
Mafia world- Two Worlds Apart

Revenge was her only reason for living. Alice wanted them to feel the same pain she endured. Her heart died along with him the day he died. She would never love another. She was trained to have no compassion and to show no mercy, but what will happen when Alice finds out everything she was told was a lie? What will she do when her whole reason for living changes? Kevin was adopted by the most feared mafia leader. When he came of age he took over from his adoptive father. He kept his promise he made her when they parted. He searched for her as he promised, but what happens when he found her and finds out she is their clans sworn enemy and not the same girl he used to know what will he do?

Voges · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter 10


His eyes widened. His finger loosens its grip on the gun letting it fall to the ground. Alice's eyes widened as she watched him fall to his knees. The blood poured out from his forehead down his face. Adrenaline rushed through her veins as she crawled backward away from him. His lifeless body fell forward next to Alice. Alice held her breath. Through the screaming and police sirens, Alice, heard the sound of boots pacing toward her.


A familiar voice she heard before calling out to her. Alice stared in the direction of the voice, but her blurry vision made it difficult for her to see the man's face. She closed her eyes and opened them again trying to regain her focus.

"KEVIN?" She called out in a hoarse voice. She tried lifting her body only to fall backward again, she saw the figure approaching her, "Finally" she muttered then lost consciousness.

'When we think we finally have everything in our control. Life comes and knocks our feet right from underneath us, showing us that it still has the last say. Unexpected things always happen when we least expect it.'

He sat beside her on the bed caressing Alice's face as she slept. He looked at her shoulders. Luckily the bullets went right through her shoulders on both sides, not causing any major damage. Alice felt the warmth of someone's hand against her cheek. Her heartbeat started to increase. Her eyes shot open. She blinked from the sharp light of the room. Her breathing increased when she noticed someone sitting next to her. Her eyes moved toward the person. She stared in horror at the person. Alice thought she died. She thought when she heard Kevin's voice she was finally taken from this world. She tried sitting up but cringed at the pain in her shoulders.

"Wow, there tigress." He said as he reached for her.

Alice quickly moved back to avoid his touch. He tilted his head as he stared at her.

"Who -Who are you," Alice asked

"You clearly know who I am, Alice,"

"K-K- Kevin?" She asked

Her finger twitched to touch him, but she quickly dismissed the thought.

"I almost thought you forgot about me!"

Alice shook her head. She closed her eyes and opened them again. She stared with unbelief at him.

"This is not possible. No. It can't be. You're not him. You can't be him,"

Kevin frowned at Alice, "It is me, Alice. I am sorr…"

Before he could continue Alice interrupted him. "NO! You're not him. It is impossible. Get away from me!"

Tears stream down her cheeks. She never spoke of Kevin to anyone. Only Khan knew about him. 'So how could Kevin be sitting next to her? This has to be a tactic from her enemy or her father, but how did he find out.' she thought to herself

Kevin tried touching her cheek again, but she avoided it. She glared at him as if he was her sworn enemy.

"How is that possible, when I am sitting right next to you,"

"My Kevin is dead!" Alice screamed out. A sob accidentally escaped as she screamed.

"Alice," Kevin called out to her in a soft tone.

He moved a bit back when he saw the more, he approached her the more she tried to move away from him. He could see the confusion in her eyes. Her eyes darted around the room as if it was looking for an escape route. Her body ached with every movement. Alice clenched her teeth as she tried moving her arms.

"Ow" it hurt like shit, she moaned inside her head. Her Kevin was dead. First people were ambushing her and now this bloke tells her he is Kevin.

"Alice, It's me. Why would you think I am dead?"

Alice narrowed her eyes at him refusing to say anything back.

'I need to get out of this place. Where am I.' She thought to herself

Alice looked around the room. The interior of the room was plain but neatly decorated. By the looks of things, Alice assumed that she must be in this man's house.

"Alice, I am Kevin. Don't you remember me? I told you I would come back for you but then my parents told me there was a massacre at the orphanage and everyone was killed. I thought you were dead Alice, but after I grew up, I investigated and found out your body was never discovered. Alice, I never gave up on you," Kevin tried to look into her eyes, but she kept avoiding them. He lifted his hand to touch her cheek but stopped midway when she moved back. "I never stopped searching for you," Kevin said.

Alice moved her eyes to his. She stared into his eyes only for a second then shook her head when she almost got lost in them.

Kevin sighed then stood up. He rubbed the back of his head as he turned and walked towards the door. His hand grips the doorknob. He glanced back at her.

'What did they do to you Alice' He thought to himself.

"Get some rest I will see you later." He opened the door and walked out.

Nico was waiting impatiently outside the room. When he saw Kevin coming out, he rushed towards him.

"What are you doing out so quickly? Has she woken up yet?" Nico looked with anticipation at Kevin.

Kevin stared past Nico into the distance.



"She thinks I'm dead."

"What? How? Even when you are right in front of her."

"Who is the guy that keeps following her around?"

Nico thought for a second… "Her assistant? His name is Oliver."

"No, the other guy."

"Khan?" Nico asked

"Yes. Please investigate what he is doing at her side."

Nico nodded, "Will do right away. What are you going to do with her?"

"Please ask the servants to bring her something to eat. I'll go back in and make sure she's okay."

"Will do," Nico said.

Nico watched Kevin enter the room. Kevin's eyes widened. He looked at the empty bed then his eyes roamed around the room. His breath caught in his throat as his eyes darted toward the window seeing the curtains flutter as the wind blew against them.

"She's gone. He muttered." As he stood in the doorway.