From Orphan to Performing Magician, Ace thought his entire world was just that. However, a run in with an organization bent on keeping the world safe by any means necessary sent him running into a world he could've only dreamed of!
A few days later
Ace was sipping a coffee, looking at the new Artifacts in the Artifact room. He smiled to himself as he stood in front of dozens of cases with glowing runes carved into them.
He was only wearing a t-shirt and underwear as his cloak hung on a rack.
He walked around them, passing a goblet with the Eternal Flames in it, Hela's Necroswords, a chunk of Uru metal, Surtur's broken blade and horns, and Casket of Ancient Winters.
He looked at Gungnir and a Valkyrie's sword before passing them, looking at the most prized display.
Ace sipped from his mug, looking at the thick branch in the case. If he wasn't mistaken… This was a piece of Yggdrasil itself!
He didn't know how Odin got it, but it was here now.
Ace had carved the most powerful protective enchantments he could muster into the cases, even the powerful artifacts seemed like nothing.
None of their power could come out of the cases. Which was very important because Yggdrasil's branch radiated so much magical power, he almost exploded.
Ace's house was becoming more of a treasure house by the day. He not only had all these things and books, but all sorts of potion ingredients and artifact materials in separate rooms.
Forget about Shangri-la.
If a wizard stumbled into Ace's house, he would probably die of happiness… Even a normal person could probably become the World's top sorcerer by even using one of these Artifacts.
This was also the reason why Ace upgraded the defensive spells and enchantments on the house and cases every time he managed to make them stronger.
As Ace was admiring the artifacts, another Ace walked over, melting into his body. Ace frowned and turned his head, walking out of the Artifact room, coming to see Jack and Margaret fighting.
He picked them up and said "What's wrong?" Jack pouted "She hit me!" Margaret shouted "I didn't!" before turning to Ace and tearing up "Daddy! I didn't!" Jack was stunned and looked at Ace, who cleared his throat, "As much as I would love to see an infant gladiator arena, can't you two just get along?"
He put them down and squatted, smiling "You both look the same, why fight?" Jack shouted "We don't! She's a girl!" Margaret pouted "So?! You look like a girl!" Jack frowned angrily "I don't! You're ugly!"
Ace rubbed his neck as the duo started shouting "Am not!" "Are too!"
He clapped his hands and said "Enough!" The duo's hair blew back and they looked at Ace, who pulled his hands apart, two teddy bears appearing as he said "I don't want to see you two fight anymore. If you ever feel like hitting the other, use these."
A black teddy bear landed on Jack's hands and a white one went to Margaret.
Ace raised a finger and said "You both have to agree and the bears will fight each other." Jack threw the bear at Margaret's head, saying "Fight!"
Margaret was stunned and her bear jumped out of her hands, doing a flying jump kick, smashing the black bear flying.
The white bear landed on the ground and crossed its arms as the black bear stood up, waving its hands back at itself, taunting the white one.
The white one ran forward and the little bears started fighting as the two kids' eyes sparkled, shouting "Come on! Win!"
Ace smirked and chuckled, "I'm so smart. Such an easy fix. Heh heh…" Jack grabbed Ace's shirt asking "Daddy, can you give, Destructor, swords?!" Ace was stunned and muttered "Destructor?"
Margaret grabbed Ace's shirt as well, asking "I want a bazooka for Snuffles!" Ace was speechless!
'Snuffles' was currently beating the stuffing out of Destructor, the name didn't really fit!
The duo pouted at Ace, their eyes watering as though threatening to cry if they didn't get swords and bazookas…
Ace's eyes twitched and he groaned…
So much for a simple fix…
A while later
The problem blew out of proportions…
Sharon came home to see Ace sweating with a worried look on his face, he was biting his nails as he watched something she couldn't see. Sharon frowned and walked over, Ace noticed and said "Oh fuck!"
Sharon turned to see Jack and Margaret sitting inside of giant teddy bears with lasers and weapons all over them, using the Teddy bears like gundams as they fought in the living room.
Sharon froze and clenched her fists, trembling in anger.
She exploded "WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU TWO DOING?!" Jack and Magaret froze and Sharon turned to see Ace sweating bullets, he swallowed and stammered "Well, uh, you see- They- um-"
Sharon shook as she stared at him, Ace swallowed as the duo shouted "Mommy!" getting out of the teddy bears, running over and hugging her legs.
She let out a breath and smiled, "Having fun?" Jack and Margaret looked up, smiling happily as they nodded, explaining "Before they were small and they daddy made swords and a bazooka but then that wasn't fun so then they were big and then we wanted to play too so then we went inside and then boom!"
Jack giggled "BOOM!" as he spread his arms out wide.
Sharon smiled widely "Boom?" Margaret and Jack spread their hands again, saying in unison "BOOM!" before giggling.
Ace swallowed and started sweating even more, Sharon turned to him and smiled "Did you hear? Boom!" Ace chuckled nervously, "Yeah, yeah. Boom! Haha… At least they're not watching TV!"
Sharon clenched her fists, replying "Mhm!" turning to the kids, saying "Go wash your hands, we're gonna have dinner soon, 'kay?" the kids nodded and ran off.
Ace shivered, when she said 'kay it meant she was ready to blow up… Sharon was silent for a moment before punching Ace in the face, sending him flying as she said "Boom!"
Ace smashed into the wall and plopped on the ground as the kids looked back, clapping happily.
Sharon looked at them saying "Hands!" as they left.
She turned back to Ace, cracking her knuckles, "I leave for literally one day. ONE!" Ace got up, dusting himself off as he replied "They're fine aren't they!?" Sharon kicked him, shouting "For now! Maybe if I was gone for longer they would be in pieces!"
Ace blocked with his arm and defended himself "I had it under control!" Sharon seethed "How dare you block me!" Ace froze and said quickly "Instinct! I swear! Ah!"
Sharon shouted "They're only 3! Not even old enough to train! You stupid- Argh!" as she chased after him.
After that Sharon almost never left, preventing another Teddy bear Gundam brawl…
Slowly, a year passed