
the grandpa house

it was like my memory weak . he always bring some snacks if he gone to town that is my grandpa. he still did not come from town .I am waiting for him our entrance with old doll . my grandma making us food some irritated face she always like that she doesn't like to cook what can we do my mom doesn't here she stay with my dad for work. wait ah ah I did not tell my name I am nivi 🐰. my age now 5 nivi dad balu 🤓 mom malar grandpa joth and grandma lakshi little sister nish .i am such lasy girl my grandma always scold me she doing all works when our grandpa not in home I do some chores . my dad drinker so he don't give money to my grandpa .he still working even 60 s when ever he come he steal some items very embarrassing 😡 go for drinks some our villagers.grandpa always scold him for that but he don't understand that why my mom take him to town mom very strong woman with little sister. in village our school now. I am 1 std I still remember that time I am crying I did not want go to school .all students 😭 watching me small bag chock piece ,silat that all some chocy I given to my new friends that's still in my memory that life very beautiful. i am now 5th std still I didn't like to go school but it been five years I am always second in school because one boy .Dev that book worm little boy name .daily I pray for God give me first rank he still doesn't listen to my prayers .ok now today my mom here for me she only comes for seeing still five year my dad total 5 time only I seen I already forgotten him because my grandpa is there for me he very talented in farming good at ride also very handsome old man . my mom complain for dad doesn't giver her money so grandma give some money . grandma really like dad but he always ignorm her .ah ah one important person my biological aunt when I am 4 year old she got married to our neighborhood boy for love that family money hungry . always fight than she hung die when i am 5 year old her baby name arul .my cousin then of course it's been 13 yr me now 8 the std I am run away because my grandma hit me reason I am lazy grandpa also does not interfere very dress that time my pocket money . than run away from to town my dad house.