
Magic Knight of Ice (Sao x Kenja no Mago)

A soul found himself waking up as a newborn in a brand new world. Born with the memories of his life, what would his life be? This is a Crossover Fic of Sao and Kenja no Mago. Additional tags: Single Pairing, Calm Mc, and Intellegent Mc. The Mc looks like Eugeo from Sao just to give you guys a good picture of his looks.

Daoist_Truck · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


The commotion lasted for quite a while until the king stopped them. Now the situation was controlled, the people gathered were silent.

"Your Majesty, If I may speak..." William said

Arden turned towards his son and nodded, "Speak"

The various ministers of different departments also turned towards William.

"May I ask how many magicians are currently free?" William's inquiry confused those listening but Arden signaled for the head of the magic department to answer.

"Your highness, we only have about 60 magicians left here, in the capital. The others were deployed on the four forts of the kingdom." The one who stood out was someone William knew, it was his teacher, Sirius. He is also the head of the magic department.

"Hmm...Their numbers barely fulfill the conditions of my idea. But we could work with it if I joined in." William said

"William, enlighten us about your idea," Arden spoke

"Yes, your majesty!" William nodded, "My idea is to use magic to increase our harvests. I've been researching this magic for weeks by now and I already tested it on some plants." he replied

Though the whole part about researching magic for weeks was a lie as William only took a few days to create and materialize his idea for this magic. He did it after hearing some servants of the castle talking about the issue of the harvests.

"Magic, you say? Then demonstrate it to us " Arden said

"Understood, then please get me some pot full of soil and some seeds," William ordered one of the guards he met earlier. The guard bowed and walked off.

Meanwhile, the people waited patiently as they whispered with each other regarding William's claims. Of course, they're doubtful of it except three people in the hall.

Those three people would be Arden, Sirius, and Aedion as they knew William's capabilities. While the others haven't seen William's capabilities and only heard some rumors that they think we're too exaggerated.

It's because some rumors were stories of how William defeated all the knights stationed in the capital. And how he can even contend with the captain of the Gold Knights. All of those rumors are true though.


After some time, the things asked by William were brought in. William didn't take time to and directly got the things he wanted.

First, he buried the seeds in the pot then turned towards the people watching. "Then I'll be demonstrating this new magic I came up with."

[Nature Magic]

A soft verdant green glow appeared in William's hand and then towards the pot. Then something happened which shocked the audience. They saw a bud coming out of the soil then the plant continued growing before turning into a flower.


"How could this be?!"


Arden, Sirius, and Aedion were momentarily surprised too after seeing the spectacle.

"This is what I call [Nature Magic], what I did was boost the plant's growth with magic. With this magic, we should be able to get a sufficient harvest before winter." William spoke which silenced the others and listened to him attentively.

"I will teach the available magicians right now so we can spread put and use this magic on the farms of the south. What I used just now was just the basic form, I will teach them a wide-scale magic spell. But I implore you to only use this magic in case of emergencies like this year. This magic can't be a long-term solution for our harvest problems. For a long-term solution, I've already written and compiled a detailed plan. I will submit it personally to his majesty, later on."

"Hmm, Good job! There's still about some weeks before our harvest, so William could teach the magicians on that time." Arden said

"But why did you say we can't use this magic as a long-term solution?"

"We can't, it'll ruin the jobs of the farmers and it'll bring many more problems. Our farmers only know one job but if we take it away from them, they could resort to banditry to survive. All in all, our citizens will suffer if we do use this magic for the long term and I don't want that. There are more reasons but I won't mention them now."

The King and the others looked at William in appreciation. One can't believe such reasons came out of an 8-year old's mind. After this, the other important people governing the various departments saw theirr crown prince in a new light.

Arden saw this change and smiled, "Very well, William will teach the magicians this new magic and we will proceed with the plan of using this magic on a wide scale to get more yields. This meeting is adjourned!"

The people bowed towards the king and then walked out of the hall. After all of the others left, Arden turned towards William.

"Follow me."



Kings Office~

Arden and William sat opposite of each other with a small table in front.

"Your magic is splendid, I didn't even know when or how youve thought of it." Arden said, "Tell me, what reward do you want? I can't possible not reward you for this achievement."

"Then your majesty, I want permission to go out whenever and wherever I want." William replied

"Just call me father, William. We're not in front of the others." Arden smiled, "But permission to go out huh. I've already permitted you to go out though."

"That's just in the Royal Capital, I want to go visit different parts of the kingdom, father."

"Very well, but is that it? Your achievement is big and just permission wouldn't suffice for it's value."

As the king said, William's achievement of presenting that new magic is important especially with their current situation. Their kingdom can't easily trade from other kingdoms too as in their east, there's a hostile nation, the Bluesphere empire.

On the south to southeast, there's the mercebary country, Worfeel which could attack them anytime. So they needed to be self-sufficient as trade is hard. Here's where William's Nature Magic comes into play.

With it, they can secure a bountiful harvest and not rely on importing food.

"...Then I want a small fief up the northernmost part of our kingdom."

"A fief? But you're a prince already, how does a fief benefit you. You'll inherit the whole kingdom someday." Arden asked curiously

"I...have some plans, father. And for it to work, I need to be away from the prying eyes in the capital. And this could also serve as my practical training so I could better manage the kingdom. If I can't even manage a small territory then I can't manage the kingdom when the time comes."

"Very well, but you need to bring some people to help you. Also, I will give you a letter later and you need to give it to someone in the north. He's the village chief of a small village called Rulid.

" Yes, father!"