
Lustful Adventure in Otaku World

I was always been an otaku. Never had a girlfriend. Or rather, I was hated by others. I destroyed my happy family with my own hand. But I am happy, I had otaku culture with me all the time. I was able to laugh when they laugh, I was able to cry when they cry. They were my best friend. But there's a problem, I am facing. I am going to die. My consciousness is fading. [You have passed the Weeb Exam. Now, you will be transmigrated into a world called Otaku.] "World of Otaku?" I asked in surprised. [It's a world I created as a fellow otaku. You will be in a world similar to one piece but it's totally different.] After that, I was able to know all about Otaku World. A word with a lot of anime and game characters. I began my journey in a lust filled otaku world. I will definitely conquer all holes. It's about a boy who becomes pirate in an Otaku World. Will he be able to get one piece? Or is it a place filled with a lot of girls? . . . . . . . . . . . [AN: I decided to write a fanfic. It's my first fanfic, so I will probably make a lot of mistakes. Updates might be a bit slow or it could be fast, depends on my original novel. The picture above is not mine. Credit goes to rightful owner.] [AN: Mc will have sex with others wife. But non of his wife will have sex with others. So, if you're into where mc having sex with someone else's wife in front of him, you're in the right place.]

Sowrav2459 · Anime und Comics
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113 Chs

Chapter-01: School

Really, what did I do? She is my step-mother and I have ended up confessing. I don't know what to do anymore. I was hyper for a moment and you know the results. There was a slight possibility that our relationship would turn normal. But I guess it's impossible now.

I tried to know her affection meter toward me.


Name: Hasegawa Nagisa

Affection: 65℅


Wait, just what did happened? Why did her affection toward me raised too? Is the system okay? Are you sure it's not broken? It's just like those cheap romance story. Ahh moo, I don't know anything anymore.

After that, nothing major happened. We ate our breakfast and after that I left for the school.

Really, I am still embarrassed for what I said back there.

"Yo, Sei." A blonde hair ikemen suddenly slapped my back.

"How many times I have said you to stop doing this?" I asked him.

"Haha. Sorry." He apologized when laughing.

"It's not like everything can be undone just by saying sorry." I said in disappointed.

"Well, don't give me that look. So, what happened?" He asked.

"About what?" I replied with a question.

"About your confession to Maehara-san. Well, I do think I know the answer." he replied.

"It's as you have guessed. She rejected me." I answered.

Yeah, around this time, I have confessed my feelings for Maehara Tara. She treated me well from the beginning and I think I had started to developed my feelings for her. So, I confessed to her. But she rejected me. That's all happened. In my previous life, I skipped school for few days in sadness. But right now, my heart belongs to my lovely wives. So, to be honest it doesn't matter what happened back there. I already have my wives.

Now that I remember it, she ended up dating a rich guy. I don't know what happened after that. But around this time she still might be single. Well, it's doesn't matter. My real target here is to make my step-mother fell for me.

"Sorry. Well, I will treat you something. Do you want alcohol?" he joked.

"Sometimes I do think you lacks some emotions." I retorted.

"Well, I don't need something like this. I have Akemi after all." He said.

Hoosoka Akemi is my childhood friend and his girlfriend. They used to be lovey-dovey around this time. If I am not wrong, they got married after high school. Akemi was already pregnant with his child. Yeah, lucky for them. They don't need to go through something like rejection.

"Don't brag about it you bastard." I said with a furious look.

"Well, but I am glad that you're much more normal than I thought you would be." He said while looking at the sky.

"Well, I have my own life. I can't afford to stay sad over something like this all the time." I said to him.

"Well, you're right." he said.

"Well, how far did you too get?" I asked him.

"What do mean by how far?" He replied with question.

"I mean kiss or something." I said.

"Ah, we have hold hands." I replied.

"Really? For some reason, I thought you have made her pregnant." I asked with suspicious look.

"I am telling you the truth. Besides, it's impossible between us." He replied with a disappointment look.

Eh! What does that mean?

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

He managed to calm himself and replied, " We are in the high school after all."

"You're right, I guess." I nodded.

While talking, we have arrived in the school. Keishi went to have his lovey-dovey time with Akemi.

I am sitting on my seat right now.

"Yeah, it's him."

"He dared to confess Maehara-san with this look."

"I am glad that he got rejected. He was getting close to Maehara-san. He began to thought that he could afford Maehara-san."

""Really, how can he thought that Maehara-san would accept his confession."

"Really, I don't understand too."

Yeah, I know. Rumors has spread about my confession. I have never thought it would be this fast.

Well, I guess I have to ignore that now.

"Ah, It's Maehara-san."

Everyone looked at the door. A blacked haired beauty was entering the room. She has long hair and her curvy feature made her more popular. She has perfect breasts. You can say, she is one of the most beautiful girl in the class.

Well, she is not even close to Shar and Daki in terms of beauty. Now that I think about it, why did I confessed to her? I would gladly fuck her but making her my wife is a bit, you know.

"Good morning, everyone." Maehara Tara greeted everyone.

"Good morning, Maehara-san. Is it true that Hasegawa-kun confessed to you?" a mob girl asked Maehara.

"Umm... Yeah, he did." Maehara answered.

"Oh, so you did rejected him." another girl said.

"Yeah, I did. I wasn't interested in this kind of stuff right now." Maehara replied.

"I see. It must be awkward to sit beside someone you have rejected right? I will change my seat with you." A girl proposed.

"Ah, you don't need to. Even though I rejected him, he is still one of my friend after all. He wasn't stubborn like others. He genuinely listen to me." Maehara replied.

"I-I see. " the girl taken aback.

"Maehara-san is an angel." other boys began to admire her.

Maehara calmly came beside me and sat in her seat.

"I am sorry for that day." She apologized.

"It's okay." I replied.


Suddenly, the door opened with a BAM.

A blonde beauty came inside the room and asked," Is Hasegawa Seiji there?"

"T-Takamori senpai?" everyone became surprised.

Yeah, I knew she would do something like this. Just imagine, school's top beauty came suddenly in your class and began to looking for you. What would others feel? They would at least get surprised after all.

"Ah, you were there." saying that she came toward me and said," Our daughter wanted you to meet again. If possible, will you go to my home after school?"

"What?" everyone got surprised.

Really, what's going on?

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