
Love at first sight,but something went wrong

Kira_Love1992 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Our Journey

I had awoken before Shakuri, so I started to make food for the both of us. I woke up Shakuri to tell her the food is done, but no movement from her. I screamed "Shakuri, tod marwe etsay tohchi" (means I need you today, in my native language) as silver tears runs down my face!

I'm bent over her still crying and I hear "why in the hell are you crying on me for"? from Shakuri. I popped up happy saying "sorry, I tried waking you but you didn't move or answer me. So I thought you had died"! Shakuri looks at me all confused and asks me "what the hell is wrong with you? You know when I sleep, I sleep in a deep meditation state. I don't hear or feel anything"! Then she sniffs the air with her stomach growling at her. She looks at me and says "let's eat before I get really mad"!

I say "ok"! So we both grab a bowl of Shigta (a mixture of meats and fruit) and sit down and eat. I ask very slowly "what are we wearing today after our transformations"?

She looks up at me with a small glare and says "I have everything picked out for the both of us, now finish your food before it goes into my stomach"! I quickly snatched up my meal and started to eat. But still ended up giving the rest to Shakuri anyways.

"Well now that we are done eating, I will clean the bowls. How about you go get cleaned up so I can help you get ready, ok"! Shakuri said nicely.

I knodded my head and headed towards the back of the ship where there was a popped up transformation room in it. I slipped into mine with ease and now I'm waiting for Shakuri to come in. I wasn't allowed to see myself yet because I was still naked!

After three minutes Shakuri finally shows up, she hands me my clothes over the devider wall. I start to put them on slowly. I hear Shakuri in her transformation pod changing too. Well she is done before me, I am completely dressed just to scared to come out of my transformation pod. Then I get the guts to finally come out to see myself in a mirror *blushing at myself* "man I'm so hot"!

As we get ready to leave the ship, Shakuri asks me "so where are we going"? I say "we are going to Washington DC first. He lives near by there and you will be able to meet him for the first time"!

As we leave the cave we see a whindy path with trees and beautiful flowers on both sides. I asked her "are you ready for our journey to start"? She looks at me and then the path, saying "no, but I'm here for you.. with a smile on her face"!