

What would you do if your lover breaks up with you and your world is shattered into a million pieces Well this is what Gaius would do................................... Follow the story of Gaius,an arrogant,egocentric and self absorbed man who acquires dark powers to lure any prey to fall for him in order to later break their hearts because of his past breakup , Cheyanne a qiurky,naive and girl ìn high school who is considered a nerd because of her behavior,coincidentally falls prey to Gaius "The beast" who she met at her high school Àfter having all the fun with her he finds out a shocking truth about her;His girlfriend was his ex girlfriend's daughter To find out more follow this intriguing story on how Gaius will find his way out of these love games

Lizzy_Ubabuko · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2:I'm taking a break

She knew what she would do,she decided to take a break;a break from Gaius.Mika decided that her life will not depend on Gaius or his actions.She didn't want to breakup with him,she just wanted to take a break from their relationship for a while.Mika decided that she would call him later and tell him about her decision. As Mika was lost in thoughts,she felt someone tap her shoulder and saw that it was Miley.Mika was so surprised when she saw Miley because Miley had travelled to France for the holidays. "Happy birthday,how did you celebrate your birthday, birthday girl?" When Miley said that,Mika immediately burst into tears.Miley consoled her and asked her what happened and she told Miley about the incidence with Gaius and then Miley said "I warned you about that Gauis guy but you didn't listen to me now you see what happened,the guy only wants you for your money". Mika told Miley about her plan to take a break with him and Miley just rolled her eyes and said"Since your birthday was ruined and it is still 3:00 in the afternoon why don't we go out, celebrate your birthday and have some fun" Mika stood up from her bed,wiped her tears and went to dress up for their outing. Mika came out from the bathroom and Miley was astonished when she saw her.She wore a yellow mini top and jeans bum short with a jeans jacket and a yellow canvas. Miley complemented her and then they left for their outing in the same amusement park that Mika and Gaius planned on going and Miley used Gaius tickets. They reached the amusement park and they started with the rides,they entered the roller coasters,merry go round and even the bouncy castle.They were done with all the rides and since they was a swimming pool they decided to swim.They rented bathing suits and went to swim."I think you should dive in the pool first since you are the birthday girl"Miley told Mika,"Ok if you say so coward" Mika replied,she got on the diving board and when she was about to dive into the water some water on the diving board slipped her and she fell into the pool. Aaaaaaaah Mika screamed as she fell into the pool,which caught the attention of a lot of people there,before a life guard could swoop in to save Mika,she found herself in the arms of someone. She opened her eyes and saw herself in the arms of a male figure,he had blonde,long hair with blue adorable eyes,a pointed nose,pink lips and white,soft, succulent skin.She also noticed his abs since he was shirtless,she was so amazed by what she saw. As she was still gazing at this handsome stranger her thoughts were interrupted by Miley who was so worried about her.Mika thanked the guy for saving her life and asked for his name and he introduced himself as Lucas Brown and she also introduced herself to him. Mika and lucas became friends but Mika already started developing a crush for Lucas.It was time for them to go home and Miley gave Mika a birthday present bid her goodbye and left while Lucas dropped Mika at her house Mika had a bath and then told Gaius her decision to have a break from their relationship.Gaius was devastated by the news, he knew that soon she would think of breaking up with Him,he could not just sit on his hands he had to do something.He had to come up with a plan.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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