
Magic in a fused world.

Join our Mc as he ventures into a world, fused out of Harry Potter, Marvel (mostly MCU), and some other things. It will take some time for our Mc to realize that he is in both Marvel and Harry Potter. Someone said I did not "Warn" people enough that this IS BL. Dudes on Dude action thought I used the Yaoi tag... SO HERE IS THE WARNING, GAY HAREM, MEN ON MEN, SWORD FIGHTING, Understand? STRAIGHTS BEWARE!

Lilly_Moonshine · Filme
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13 Chs

Chapter 7 Death and Mother

Morgana or more Draco thought other Slytherins the way to create a Lumos light saber. Though it has no lethality and was simply a beam of light, the Others seemed to really like it and acted out fights with it. Morgana had just left the Magic Theory class when he saw a certain Faerie flying by him and signaled him to follow, it was an Ariel. Ariels are Faeries that look like a mix of a bird and a Human and have the size of a smaller bird. They are close to the Element of Wind and most Mages use them for their other power in Purification and Guidance. Ariels are mischievous creatures and like to cause trouble and mislead others.

The Ariel seemed to be male, or at least had male features, and had long blue hair and blue wings, together with tailfeathers. Morgana looked at it leave and decided to follow him, after all till now Faeries and Spirits have avoided or even ignored him. It was the first time one showed some interest. Following out of the Castle, he walked along the Lake towards the Forbidden forest, as the Ariel flew inside, Morgana hesitated. He knew how dangerous the Forest can be, but hearing a small bark from Merlin that reassured him that there was no danger he stepped inside.

The Ariel was waiting for him and then signaled to follow him further inside. They soon reached a small clearing where the Ariel stopped and then flew in front of Morgana. "Hello, there young Mage, or maybe Wizard? My name is Saphire Ariel." he said and flew around Morgana and seemed to look at him. "I am Morgana Black" Morgana said and looked at Saphire landing on his shoulder. Merlin already left Morgana's shadow and was sitting before his feet.

"Why did you want me to follow you?" Morgana asked and Saphire smiled. "Hehe, well I heard from some Elves that a young Mage attended this Academy filled with Wizards and this gained my interest, so I found you and brought you here, to talk to you!" Saphire said quite proudly. "So just to talk?" Morgana asked and Saphire nodded "Yes, after all, it is not really a good environment to talk inside the Castle, when it is filled with Wizards." Saphire explained. Then stood up from Morgana's shoulder and flew up a bit, before Morgana's face.

"You know, you smell similar to her..." He said and then looked into the Forest. "Like her?" Morgana asked and Saphire nodded, "You smell like a Le Fay, a family line blessed by Titania herself." Saphire stated with a smile and as he said that the Sky seemed to turn dark, as the light seemed to vanish. Scared Saphire hid behind Morgana, as a Thestrale came flying down from the Darkness before Morgana and on it a Woman dressed in black. "Aww, I wanted to keep this a Secret a bit longer..." The Woman said and revealed that she had no face, just a skull. This remembered him of a Certain entity from one of the Comics he had once seen. Lady Death from Marvel, she looked similar to it, but this was the Harry Potter world right?

"Death..." Morgana said and stepped back, he knew that death was nothing but trouble, be it the Harry Potter death or the Marvel one! "Aww look at your reaction how cute. But no worries, I am not really the Death you think I am." She stated as she walked over, the Grass under her feet wilting. "As much as your scared reaction is cute, it also annoys me. Just so you know I am a fusion of the Being called death from different worlds, as this world itself is a fusion of many worlds." She explained and then looked down at Morgana and put a hand on the Side of his Face.

"Be a bit more thankful, since I allowed your soul to reincarnate here Sasha!" Lady Death said with a smile and Morgana froze, Sasha, his past life name. "Why?" Morgana asked, Why would she reincarnate him here, why is she here? "It is a long Story, but it all started with your Mother" Death said and summoned a Bone like chair and sat down on it. "Your Mother is not the one you think it is you actually carry her name now." Death revealed and Morgana said "Morgana" as he clenched his fist.

"As you know Morgana and Merlin vanished without explanation right?" Death said and Morgana nodded, something he learned in one of the many books in the Black Library. "Well, your Mother found a way to leave this world, as she herself had enough of this world. Enough from Magic and her family. She wanted peace and found a world, your past world, and used forbidden magic to reach it. Sacrificing Merlin after defeating him in a duel. But it was not enough, this is where I stepped in. I made a contract with her, her soul would be mine once she died and I would allow her to cross."

Morgana listened, but was still confused as his Mothers' name was not Morgana in his past life! Death supported her head with one hand as she continued to explain. "Anyway reaching the World, she noticed that the Lack of Magic killed her. She was already hundreds of years old when she arrived in the World and only Magic kept her young and alive. So before she died, she created a child, with the last bit of magic she herself still had, and gave it to the nearest couple and used magic to make them believe it was theirs, before she turned to dust." Morgana had tears coming out of his eyes, why did she give him to these foul people? Remembering the Abuse he went through.

"But this does not explain why you reincarnated me?" Morgana asked wiping away the tears with his sleeve, tryin his best to keep his tears at bay and the Darkness that seem to swallow him from inside. "Oh yeah, after you died in that world, Morgana herself asked for you to have a second chance at life in the World she came from. Probably feeling bad after I showed her the Abuse you went through and how you died. She pleaded with me and made a bet, I resurrected her in this world and gave her one year to give birth to a child, from a pureblood wizard, just that she was a muggle. Well, she was lucky and charmed Regulus, she got pregnant and I accepted my loss and allowed you to reincarnate here. As she won I gave you her name, a clue for you about your mother." She said and Morgana just looked at her.

"Then why are you here?" Morgana asked and looked at Lady Death. "Well, this little thing revealed your true last name, though you are also a Black, Le Fay is your true last name. For fun, I decided to tell you about your Background once you find out your true last name." Now Morgana knew why she was here, it was nothing more than a game for her, a fun activity to reveal such shocking things to him. His mother was also nothing more than a game, probably knowing that his mother would die, once she arrived in that world. She showed his Mother his life and death only for him to reincarnate here.

"You planned it, didn't you? You gave my mother secretly the way to cross worlds, knowing that she would need your assistance, you knew she would make a contract and you probably influenced her to create me. For all, I know you could also make sure that these monsters were the first couple she saw. You were behind my death and you knew my mother would plead for my resurrection, you gave a bet, you knew my Mother could win. So why?" Morgana said, knowing that the Marvel death would never be kind and he was right, his vision slowly turned dark as the darkness seemed to almost fully consume him.

"Why not?" Lady Death smiled and laughed "At least you are smarter than your Mother, she was too emotional to think clearly and that Merlin almost ruined my plans..." Lady Death said and stood up. "But you are smarter and saw through me, as to why I did it? To create you." Lady Death said and grabbed Morganas head with both hands. "Regulus might be your Father, Morgana might be your Mother, but the one that really created you was me." She said and grinned.

"Why?" Morgana asked as he looked at these empty skull eyes. "Always asking why huh? Well boy, after fusing with so many different deaths, one of them had a desire, a strong one, to have a child. But as death, I could not give birth myself. But I could use someone desperate enough to create a child for me and naturally the Mother needed to be special and suitable enough, Morgana was perfect, she was a Mage and Wizard and was blessed by Titania. Your Father was also suitable as the Blacks are Close to death, thanks to once serving me in the past. So really you should call me Mother!" Death said as she whispered the last part into Morgana's ears.

"But wait, if Morgana is my Mother, why was only my Black family bloodline detected?!" Morgana asked, not believing death, not wanting to believe her. He needed for it to not be true, he needed it! "Simple Le Fay had no heirs after Morgana vanished and the Goblin bloodline test was created way later. So it is impossible to detect if you are from this family. Only Fey and Spirits could find it out if they had been alive and had smelled the unique smell of a Le Fay before. Like this little Ariel Here." Death said and easily captured Saphire and waved him around lightly.

Morgana looked at Saphire looking if Death said the Truth and Saphire nodded. "She tells the Truth about the Le Fay part." he said in a quiet voice, shaking as he feared death. Morgana shook and slowly fell to the ground, as his legs gave out and the only thing holding him up was death's hand on his face. Darkness, was the only thing he saw, he felt empty, a live of suffering, everything for the amusement of Death. Nothing more than a toy she could call her child."Too much for you huh?" Death noticed Morgana's empty gaze and sighed. She pulled him up and carried him to her chair before sitting on it, putting him on her lap and patting his head. She hated the Maternal desire she felt, as she just wanted to get his creation over back then, so the desire would stop, but it did not.

This was maybe the only reason why she told him about his background and his existence. She hated this feeling and wanted to get rid of it, but at the same time, she could not harm the Boy. A part of her desired to keep him save and happy, to not harm him. This was her Son, after all, the thing a part of her wanted soo much! Hearing bells, Lady Death looked to the side and saw Titania standing there, looking upset at her.

"This is no way how to treat a Child!" She stated and looked at Morgana with a sad look. "Titania, what are you doing here?" Lady Death asked, with interest, as she normally would not get close to anything filled with Wizards. "Can I not look after my Godson? He is after all a Le Fay, the family of Mages closest to us Feys" Titania said and looked into Morgana's empty eyes, as he does not seem to react to anything. Merlin himself just covered Morgana's feet, looking worriedly at him.

Titania picked up Merlin and put him into Morganas Hands. She created a green ball of magic in her right hand and put it on Morganas head. "I can understand your Maternal feelings Death and your Trouble, as even I and Oberon suffer from the Fusion of worlds, but even we can control ourselves to an extent. This will help clear his mind a bit and clear away the Darkness deep in his heart." Titania said and then looked at Death.

"It's best for you, to leave, the Boy will need time to process everything and your presence has a negative effect on him, as you are too strong and your negative feelings are crushing his spirit." Titania reminded and gave one last look at the Boy turning to Saphire she said "You will watch over him Saphire." Before she left in a storm of flowers. Lady Death sighed and put the Boy on the ground, destroying the Bone chair, and walked to the Thestrale and flew away on it.

Morgana woke up an hour later, his eyes still partly empty, and looked at Merlin than Saphire and then just cried. He didn´t want to be alive, he wished he was never born. He was suffering and his birth made others suffer. As expected of something Death had her hands in. It is clear to him, he was neither truly Mage, Wizard, or Human, but a thing death created... As powerful as Morgana Le Fay was, she would not be able to create a soul out of nothing. Only Death could.