
Magic in a fused world.

Join our Mc as he ventures into a world, fused out of Harry Potter, Marvel (mostly MCU), and some other things. It will take some time for our Mc to realize that he is in both Marvel and Harry Potter. Someone said I did not "Warn" people enough that this IS BL. Dudes on Dude action thought I used the Yaoi tag... SO HERE IS THE WARNING, GAY HAREM, MEN ON MEN, SWORD FIGHTING, Understand? STRAIGHTS BEWARE!

Lilly_Moonshine · Filme
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13 Chs

12 The Darkness

Sasha felt heavy as he walked home again. Looking around he saw them, walking by him or looking at him. They seemed like an Illusion as they were nothing more than a Hazy black mass, small or big. Sasha did his best to ignore them, looking at his feet, as he quickly walked home, not wanting to get scolded and beaten for being late again. The Closer he got home, the more he noticed something was wrong. He could not point his finger at it, but an instinct of him told him not to go home and just run.

But he ignored it, taking out his key, he opened the front door and quickly went to his room, as he smelled the Alcohol. "They have been drinking again..." Sasha thought and did not dare to look and confirm his thoughts. Putting his school bag down beside the bed, he looked at his door and noticed these shadows again. But this time they seemed more prominent and more Humanoid. Frowning he ignored them, even though they got closer and closer.

"Reme- remember us" they spoke in a quiet, loud, and shrill voice. Sasha looked at them, they seemed to have turned into melting wax, as their own form seemed to collapse onto themselves. He did not know what to feel, it was the first time they spoke. But a bang stopped him from thinking about it further. His mother walked in, bottle in hand. Behind her his angry-looking father. "Why did you not bring out the Trash?" His mother asked and walked closer to him and grabbed Sasha by his shirt. "I looked this morning and the Trash was not full and I just came back and had no time to look if it was full now!" Sasha tried to defend himself.

His mother scowled "SO you Call me a Liar?" She shouted in a drunken slur and slapped him in the Face. Sasha felt his face, where he was slapped, it stung. "YOu DarE Say We aRe LIerS?" His father stepped in and pulled on Sasha's hair. "I am sorry!" Sasha said in a shout of pain and begged "I am sorry! Please, do not hurt me further!" But his parents did not listen. "YOu know? I have enough of this little Shit!" His Father said and pulled the Hair back further so Sasha could look into his Hate-filled and Hazy eyes of his.

His mother nodded and looked at the boy. "I can not stand him either, always so smug, always rebelling and always telling his Teachers we are abusing him, even though we are only teaching him!" She said and went on a tirade. His father seemed to agree with everything. Sasha was stunned and tears welled up in his eyes. "They-They do not Care, remember us!" The same voice sounded in his ears and he saw them. Wax-like Human hands were touching his face from behind. Their melting faces whisper into his ears. "No one cares, NO ONE, ONLY US!" they screamed in his ears.

But before he could even do anything he was thrown to the Ground and his Father started choking him. "See, See, join us, become one of us!" the Shadow-like beings said, seemingly happy that he was choked by his father. "Sto-op, please father!" Sasha let out a gurgle of words as he grabbed the strong hands-on his throat. But his father did not care and as his vision grew dark, he felt the Humanoid beings smiling as their wax seemed to drip into his mouth as he grasped for air. "Wake up!" was the thing he heard, a voice he could not really pinpoint to anyone. "Wake up!" This time it was louder and he remembered it. Saphire... wait who was this again?

"Do not listen, you are alone, only we can help you!" a gurgling voice tried to shout louder than the other. "Wake up Morgana!" Sasha heard it and remembered, yes he was no longer Sasha, but Morgana. What happened again? He tried to remember and focussed more on the Voice of Saphire and quickly remembered the Troll. "I must have used too much magic..." Morgana said as he fought against the Darkness and finally opened his eyes to Saphrie looking at him.

"You finally woke up," Saphrie said and Morgana got up and looked around. He was in the Infirmary again. "What happened, how long was I asleep?" Morgana asked and Saphire sighed. "You slept for three entire days, and maybe forever, Merlin was the one that made me notice something was wrong with you," Saphire stated and flew around Morgana as to check he was alright. "What do you mean, sleeping forever?" Morgana asked stunned. "I do not know, but Merlin told me so, you were getting influenced by something dark. If it had gotten you, you might have never returned." Saphire said and frowned.

Morgana realized that it was not just a dream. Whatever these Shadows were, they wanted to take him and he almost let himself get taken. It must have something to do with the Darkness inside him, whatever it was, it wanted him, it wanted to consume him. Morgana shuddered and wondered how Death did not notice it, or maybe it belonged to her. But before he could even think Madam Pomfrey came over, as she noticed he woke up and made a check-up on him. She told him how Credric, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and even Draco came to visit him. But another thing made him frown, the White part of his hair had grown.

Now a third of his hair was white, looking at it he asked Madam Pomfrey about it and she stated that she had no clue, she had run multiple tests and could not discover anything wrong with his body. She simply stated that it maybe had to do with the Stress and shock from the Troll, that my hair turned white, or the over-drafting of his magic. Morgana sighed and she informed him he would need to stay another day, as over-drafting magic was dangerous and that he was lucky.

The next day, everything went on as usual, well partly. Everyone looked at him differently, since everyone noticed the change in his hair color. Morgana could not help it and simply told everyone who asked, that it was a side effect of him overusing his own magic. They accepted it and the only Noisy ones were Hermione and Draco. Both of them would ask more questions about his situation and if he was really okay. This also made Morgana notice, that Draco was not this much of a dick as he thought and was really concerned about him.

Morgana was woken up early again by Merlin and got dressed and walked to the great hall. He sat down next to Cedric and ate his breakfast. Both talked a bit and then both did their usual morning route, running three times around the black lake, doing 50 push-ups and 50 sit-ups. After this, they would rest for a bit, before returning to their rooms and getting ready for class. Well as he walked to the class, he heard how Harry, Hermione, Draco, and Ron had gotten caught late at night and were now punished to go into the Forbidden forest.

Hearing it, Morgana knew, it would not take long till they would go and try to get the Stone. But Morgana did not care for the Stone. It was most likely a fake and Dumbledore was looking over it, like a hawk. Stealing it with his current skills was impossible, not to mention how he had no need for it, even if it was real. Infinite Money? He was a Black and had a huge amount of Money in his vaults, he could live off this money, till he died. Living forever? He knew such things had a catch, as for the Stone? Well, you would still age, just slower. Even if you lived forever, at some point you would be an old man and hindered by such an aged body. Not to mention how no one could really escape death.

Also, Morgana had different Thoughts, his goal once he returns home, would be to prove that Sirius is innocent and get him out of Azkaban. How would he do it? Well, Fudge can not stand getting bad press, so if used right, that Sirius had never gotten a fair trial then he could get him out for sure. As to prove his innocence? Was there not something like a truth potion or using the mind arts to look into his head and find out the truth?

Why would Morgana want to free Sirius? Well, he needed him, to get the Rat. Voldemort's resurrection worked thanks to the Rat, so he wanted it gone. Not locked away in Azkaban, but get him killed. After all, once it comes out, he was a Death eater on the loose, Morgana had the right to kill him in self-defense once he finds him. Not to mention how Sirius and Harry would be indebted to him.

I forgot to publish this chapter and only saw it when I wanted to write the next one :P well, there are going to be 1-2 chapters every week.