
Chapter1: He broke my heart

She waited and waited and waited but he didn't show up. Hours felt like minutes to her, she kept on waiting but he didn't come. Mika had been waiting for Gaius,her boyfriend at the Amusement park,Gaius had promised her a day of fun at the amusement park for her birthday but he didn't show up Actually,the day before was Mika's birthday;First Gaius took her to a low class restaurant for her birthday and then he had to bail on her because his friend called him to come to his house for who knows why and now he didn't show up again Mika was really frustrated and as well disappointed in Gaius,she didn't expect this from Gaius especially on her birthday.She knew that Gaius was selfish but she didn't know it was up to this extent. She wasted her money to buy tickets for both of them but little did she know that he was not coming. Mika's family were rich while Gaius family were of the middle class but she still dated him.On his own birthday she took him to a five star restaurant and even bought him the latest sport car but this is what he does to her As Mika was still thinking about what happened Gaius called her and started giving flimsy excuses about why he didn't come,before he could finish speaking,Mika hung up the call and left the amusement park in tears. After Mika got home,she ran to her room and continued crying,she was unconsolable.She kept crying and crying until her face began to hurt. Gaius kept calling her but she kept calling her but she just ignored his calls. She had had enough from Gaius. By now she knew Gaius reason for dating her,he was dating her because of her money. She regretted not listening to her friend,Miley when she told her that poor guys could not be trusted because they only date rich girls for their money.She remembered when she kept arguing with Miley that Gaius is a different guy but now she realised that he wasn't any different. But now she knew what she was going to do,she was going to...................

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