
Loving You Is Blind

" I'm not wiling to love half of your heart " Her little self knew nothing about reality. She knew very little about the world. She knew nothing about death, even life itself. Until her mother died before her eyes and she fell into the arms of man that knew nothing about her. He, was shown the cruel world way before he should have. He hated the world. Until he could no longer ever see it, literally. His world had turned into an orphic darkness and so had he. She's back to reality and the first thing she meets is the darkness. Whom her boss assigns her to. So he warns her.. but things don't go exactly as the contract suggests. "Your job is to nurse him, not to fall in love," he says. "because that, little Claudia, does not only not exist in the contract, but it could also be explosive," A nurse and a mob boss? Why not?

theAkuhle · Urban
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20 Chs

17| care


Matteo was dying.

Matteo was dying and it was all my damn fault for taking so long.

"Claudia breathe," Diane grabs both of my shoulders while her blue eyes bore into mine.  I run a hand over my face and let out a stressful sigh.

I don't know what it was but the thought of Matteo dying had my heart aching and I don't know why.

It wasn't because I was Head Nurse and if someone died without a doctor being present, my career would be ruined, no. But I wouldn't be able to live with myself because I couldn't  save somebody else's life.

But all my worries were all for nothing when I arrived at the hospital.

When I arrived I didn't even have to look around to find Diego and... Matteo? because they were right at the entrance.

Wait why were they in front of the entrance?

I look at Diane who looks just as shocked as I am. "Are you seeing the two of them,"

"I am.." She says slowly not taking her eyes off them.

"Diego," I approach them with concern evident in my tone. "What happened?"

They both looked perfectly fine and far from worried. I jerk my head back, confused.

"We didn't mean to make you worry," Matteo, the one who's supposed to be on his death bed says.

"What the hell is this?"

"Claudia, " I hear a voice. I turn around  and I gasp at the sight before me. There he was, on is knees his eyes gleaming with something I couldn't exactly pin point. A bouquet of flowers that consisted of rainbow colors in his hand.

"What the hell. Those look like funeral flowers," Diane mutters but loud enough for me to hear.

I shot Diane a look and she shrugs not regretting what she just said.

"I'm serious. They look exactly like him; horrific," This time I elbow her and a simple 'ow' satisfies me. My eyes scan the decor behind him.  There were flowers and balloons  that had the words 'Forgive me ' and others that wrote 'I love you' on them.

"I'm so sorry Claudia.  I was a fool. A fool that treated you badly and is willing to do anything to have you back. Here stands a foolish guys who loves you with everything he has. Would you forgive me and make the happiest man by letting me take you out to dinner tonight?

I bit my lip.

It wasn't like I was getting back with him plus this was super sweet and Liam and never did such things before. I nod my head with a smile on my face.

"Is that a yes?"

I shook my head once again. "It's a yes,"

And there stood the Liam I knew.  The one I cared for.

He hugged me so tight I almost couldn't breathe and spun me around. I smiled.

This was Liam I love.


After discovering the call wtth Diego was apart of Liams plan, I was relieved knowing Matteo was ok. I had gotten the chance to see Malika during her lunch break and Diane who was already dressed in her uniform.

After staying at the hospital for forever, I needed to head back to Luciano's place.

And as if on cue, the door of the hospitals opened and there a familiar figure that resembled Luciano.


And then my eyes moved to something behind him. The driver that brought me here.

Was he here this whole time?

Isaak and Luciano were so alike in so many ways it was insane. Except Isaak spoke more and wasn't as passive aggressive but his aura was cold. Distant.

In an hour or so we had arrived. I dreaded the fact that Luciano's house was located in a place so far away like he had been escaping from something or someone.

I hopped out of the car and the gates opened soon after Isaak placed his fingerprint on the identifier. 

That was just the name I came up for it now.

I headed inside growing impatient as all I could think about was my date tonight.



The sound of a knock pulled me out of my daydrea and I heard the sound of heels once the door opened.

A familiar scent of coconutand raspberry filled my office I inhale it, shamelessly. My jaw ticking as I roll my eyes at her presence. 

Nothing annoyed me more because her presence only reminded me of why she was here but there was something else tonight. I just didn't know what it was. "Are you going to talk or are a mute?"

There was a silence when I said that but it was broken by the sound of her sigh. A frustrated one at that.

"I'm going out," She finally says. "Excuse me?" I got up from my chair my hands remaining in my pockets. "Let me remind you that have a job-"

"Mr Rivera-" Shs began.  "Luciano, I'll be back in hour or so-"

I chuckle. Unbelievable. 

What the hell was she here for.

I knew she had times where she took off but she rarely ever went out or took time off during  her free time and I wished nothing more than for her to disappear until I could no longer remember her name.

So why was I questioning her now?

"I'm sorry did I say something funny?" It nearly sounded sarcastic but clearly she was clueless and I had no choice but to give in. "Go," I tell her.


"Do you want me to change my mind?"

A short silence fell.

"Alright. I'll be back in a hour or so,"

Time went by and I didn't even know what time it was but I started to get bored without hearing a certain voice.

Dammit Luciano. 

"Call Diago," And within seconds, the phone started to ring and Diago answered. "Boss?"

"Diago, are you watching her?"

"Yes boss. She's at restaurant with some guy,"

A guy?

My jaw clenched.

So she went out on a date.

I hang up but not without reminding him he should keep his eyes on her because the last time I heard of this so called Liam, he was causing problems with my brother because he thought he was me.


Isaak should've killed him but we couldn't risk it.

"Keep acting like this Luciano and I might think you're starting to like this nurse,"  I hear Isaak's voice, his footsteps heavier signaling he was close.

"Fuck off," I grit my teeth.

"Am I lying?"

I didn't answer him. Not because I didn't want to but mainly because I didn't know how to.

"I don't like her," I spat. It was the truth. I didn't like her from the first time we met and I inhaled  her scent. I didn't like the fact it made me want to bury my face into her neck and stay there for the longest time. Her sweet coconut and raspberry was a scent I was afraid to get used to. I didn't like the fact that I hated the cold feeling caused by the absence of her hands whenever they left my body.

"But you care," He points out and for once, I didn't  have an answer or even tried to come up with one.

I was dammed.

I didn't even realize that so much time had passed until I heard the sound of her heels again. Nobody wore heels in this house. Not even my mom because she always complained about how they made her feet feel. And it couldn't have been Leyla because she wasn't here.  I shot up when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in,"

The sound of her heels became louder and I waited for her to utter words but I was welcomed with silence.

"You're here why?"

"Oh let me guess, to talk endlessly about your night out?"

"Pricisely." Her words caught me off guard but I quickly recovered. "Enlighten me," I was wondering what she had to say now. And then that's when I felt tiny hands on my face. I grab her wrist becoming alert. I was pretty sure I had pulled her closer - more than I should have.

"You do know," She slowly begins. Almost as if she was recovering from something. "that if you wanted to keep an eye on your nurse.. you should've just asked," Her words shock me and my grip on her wrist weakens.

She took that as an opportunity to jerk it off.


She knew.

I underestimated her.  She was sharper than I expected her to be.