
Magic Knight of Ice (Sao x Kenja no Mago)

A soul found himself waking up as a newborn in a brand new world. Born with the memories of his life, what would his life be? This is a Crossover Fic of Sao and Kenja no Mago. Additional tags: Single Pairing, Calm Mc, and Intellegent Mc. The Mc looks like Eugeo from Sao just to give you guys a good picture of his looks.

Daoist_Truck · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Father and Son

"By the way, William, what was the long-term plan you've mentioned earlier in the throne room?"

"Ah, that plan! Yes, I've already written it. It should solve the problem of decreasing harvests for the long term. Though the effects of it would be shown a few years from now." William nodded and stretched out his right hand and a black portal appeared on top of it and a folder dropped.

Arden was surprised after seeing William's magic. On the other hand, William passed the folder to Arden.

"Here, father"

"Fuh, William, what was that magic you used?" Arden asked while he grabbed the folder.

"Oh, that? That's [Dimensional Storage], it's a spell that lets me create a separate pocket dimension that I can use for storage." William said he remembered it was a year back when he thought of this magic.

He got the idea from those cultivation novels he read in his past life to pass time. It was those storage rings that gave him the concept and with some difficulty, he managed to create this magic.

"...I see, you never fail to surprise me. Then let me ask, do you think you could teach some magicians, this spell of yours?"

William nodded then shook his head, "Yes and no! I can teach them but it would take them months or even years to properly learn it. And no, because of the sheer difficulty of learning the concepts behind the spell. They would need to understand how space and the separate dimension works. Then they need to visualize the concepts clearly and then use the proper amount of magic power. And considering their busy schedule, it would be a waste of time."

William's reply was blunt as he knew it would be hard for the people of this world to understand the concepts of his spell. He could create it as he had some ideas and can visualize how the spell works since he came from a modern world.

But with the current scientific progress and state of knowledge of this world, it would be hard to do so. Though he could also teach them the concepts of the spell as he said, it would take too much time and he doesn't have much free time.


The King sighed after hearing William's reply, "I see, then we can't do anything about that."

"Don't worry, father, I've already planned something for the future. It is also why I wanted my territory in a secluded place. Otherwise, some prying eyes of people will know my projects." William said, "And I will write a book with some spells I created, it should be pretty easy for our magicians to learn them."

"Fumu, You're right, then let's read this long-term plan of yours." Arden opened the folder and read it. "Crop rotation?"

"Yes, father, I think the reason for the decrease in our harvests is because the nutrients of the soil are being depleted. This should be because only one crop was planted in those soils."

"Hmm...And where did you even get this idea?" Arden asked curiously, it is his first time hearing such terms.

"...I've read it in some books. Please trust me, father, and if we don't see results in a few years, then there's my [Nature Magic] to help us."

Arden smirked, "So that's why you presented your [Nature Magic] first before presenting this plan of yours."

William smiled and nodded, "Yes, because I know if I presented my long-term plan first then people wouldn't pay it attention and maybe outright say it won't work. So I presented [Nature Magic] so you and the others will give my plan a try. I use my magic as insurance so people wouldn't be worried too much if my plan works."

"Fu-hahaha! Looks like you're learning to be shrewd already. But that's good since you never know what's coming in the future." Arden laughed boisterously, "But with this, I am more assured of letting you manage your own territory."

"Thank you, father."

After that, William and Arden talked a bit more. With William explained how his plan works and suggested more ideas to improve the lives of the citizens and many more.


After some time, Arden was now left alone in his office.

"Looks like he's growing up faster than I expected. He's thinking maturely and ahead. His strength is rapidly growing too and he only needs more real experience." He smiled proudly just thinking of his son. He can't wait to see what he accomplishes in a few more years.

"But 'they' are also moving now, and in a few years, 'they' would probably be ready. Unfortunately, we didn't foresee their movements earlier, now it's too late. We should just prepare ourselves." Just thinking of 'them' made Arden sigh.


Meanwhile, William, after leaving the kings office, was on his way towards the magic department where he would teach them magic.

The magic department building was located inside the Royal palace too like the other departments of the kingdom. They were given a huge part of the palace.

After some time, William finally arrived in the magic department. They were a department under the military along with the knight orders but they were much smaller than their counterpart.

It's because the kingdom can't sustain too many magicians and instead focused more on the knights.

Entering inside, William was greeted with many magicians scrambling around or reading magic-related books.

"Your highness, welcome!" The magicians stopped what they were doing and greeted William.

"Can you call Lord Sirius, I'm sure he's said my agenda for today already but I need him here too."

"Yes, your highness!"