
Mafia world- Two Worlds Apart

Revenge was her only reason for living. Alice wanted them to feel the same pain she endured. Her heart died along with him the day he died. She would never love another. She was trained to have no compassion and to show no mercy, but what will happen when Alice finds out everything she was told was a lie? What will she do when her whole reason for living changes? Kevin was adopted by the most feared mafia leader. When he came of age he took over from his adoptive father. He kept his promise he made her when they parted. He searched for her as he promised, but what happens when he found her and finds out she is their clans sworn enemy and not the same girl he used to know what will he do?

Voges · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter 11

"What did you say?" Nico asked from behind.

Kevin bowed his head as he closed his eyes. "She is gone."

"She is gone?" Nico asked then rushed past Kevin into the room. He looked frantically around the room and then rushed toward the window.

"She is gone," Nico said as if he was trying to convince himself.

He leaned over the window and looked down. "Wow, she is quite something. How did she get down two floors?"

"Nico stop looking, she will be gone by now."

Nico turned and looked at Kevin stunned. "She has been shot in both shoulders and her leg. How can she possibly climb down?"

Nico looked around the room. He walked to the bed and looked underneath.

"We need to get her back. They will kill her if they get her again." Kevin said,

After Kevin had found Alice, he sent word out to his men to keep tabs on her. Kevin had received word that two groups were sent to kill her. He still was not sure who, but when he received the information, he dropped everything and flew directly to London. His chest tightened when he thought back,


He was too far away to take the shot, so he hurried towards them. Everything in that moment stopped when he heard the popping sound echoing through the air for the second time. He watched her body jerk back as the bullet went through her flesh. The image made his blood turn cold. He watched her shirt turn red. He knew right then, if he did not reach her in time, he would lose her forever.


"Nico, go and get me the information about Khan, I will take Rikki with me, now hurry."

Nico nodded then walked out of the door.

When the room fell silent, she waited a few minutes before she climbed out of the closet. Alice had grabbed her phone from the bedside table before she climbed into the closet. She looked at her shoulders and then down to her leg. The blood was starting to bleed through the bandages. Alice pulled the jacket on that she had taken from the closet. Someone had dressed her in man boxers, and the pants in the closet were too big for her so it had to do until she found her clothes. Her eyes searched through the room looking for her clothes, but they were nowhere. She limped to the door and pressed her ear against it. No sound could be heard from the other side, but Alice knew she would not be so lucky for the house to be empty. She knew some of his men would be in the house. Alice slowly turned the doorknob and limped out of the room. With no pain meds in her system, she could feel the pain shooting through her with every step she took. The burning feeling was the worse. Alice gripped the railing of the stairs when she felt her surroundings spinning. She closed her eyes to stabilize herself. When the worst dizziness stopped, she limped down the stairs while she gritted her teeth to bear the pain. She kept her ears open for any movement or voices. "Oh please, please let me get out of here," She prayed

As Alice came to the end of the stairs, she saw the front door on the other side. As she wanted to take a step forward, she stopped when she heard voices approaching. She instantly froze. Her breath caught in her throat. Alice looked around for a place to hide but she was trapped between the staircase and two walls. With the intense pain, her instincts were affected. She knew they were coming but not from which side. She was left with only one option, to wait, and see what will happen.

"What did your wife say about tonight!" The one guy asked as they neared the staircase

"Oh shit," He suddenly felt his pocket. "Good thing you mentioned tonight, I almost forgot to let her know,"

"What are you searching for?"

"I forgot my phone in the living room."

They stopped just around the corner of the staircase.

"You go first, I will meet you at the car."

"Nah, I will come with you."

Alice heard both turning. She closed her eyes and release the breath she was holding. As she limped out of the house she tried to stay near the walls and fencing of each house she past not to get noticed. She still needed to figure out who wanted her dead so for the time being she was not going to trust anyone except Khan. Her father's words echoed through her mind as she walked, "It depends if she can pass all the tests."

Alice quickly walked into an ally and called a taxi. After ten minutes she saw the taxi stopping at the corner of the address she gave him. She limped toward the taxi and quickly got in. The driver turned around. His eyes widened when he saw her,

"Are you okay lady? You do not look too good. Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

"No. Please take me to the Diamond hotel."

The driver looked at her leg and noticed blood running down it.

"Are you sure…"

"Please. Just take me to the hotel" Alice said,

She laid her head back and closed her eyes as her surrounding started spinning again.

"Okay, if you say so. Just don't die in my cab, okay?", He turned around and started driving toward the hotel.

As they arrived, he turned around and looked at her. He felt anxious when he saw her white complexion. If he did not see her chest going up and down, he surely would have thought she was dead.

"Lady we are here." He called out.

Alice slowly opened her eyes and sat up. She looked out the window and saw the hotel in front of her. She looked toward the driver,

"Thank you. I can pay with my phone, right?" She asked

"Yes, you can."

She showed him her phone and he scanned it.

"Take this," He held out a handkerchief, "I think you want to wipe that blood from your leg before you climb out."

Alice looked down towards her leg seeing the blood had run onto the seat. She took it from him and wiped the blood from her leg and tried to clean most of the blood off the seat. She looked up at him apologetically when she could not get the red stain out.

"Don't worry. I will take care of it. This is not something new. When you do this kind of work I do, you have seen it all. A little blood is nothing. Once a lady gave birth in the back seat. Now that was something else."

Alice thanked him and climbed out of the car.