
Magic Man

From Orphan to Performing Magician, Ace thought his entire world was just that. However, a run in with an organization bent on keeping the world safe by any means necessary sent him running into a world he could've only dreamed of!

Monkey_Godking · Filme
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189 Chs

Trick 128: Turning and Airport... into a battleground!

Ace was sitting next to Bucky and said "I heard you beat up my fiance." Sam looked back and Bucky coughed "Well, you know… Brainwashing." Ace nodded "Mhm." Sam chuckled, "I thought wizards were more mysterious."

Steve drove off, saying "He used to be. Now he's more one of us." Ace looked in the rearview mirror at Steve, asking "What's that supposed to mean?" Steve replied "I mean, you're more comfortable. The fancy words were kind of pretentious."

Bucky and Sam looked at Ace, who retorted "Whatever man." Bucky cleared his throat, looking out the window "I think you're still pretentious…" Ace looked at him and said "I only punched you once, right? You're not over it?"

Bucky rubbed his chin, saying "I can still feel it." Sam commented "Better than me, he didn't move when I punched him." Ace rolled his eyes and muttered "Winter Woman more like…"

Sam coughed and turned back, looking at Steve as Bucky frowned "What does that mean?" Steve cleared his throat, saying "So Sam, who's this guy you were talking about?"

Sam smirked, "Oh, you're gonna love him."

A while later

They parked in an airport parking garage, the 4 of them got out next to a van.

Ace sat on the hood as Bucky leaned on the roof, eating a burger. Ace sipped on a coke as he said "Are you serious? There's no way you think German Burger King is better than McDonalds." Bucky wiped his mouth, replying "All I'm saying is it's less greasy."

Ace rolled his eyes and replied "It's all the same shit." Sam looked back, saying "Can you two knock it off? Like a married couple, honestly." Ace and Bucky looked at him, saying "Don't act like you didn't enjoy the food too."

Ace added, "Plus I had to pay!" Sam rolled his eyes and Steve looked at Clint and Wanda as they left the van. He nodded, "You know I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice." Clint shook his hand, saying "Hey, man, you're doing me a favor. Besides, I owe a debt."

As he looked at Wanda, Steve turned to her and said "Thanks for having my back." Wanda replied "It was time to get off my ass." Steve looked around and said "Pietro?" Clint and Wanda fell silent for a few moments before Clint said "The kid was thinking that Tony was right so he stayed behind."

Steve was shocked and asked "The New recruit?" Clint opened the van door, saying "He's rarin' to go! Had to put a little coffee in 'im… but he should be good." as a guy was startled awake, getting out of the van slowly, asking "What time zone is this?"

Ace and Bucky looked over at the guy as he looked at Steve, saying in shock "C-Captain America!" shaking Steve's hand enthusiastically for way too long, adding "It's an honor! I'm shaking your hand way too long. Wow! This is awesome!" as he let go, looking around, adding again "Hey! I know you guys, you're all great!"

Before he turned to Sam, saying "Hey man!" Sam smirked, "What's up tic-tac?" the guy continued "Uh… Good to see you. Look, what happened last time when I-" Sam replied with a laugh "It was a great audition, but it'll never happen again."

Ace and Bucky looked at Sam, eating and drinking. Sam did a double take behind him and gave them a dirty look.

Steve looked at the guy saying "Scott, did they tell you what we're up against?" Scott replied "Uh… Something about Psycho-Assassins?" Steve nodded and said "We're outside the law on this one. So if you come with us, you're a wanted man."

Scott snorted and bobbed his head, replying "Yeah, well, what else is new?"

Bucky finished his burger, saying "We should get moving." Clint replied "I got a chopper lined up." Ace asked "A helicopter from Germany to Siberia?" Clint looked at him, asking "Can't you just fly us there anyway?"

Ace replied "Well no. I can fly alone, maybe with one other person, but I'd have to make a portkey to bring everyone and that would take a long time so here I am."

Suddenly, an announcement sounded in the airport along with some sirens as the man spoke German.

Bucky looked at everyone saying "They're evacuating the airport." Sam looked at Steve and said "Stark." Steve frowned and Scott asked "Stark?" Steve sighed and said "Suit up."

A little bit later

Steve was walking to the Helicopter when Rhodey and Tony landed in front of him, frying the chopper's electronics with an emt.

Ace was in his cat form, jumping around on various carts and lifts.

Tony blew up a baggage cart and said "Hold it, Wizard." Steve looked around as Natasha, T'Challa, and Pietro showed up.

Pietro asked "The wizard is a cat?" Rhodey replied "No, he can turn into a cat. Magic stuff, man. I don't get it."

Tony looked at Steve, who said "Hear me out, Tony. That Doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this." Tony looked at him and said "Anyway. Secretary gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?"

Steve replied "You're after the wrong guy." Tony rebuffed him, "Your judgment is askew. You old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday." Steve retorted "And there are five more Super Soldiers just like him. I can't let the Doctor find them first, Tony. I just can't."

Natasha said genty "Steve, you know what's about to happen. Do you really want to punch your way out of this one?" Steve looked at her before turning back to Tony, staying silent.

Tony sighed "Alright, I've run out of patience. Underoos!"

Suddenly, webs attached to Steve's shield and it flew out of his hands, as they were webbed up together as well. A guy in a full spider costume landed on a cart, holding the shield.

Tony said "Nice job, kid." The guy replied "Thanks! Well, I could've stuck the landing better, it's just… new suit. It's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's perfect, thank you." Tony looked at him and said "Yeah, we really don't need to start a conversation…"

The guy said "Okay. Cap. Captain. Big fan. Spiderman." before turning to Ace and saying "You too. Um. Saved my life at the expo years ago. Thanks."

Ace looked at him and said "No problem, kid." Spiderman let out a breath and commented "Oh boy. That's weird. Talking cats, okay…"

Steve looked at Tony and said "You've been busy." Tony turned to him and shouted "And you have been a complete Idiot! Draggin in Clint, 'rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't wanna leave, a safe place! I'm trying to keep-" he paused before lowering his voice "I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."

Steve looked at him and replied "You did that when you signed." Tony wiped the corners of his mouth as he said "And the Wizard! Great, just my luck. How you been? How's life on the run?"

Ace looked at him and laid on the truck, saying "Used to it. How's barking when you're allowed to?" Spiderman let out a breath, saying "Okay, this is getting heavy…"

Tony pointed at him, saying "Don't." before looking back as he said "I did what I HAD to do! You think I wanted this!?" as he waved around him, adding "A showdown in an abandoned airport?! The Team split in half?! Don't tell me how you feel, ask me how I FEEL!"

Tony tapped his chest, shouting "Did you ever even think for a moment what I've been dealing with while you're off and away in secret places, off planet? Hm? Did you?! All the bullshit that comes AFTER we save the day? Did any of you even look back!? DID YOU!?"

Steve and Ace were silent and Tony went on, "Of course not, and you wanna know why? Because the job was done, we saved the day. That's why. Nobody concerns themselves with the aftermath because we did it! Yippee! You know, I've been thinking about what you said, because I do listen."

He paced as he continued "About Ultron, about me changing, trusting the government, etc. What I can't wrap my head around is how you can take the moral high ground every time. You save everyone and trust no one, how do you live like that? Doesn't it sting to have even one casualty?"

Ace frowned and said "Watch it, Tony." Tony said "No. I don't think I will. I want to know who died and made you a Saint! Because you ask me, that's the best description I can give you. You know! There was a time when I thought we were friends! Can you believe it? You helped at the Expo, you saved Pepper's life, and you protected them from Vanko at the race track."

Ace frowned and replied softly "We are friends…" Tony waved his finger and said "That's what I thought too! Clearly not, otherwise you would see my point of view! We can't save the world if we're fighting against it! Why can't any of you see that?! If we're all criminals, how many people do we have to fight off to save people from whatever comes for them?! This is the only option!"

Steve looked at him and frowned "We'd be together without these documents, Tony. We don't have to surrender our rights just to save people!" Rhodey asked "Coming from Captain America?"

Steve looked at him and said "I fight for freedom! Not for the country. I was born and raised in the US, I fought for the country in wars, I played the whole game before, son. I fought for the people and their freedoms, it was never for accolades! When the media, the mob, and the whole world tells you something wrong is something right, your job is to plant yourself like a tree next to the river of truth and tell the whole world, No. You move."

Everyone fell silent and Spiderman swallowed nervously.

Steve nodded at Ace and turned to Tony, saying "So what's it gonna be, Tony. You gonna be a tree or join the mob?" Tony clenched his fist and grit his teeth, looking away, saying "I really… really hate you. Did you know that?"

Steve sighed and replied "You mentioned it." Tony smiled and nodded, "Yeah. Dad would never shut up about you…" Steve raised his hands and said "Tony… I'm sorry." as an arrow cut the webbing, letting Steve free as he said "Lang."

Spiderman was kicked in the face by Scott, who grew on the shield, flipping backwards and running to Steve, saying "I believe this is yours, Captain America!"

Ace rolled his eyes and jumped into the air, transforming back to normal as he pressed his palm out, an array of Ice spears appearing everywhere.

Tony's helmet came back on as he said "Oh, great. I'll get him. Someone go get Wanda." Pietro said "I'll do it."

Ace waved his hand, saying "Sorry." the ice spears shot out and Tony flew in their path, blocking them all as he floated in the air, looking at Ace as he said "Surprised?" Ace sighed and replied "I figured… After Ultron, it was a no brainer."

Tony hummed and said "I guess so." as he fired lasers at Ace. His cloak flew up and blocked it for him as Ace said "You can't win." as he pulled out his staff.

Tony flew towards him, replying "I don't know about that." Ace backed off and waved his staff, flames coming out of thin air, turning into a massive flaming snake. Tony looked up and blasted the snake as it lunged at him.

It did nothing and he flew through it coming out the other side, looking at Ace, who clenched his fist in front of him.

The snake bit on its tail and exploded into a cage, turning into steel before falling to the ground, taking Tony with it as it stuck into the earth. He got knocked around inside and Ace tapped his staff on the air as the cage started getting smaller and smaller, Tony pointed a fist at the cage and a little red laser came out melting the bars.

Ace waved his hand quickly and the melted metal splashed on him, solidifying to the ground.

Tony pointed his palms at the ground and blasted off, taking the ground with him as he flew up at Ace instantly. Ace put up a barrier and Tony smashed into it, destroying the stone and metal on him.

He put his hands together and blasted a flame beam like the Destroyer, shattering the shield.

Ace sighed and swung his staff like a baseball bat, sending Tony flying into a plane on the side.

Ace sighed and muttered "This is getting annoying… Everyone has magic resistance now?" he held his staff in front of his mouth and sucked in before breathing out a cloud of red flames that morphed from snake to bird to chimera.

Tony flew up again and said "Again?" Ace warned "This is dark magic, mostly known for breaking down other sorts of magic. It's basically an anti-magic spell… be careful, it's extremely dangerous."

Tony looked at the snake and frowned "Damn." as he shot everything at it, but the Fiendfyre ate everything, surging towards him, leaving destruction in its wake. Tony flew off as Ace waved his staff, holding out his hand, controlling the Fiendfyre to go after him, while frowning.

The only other person to control Fiendfyre was Voldemort, however Ace could do it too.

Within reason, the more it was out, the less and less controllable it was. Dark Magic was quite difficult to control even for a seasoned wizard. However, Ace basically had full control over it, mostly because of his experience, but also because of the staff.

His staff was no joke!