alone. One minute they're little idiots bumping into walls, the next they're trained assassins." Sharon scoffed, "Whatever you say."
Ace snickered and pulled her to his lap, saying "Anyway… Your husband isn't afraid of gods, how about it?" Sharon leaned on him, tracing a circle on his chest, curling her lips as she replied "That was… pretty inspiring… I think I left the bed unmade, I should probably…" his eyes lit up and he said "Oh, let me help you then… I'm out of mana, guess I'll have to make it by hand…" as he teleported to their bedroom, pinning her down as he added "So messy." she chuckled "I like it messy, handsome~"
And so, T'Challa was kidnapped from Wakanda!
He joined the 'construction team' at Avengers Mountain, helping Tony and Banner, though Ace was really the majority of the construction, they were just absorbing knowledge…
Time flew by and a few months passed just like that.
Ace was holding a wrench with welding goggles on, along with a folded mechanic jumpsuit and boots, but strangely no shirt. He looked at the machine in front of him as Tony said "Alright, all you have to do is fix the ion capacitor."
Ace looked at the machine and waved the wrench, replying "English please." T'Challa said "The thing that looks like a giant capsule." Ace looked inside and took the wrench to the machine as Tony, Banner, and T'Challa worked next to him.
A few minutes later
They all sat down and Banner lifted his goggles, saying "It's working now." T'Challa leaned back, letting out a breath as he said "Thank Baast." Tony said "Thank gods later, we did this, not them. Coffee?"
Ace pressed a button on the machine and coffee was made!
He cheered "Awesome! I helped build a Cosmic Coffee machine!" The other three chuckled and Ace waved the wrench snorting "I think you guys have competition now, maybe you're not even needed anymore."
Tony laughed and choked on his coffee as T'Challa's lips twitched, "You did almost nothing…" Banner laughed and took off his glasses, rubbing his eyes with one hand while adding, "Last time you tried to help, you broke the entire anti-gravity shaft for the elevator… It took me 2 days to fix it…"
Ace scoffed "It wasn't my fault! Your machinery was messing with my runic enchantments!" Tony laughed and replied while wiping the coffee of himself, "They weren't made for Runic Enchantments, Merlin. There's a reason they're so delicate. You tried to carve runes into wires!"
Ace retorted "First of all! Merlin is real, so he might get angry. Secondly! How was I supposed to know? I thought everything here was made with Vibranium!" T'Challa rolled his eyes, remarking "Do you know how much Vibranium we would need? Who would use it for everything they do?"
Ace looked at him, saying "I know a village of people who use Dragon Scales in everything." T'Chall shook his head, replying "That's stupid." Ace nodded and agreed.
Banner stood up and rubbed his back, saying "Alright, I have work to do. What about you guys?" Tony yawned and replied "You going to the workshop?" Banner rubbed his back and nodded, "T'Challa asked "To study most likely, Doctor?"
Banner froze and chuckled, Tony's eyes lit up, saying "Thank the Wizard, we made huge improvements." Ace drank his coffee and waved, "It's just knowledge. It'll be in the library!" before pausing and looking at the sky for a moment, frowning strangely.
Tony waved and said "Whenever that is." T'Challa stood up, dusting himself off as he replied "We still need to find a place." Tony let out a breath, saying "We will, I just need to sort things out for the kid."
Banner looked at him, saying "Spiderman?" Tony sighed, "Yeah, him. The kid got refused for M.I.T because of that Mysterio guy." T'Challa walked away, saying "Ah yes… Giving drones to a Young boy, very wise…"
Tony scoffed as he walked away, "Excuse me, I seem to remember someone was closed off to the world?" T'Challa rolled his eyes and Tony turned around "Wiza- Ace?" Ace frowned, "I gotta go… This isn't good." The three frowned and Ace explained "Multiversal rifts appeared, only a few stragglers came through… What's Strange doing?"
Banner asked carefully "Big problem?" Ace frowned "Shouldn't be, I'll call you if it becomes one." before he disappeared.