
Loving Is Difficult

Jennifer Morgans is a successful 26 year old woman who had gotten her heartbroken in three previous relationships. She was about celebrating her third year anniversary with her current boyfriend Dave, when her heart got broken for the fourth time and that was when she concluded that love wasn't for her and decided to give up on love. She became very cold and rebuilt her walls, vowing never to let any man into her heart again. Andrews Zander is a multi-billionaire and well known notorious playboy . He happens to run into Jennifer at a night club and had a bad encounter with her. After that night he strikes a deal with his friends to get even with her by getting her to date him and then dump her when she least expects it. What will happen between them? Will Andrews plan work? Will Jennifer ever open her heart for love again? Find out in Andrews and Jennifer's story.

Blackberry1234_ · Urban
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13 Chs

What The Hell?

I didn't know the word to use and describe the foolishness I displayed last night. Why couldn't I just shut my mouth. I was already used to my mom's nagging of me getting a husband, so why couldn't I just condone it and go through with the dinner.

I just had to ruin everything by telling her I had a boyfriend and now she's invited him to dinner. Well, that will get her off my back for the main time. I was tired of her unvarying nagging.

I just hope I can get someone to play my boyfriend for the dinner and then I can move on with my life. The problem now was that I've chased away most of the guys that were hoping to have a chance with me. And I didn't even have any single male friend that I can ask.

'What a life!'

The only person that comes to mind right now is Mr. Andrews Zander. But, I didn't know if he'll be willing to help considering the way I turned down his offer to become friends.

'No! I certainly can't ask him to help me out.'

'My pride is at stake here.'

'I'll just ask Jane to look for someone that i can pay.'

A knock on the door brought me back to reality. Jane stepped in dressed in a fitted black gown and dark blue heels. She wore glasses today and held a tablet on her arm, typing on it at intervals.

"Ma'am, Seth hotels called. They'd like to reschedule the meeting they cancelled. They're requesting for an audience by 12:30pm" She adjusted the glasses on the bridge of her nose.

I checked the time on my wrist watch, it read 11:48am.

"What's my schedule like this afternoon."

"Well, except some documents that needs your signature you're mostly free this afternoon."

"Okay. I take that those documents are not urgent so place a call across and inform them that we'll love to meet them."

"Okay ma'am."

"Wait!" She swirled back at me as she was already leaving.

"Anything else ma'am?"

"Do you know anyone that might be of help to me? I have a kind of situation."

"And what type of situation would that be" she asked folding her arms under her breasts.

"Ineedsomeonetopretendasmyboyfriend" I said in a single breath.

"Can you repeat that? I didn't quite catch that" she adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose, nodding me to go on.

I let out a deep breath and calmly said "I need someone to pretend as my boyfriend" how did I find myself in this situation.

"Boyfriend? What boyfriend? What do you need a boyfriend for?"

"You won't understand. But the fact is that I need a fake boyfriend and soon too."

"Ma'am I don't really know anyone that can do the job. I would've listed all the guys that tried hooking up with you, but you've pushed them away."

"But what about Mr. Andrews? I think he would help you, besides you both have great chemistry" she smiled dreamily hugging herself together.

"What stupid chemistry. It's not only chemistry, it's physics."

"Besides I'm not sure he'll be willing to help. I sort of turned down his offer to be friends."

"You see, that's why they say treat people nicely because you never know when you'll need their help." She held the tablet close to her chest shaking her head at me as if she was disappointed with my actions.

"And did I tell you I need his help? I'll find a way without asking him to help out."

"I'd advice that you still try your luck, he might be willing to help out."

"Anyway, we're running late. We need to get to the meeting."


The meeting with Seth hotels went well. I was happy that they loved my designs and wanted to sign a contract with my company.

I was on my way back to the office alone as I told Jane to take the remaining the day off since there wasn't much time left to closing hours.

I sighed thinking of what I'll do when I get home, I now live a very boring life. This wasn't the type of person I was before, I had friends and I used go out all the time.

But now because of betrayal I've shut out everybody from my life. Even after the breakup, I'm still letting those good-for-nothing rule my life.

A text came into my phone and I parked at the corner of the road to check the message.

'Leave my boyfriend alone if you love your life' the message was typed in capital letters.

'What the hell?'