
Love at first sight,but something went wrong

Kira_Love1992 · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Love at first sight!

First of all, my name is Kira. I'm a 6'11" tall female alien that had fallen in love with a human.

But my father, Lord Yukon. Was very displeased with me and my affections towards this human male. As I''m sitting next to my father I start to think of the human again.. So tall, sleek, muscles and not forget handsome as hell... *blushes*!

My father see's me blushing and told one of the guards to take me to the crystalists caves for my training.

I'm thinking "oh no! My father is going to try to get me to hate humans again". Well that ain't going to happen, because I am in love with one.

The guard asked me to join him to the caves.

Well I went with him. But he had to make a pit stop at his hole. While he was checking on his wife. I snuck away to the ships. I got onto one and there was my protector named Shakuri.

I asked her "what are she doing here"? She replied "I know you are going to go see that human boy and I'm coming with you".

So we both sat down and closed the door and was about to leave untill my father stepped out in front of the ship. Shakuri took over the controls because I was to afraid of hitting my father.

As we take off my father screams "If you leave now, your not welcomed back"! So we both just leave my whole world behind. It takes us close to a year to get to sector 4553B Earth from my home planet in sector 4552A Alfoh.

Well we had gotten there when it was still night out. We had found a deep cave to hide our ship in. We both passes out untill morning.