
Loving You Is Blind

" I'm not wiling to love half of your heart " Her little self knew nothing about reality. She knew very little about the world. She knew nothing about death, even life itself. Until her mother died before her eyes and she fell into the arms of man that knew nothing about her. He, was shown the cruel world way before he should have. He hated the world. Until he could no longer ever see it, literally. His world had turned into an orphic darkness and so had he. She's back to reality and the first thing she meets is the darkness. Whom her boss assigns her to. So he warns her.. but things don't go exactly as the contract suggests. "Your job is to nurse him, not to fall in love," he says. "because that, little Claudia, does not only not exist in the contract, but it could also be explosive," A nurse and a mob boss? Why not?

theAkuhle · Urban
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20 Chs

18| heavenly birthday


This chapter may be offensive to some so feel free to skip it if you know it will.  Keep in mind that this all pure fiction. Happy reading !


Unlike most people, I was a morning person. Nothing had me more motivated and got me more excited than waking up the next day.

It was Sunday.  That meant we were going to church. It was a sunny morning so I slipped on my baby blue dress that was just above my knees. Along with white  strapped heels and a matching purse in my hand. My dark brown hair was sleeked back as I layered a few accessories on my hair.

I took a longer look in the mirror and remembered what day it was.


"Mama, mama!"

The sun was shining in my face as I ran an arm over the sweat in my forehead. The waves roared loudly and my feet were covered in nothing but sand.

"Look I made a cake." I said  excited for her to see my sand cake. She gasped, a smile on her face as looked over at the cake. "It's really pretty sunshine."

I grinned.

Her fingers trailed over the two hearts I carved on the sand cake. It was her heart and mine.

It was mama's birthday today and we were spending the morning at the beach and then we'd go back home later on. "You know I love you so much right? " I nodded as mama cupped my face and pressed a kiss on my cheek. "And I'll never leave you or do anything to hurt you,"

I blink. Pushing the memory far away.

It was mama's birthday.  I wasn't supposed to be sad.

I looked at myself in the mirror again and when I was satisfied, I walked out of my room.  I place my fist on Luciano's door, knocking on it. "Come in," He said like he didn't have any care in the world.

I gasp when my eyes land on him. "You could've at least said you weren't decent,"

He chuckled. "You're acting like you've never seen me naked before."

I flushed. He was right but this time it was different and hard to focus on what I initially came here for when he stood half naked in front of me. His dark olive skin was perfect and my eyes landed on the tattoo on his chest.

It was a name.

It was the only thing that forced me to tear my gaze away because it left a sour taste in my mouth.



"Good morning to you too."

"Need something?"

''Well I'm on the way to kitchen to have some breakfast and you're coming along,"

I chuckled not believing what she just said. "I'm sorry?"

"Yes, quickly. Get dressed because the whole world isn't going to wait on you," She says Better yet, let me dress you up myself, "

Oh hell no.

But before I could say anything, knowing damn well I needed the help, I felt her push  pass me. She held my hand and it still felt the first time she held it. It was comforting, relaxing but it only reminded me of how much guideness I needed. So I pulled away from her.

She cleared her throat at this. Almost like it was a problem but she quickly brushed it off.  "Let's see," She walked around, the sound of her heels burning my ears.


It was early in the morning, she hadn't even had breakfast and she was already wearing heels.

"Do you ever get tired?"


"Ooo, you wear ties." She says and then I realized she was going through my closet.  "Wearing those heels?" I complete the rest of my question.

"Oh no, only when I'm in them for too long but other than that, I love them."

After a while she spoke up again. "Ok I found something for you wear when we're done eating."

"What's happening after breakfast?"

"We're going somewhere"

"Well no shit."

"Please no cussing. It's a Sunday,"

My body temperature rises when I feel her hands on my bare skin as she puts my shirt on.

Smoothly and carefully like she didn't want to wrinkle the shirt.

"And besides,  it's a surprise." She whispers making me wonder.


A church.

That was the surprise. 

I couldn't have been more annoyed.

What the heck were we doing here?

If it wasn't for the fact that I was blind, I would've turned around and gotten out of here the moment we got in. But it wasn't only that,  that stopped me but the way her small hand was in mine as she guided me.

Damn she was patient.

"Why am I here?"

"What do you mean? It's a Sunday, " She said in a duh tone.  I sigh, shutting my eyes as she guided me further. "Come, sit down."  She says, her hand on my back and I feel myself landing on something.  Like wood. "Perfect. " She mused and I could almost see the smile on her face.

My body tensed as I sat down. I hated churches.

I didn't even understand why I was here in the first place so I decided to ask. "In all seriousness, why am I here?"

"In all seriousness,  it's because it's a Sunday. Or do you not go to church?"


"Well, there's a first time for everything." She said. "I didn't say it was my first time but I stopped going to church ages ago,"


"I'm the one asking you questions."

"Shh," I hear from the back. "Sorry." Claudia mutters not seeming apologetic at all. "Well, it's my mom's birthday today and I always come to celebrate her. Plus, it's a Sunday."

And then we sat in silence.

I could hear everything the pastor was saying but nothing was really sinking in. I didn't sign up for this. But it was finally time to go home - I didn't think I dreaded something so much up until now and it was all because of a brunette.

"What's your favorite cake?" I asked as we got into the car. "Huh?" I could feel her eyes on me and I hated it. I hated knowing she looked at me with something- anything and I couldn't even peel my eyes too see.

I'd give anything just to see her face but I couldn't.

"Are you going to answer or not?"

"Uhm, chocolate cake. I love chocolate cake."


It was night time and thank the universe that I had finally gotten rid of Claudia. Even if it was just for a few hours.

With my eyes closed, I continued to hear the faint voices.

I grabbed a fistful of something, growing tense.

I got up, my head spinning as I stumbled over everything. The sound of something breaking only made me weaker  but there was something that shocked me the most. I could see.

It was blur but it was the most color I had seen since forever.

The door opened with a loud bang and rapid footsteps. The sound was erratic/boisterous only causing me to become even more disoriented. A small hand found my face and usually I'd pull away but I didn't have the energy to react.

My body was numb.

My eyes ringing as my head spun even more.

But I met those eyes. Her eyes. The smell of coconut and raspberry nearly calming me. Hazel brown I remember she told me.  She had hazel  brown eyes. I knew it but I never thought I'd see them and they were beautiful.

I blinked once, twice, my vision was not the best but I could see. Thanks to the darkness of my room, it wasn't that bright. 

She looked at me, her chest heaving up and down, her hands shaking. "Luciano," She tuck a strand behind her ear. She took my hands in hers. "Get up. Slowly." She helped me up.

"Isaak!" She called out. Her voice was weak and shaky - something that made my jaw tick. She lead me to what I saw now, my bed. 

"Claudia?" I looked at her.


"I'm feeling nauseous."

My vision blurred again.



Our foreheads collided as she whispered sweet nothings until I could no longer hear.