
love the real me

This story is a journey of female lead who discover her identity while facing many problems & challenges in her life. so pack your bags with her and get on with her to this interesting journey..... stay tuned to uncover many secrets....~~~

suneul · Urban
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16 Chs


At the hospital, In common ward;

"Ah... I am sleeping for a long time...." She tried to sit down but due to her weakness she doesn't able to do so. "I am stuck in this place for big time I guess…" but why mom and dad didn't come to visit me once. Do they even know that I am here? If not? Uhhhh….. I don't even want to think about that and where is Lucifer, he said that he will meet me downstairs but I didn't see him since I wake up last time and this time as well…. Ahhh I am bored…." Said while laying there. Then suddenly a nurse came in and said in excitement, "oh… finally you're wake up you're sleeping from complete 36 hours… are you feeling any kind of pain?" she asked while checking the monitor. "I am fine… thank you, but does anyone in my family is here right now?" belle asked while trying to sit again. "Well no one from your family still contacts us but your colleagues visited you yesterday before you fainted. They didn't come since then. Do you want to go for a walk?" nurse replied and asked her while changing the drip on her. "Uh… no thank you" she replied while becoming upset that no one from her family came till now. She was looking calm on the outside but in inside 'what is happening… I guess they don't know that I am here… they must be finding me… what do I do..?' the nurse put the brake in our thought process and said while sensing from her behaviour that she is sad " it's good for you recovery to get fresh air…." "Okay, then can you help me?"She said try to fresh her mind 'its best first I will see where I and then I will decide on my next step.

She went with the nurse to the garden on the wheel chair as she still has the plaster in her leg. 'ahhh…. Weather is lovable' she thinks then asked the nurse, "when will I get discharge?" "You're recovering at fast speed and there is only a plaster left at your leg which will be removed at evening but you still have complication in walking. And about discharge it will take another day… but you should take a rest detective… "Nurse replied her and give her all the information. "Detective? Me ..." she said shockingly 'this nightmare is still not ending… "Yeah are you still having problem remembering…. Oh... I have to report this to detective…. This will create problem in your discharge" nurse replied and put out her phone to make a call to the doctor.

"Ahhhh… stop.. No, I am not having any problem in memory… I recalled everything…" she said instantly and thought' this will create problem in my discharge and at this time I just want to get out from here… and its true I am not having any trouble in my memory… it's just others memory is not matching with me… I should leave early as possible' she decided. Then saw the expression of confusion on the face of nurse and continued while making sad face "well I was saying detective don't take vacation. They have responsibility on their shoulders to keep citizens safe" for trying to clear the confusion in her mind for her benefit. "Oh...okay then I will ask doctor if you can get discharge early." nurse said excitedly with a smile. 'Ahh... this nurse is really naïve now I am feeling bad to fooling her but… ufff' "well it will be best if I get an early discharge. You're best miss. Nurse… I will be thankful to you" belle replied enthusiastically to give an encouragement to poor nurse who was falling in the trip of an evil demon.

After few hours at the same ward….

"I am feeling more better than… getting an early discharge from hospital is too good then I expect….. Ah… but why I am feeling a little tall than before… and did I lose some weight as well? Strange… I recovered quickly too…." She said to herself while changing her clothes to new clean set. "Ahhh… this is not my style but I will do it with these now" she changed the patient uniform with the cloth she borrowed from the nurse earlier. Up I should wash my face as well and set my beautiful hair~~~~~~" she said while entering the washroom. She opened the tap wand rinse her wash with cool water. Then she took the towel that she also got from the nurse earlier. And said to herself "I should also take a shower after reaching home" then she shout suddenly "ahhh!!!!!!" when she saw her image in the mirror. "What happened to my face? I have same eyes same hair…. Same skin tone…. But face….did I got plastic surgery….when?" she said while shuffling her hair to upside down. Then suddenly she heard the voice of the nurse. She went outside and saw that nurse was staring at her constantly without even blinking.

She felt weird, "did I look strange by chance?" she asked the nurse in case she was also shocked by the change in her face like her. "Ahh! No no… you're looking so beautiful in this dress. I didn't look half as you… and you're blue eyes are remitting a warm aura and long silky black… I always think you're are very beautiful before well but now after being ready and even without any makeup. You're on different level than us common folk… but how did you maintain your skin... you're a detective...…...?" nurse said with a look of fan in front of her idol. Belle said to herself 'do I am seriously having trouble with my memory' then to nurse "ahh… well this is like this since I born… uhmmm … then you're here for?". "Ahh…lucky you… hmmm I am here for giving you, you're discharge papers and belongings you have when you got admitted. Here" she said and give the papers and belonging to belle and wish her best for her work and left for her duty. She bid farewell and said thank you for papers and taking care for her in absence of her family.

She looked at paper, this time she was not shocked as before like the quota of getting shocked is now empty. The name on the paper was not Isabelle Remington but Alice Jennings. The colour of hair and eyes were different but face was same as what she has right now. So all of them are not having trouble in their memory but the problem is her face. But this face is not even her. What is really happening? "I should leave first in case someone came here who knows 'HER'. She put the paper and the belongings. She have a latest model of smart phone, a purse, a cufflinks, a note, an identity card from police station and some chewgumes which she also likes. then she put things in her pocket and went outside while chewing her favourite flavour. At the front of the hospital while looking at the tall buildings at her front she said to herself 'this prove that at least one thing is common between them their taste.'

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