
Love is Magic

" Tell me what happened?" Priya asked anxiously. " Don't ask me anything now, I have to go to the police station" Arvind answered without looking at me. Arvind left hurriedly. I didn't understand what was happening here. I went to Karthik's bedroom to check him. Then I noticed his palm was cut and was bleeding. I don't know where the first aid kit in his room, so I brought it from my penthouse. When I was dressing his injury, he hissed in pain and opened his eyes. I observed his gloomy eyes filled with pain and tears at the corner of his eyes. My heart-ached looking at him in that condition. " What happened Karthik?" I asked him rubbing his hair softly. " My best friend hates me. It's killing me," he answered. " I did a big mistake by hurting him. I accept my mistake. At least he is not giving a second chance to explain. He is punishing me for two years ignoring me and treating me like his enemy. It is killing me. Even my mom doesn't trust me. No one loves me. I am feeling lonely. I don't want to live anymore" he said while lone tears rolled from the corner of his eyes. "Shhh…..calm down. You are a fantastic person, Karthik I have ever seen. Arvind, Shreya, uncle, and all employees need you. Don't ever speak about killing yourself. We all love you." I consoled him. He immediately got up from the bed and hugged me tightly. "You love me?" he asked me cupping my face. I could understand his state, he was in an alcoholic effect. So I nodded my head straight. He loosens his grip and looked into my eyes. " You trust me, right?" He questioned. " I trust you more than myself" I smiled. " Thank you so much. Do you know my mom loves me but she didn't trust me? At that time do you know how I felt? I was broken …." He cried hugging me. "Everything will be fine. Don't worry." I assured him. " Will you too leave me like my mom ?" he asked me. " Never. I will be always with you." I answered. "Promise…" he asked again. " Pakka promise.." I smiled. "Thank you beautiful…." he kissed me on my forehead. I was beyond the shock of what just happened. My body freeze at once. " Then don't leave me. Be with me all my life" he closed his eyes holding my palm. Still, I couldn't believe…. What he spoke!! Does he love me??? Having a family, I am living like an orphan. Why a rich person will love an orphan like me? Love never exists in my life! I laughed at my destiny. *************************** This is a story of two souls who met accidentally and finally bonded in pure love. So peep into the story to know the love journey of handsome Karthik( Male Lead) and innocent Priya(Female lead)

peacock_writer · Urban
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108 Chs

Chapter 5

" Do you know Shreya?" I asked Arvind anna.

Arvind anna looked at me without giving any reply and sipped his ☕.

"I think you know her, isn't it?" I questioned.

" why are asking me about her? Who is she? She is just your roommate right?" He asked seriously.

" No Anna, she is my bestie from childhood. My schoolmate, college mate till intermediate and my best friend" I replied.

" What is wrong between you both?" I asked him.

" Then ask your friend what she did with me" he replied.

" she was also disturbed from last night and you are too behaving weirdly" I questioned.

" If you really treat me as your sister, tell me what happened between you both" I pleaded.

*******Flash back***************

I met Shreya one year back when she came to Hyderabad for project work at that time I was working as project head.

After my studies, I wanted to get a job on my own to get experience as a normal person even though I can start my new company.

I don't know the exact feeling when the first time I saw her. Fortunately, their team came to our department for project work. I was really impressed with her conservative skills and simplicity.

Unexpectedly one day, I found one guy of her college misbehaving with Shreya. As she was crying, I warned that guy to behave properly next time. She thanked me.

That incident made us become closer to each other even we meet only before few days. Even after office time, we used to talk over the phone for more time.

I realized that she will leave in ten days. I wanted to take her for a date and propose her.

I made a call and informed her to meet at the restaurant. I send a message to that address. I was waiting for her but she didn't come to that place. Again I called her mobile many times, her mobile was switched off.

I went to the place where they were staying. I met one of her classmates and asked about Shreya. Her friend informed me that she went on a date with the same guy who misbehaved with her earlier. I didn't believe her words and went to check whether it was true or not.

My eyes didn't believe what I saw. She was talking and laughing with that same guy. I could not control my anger and asked what she was doing with that guy.

"Who are you to ask me?" she asked me in an arrogant tone.

" So, you don't know me right?" I questioned her.

" You are just my project guide nothing more than …." She replied turning her head. 

" Okay then…..bye" I left from that place.

The next day was the last day of the project. She tried to talk with me but I felt disgusted even to see her face.

She is a bitch.

*****Flashback end*******

" Your friend, Shreya plays with emotions of other people," Arvind Anna said.

" I hate her and I don't want to see her face again," he said seriously glaring at me.

" So you are the same person who she met in Hyderabad," I asked him.

" What do you mean?" he asked.

" Did you think at least once why she talked with that guy even she know he was the same person who misbehaved with her?" I asked Anna.

" No….I don't want to think about her anymore" he said rudely.

" Okay, it's your wish. But remember one thing, I like my friend and still belief whatever she does, they might be some reason. Bye," I said firmly.

When I was about to leave, Mr. Karthik was standing in the cabin and I was damn sure that he heard our whole conversation.

" So this was the reason, you were disturbed and drunk last night. Isn't it?" he asked Arvind Anna.

There was complete silence in the cabin. I looked at them confusingly.

" I will talk with you later. It's better if you stop this discussion here itself" Arvind Anna replied.

I looked at both of them and open the door. Still, my hand was on the doorknob.

" Wait Priya, it's already 9 at night. It's not safe to go alone and you already know what happened last night…..so Karthik will drop you at the hostel as he has to go to his apartment on the same route only" Arvind Anna stopped me.

" Can you drop my sister, Priya at her hostel?" he asked Karthik.

My mobile was ringing, it was from my friend, Shreya.

Shreya: hey DQ(drama queen) where are you? I am worried about you.

Priya: Hmmm. Still in office. Will start now.

Shreya: come soon, dear.

Priya: okay cupcake, don't worry. I will be soon.

"Wait Priya, Karthik will drop you" Arvind Anna stopped me.

I looked at Mr. Karthik whether he was willing to drop me or not.

" Shall we start?" he asked me holding his car keys.

" yes sir, we can start now and my friend is also anxious about me," I replied.

" Good night Anna, " I bid bye.

I followed Mr.karthik and seated silently in the front seat in the car.

"I am grateful to you sir as you agreed to drop me at hostel or else ….." I asked in a calm tone.

" First stop calling me sir. It's not an office. Another thing, it's my pleasure to travel with a beautiful lady like you" he chuckled.

I was shocked to hear such kind of words from him.

" call me Karthik or Karthi," he said with a bright smile.

I was astonished by his behavior and just looked at him with disbelief.

" Am I looking so handsome that you are not blinking your eyes?" he smirked.

The person I saw in the office was very different from now, I thought in my mind.

I rolled away from my eyes and smiled silly.

" Can you tell why your friend behaved weirdly last night?" Karthik asked me.

" why you are interested when Anna doesn't want to know about it?" I asked him.

" Because he was so disturbed after seeing your friend, Shreya. Last night, in drunken state Arvind, was murmuring her name…." he answered.

" I think we together sort-out their misunderstanding," he asked me.

" Hmmm… okay…" I said excitedly.

Stay tuned…

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